In 1936, Tokyo Dome started from a mere baseball field. The same company was drawn into Japan's entertainment scene, centering in the aqueduct area, then in 2016 it started its business strategy of creating new business.
Tokyo Dome Corporation, which started with just one baseball stadium in 1936, has been leading Japan's entertainment scene, centered around the Suidobashi area. Since 2016, the company has been focusing on creating new business ventures as part of its business strategy.
東京ドームは、本年度より新規事業を興す人々をテクノロジーの力でサポートするサービス「ACCEL PROGRAM for BIZ」を導入し、新規事業創出に繋がるアイディアのタネを集っていく。
Tokyo Dome, from this year, will introduce "Acceleration program for Biz" a service that give support using technological capabilities to people who are interested in new businesses, and will gather seeds of new ideas tied with the creation of new businesses.
Starting this fiscal year, Tokyo Dome has introduced the "ACCEL PROGRAM for BIZ," a service that supports individuals creating new businesses with the power of technology, and will gather seeds of ideas that lead to the creation of new ventures.
Nomura: Well, we were already advancing new business development before the spread of the novel coronavirus, but it's true that the necessity increased significantly once the pandemic hit. In reality, factors such as restrictions on going out, voluntary restraint on events and business operations, and a decrease in visitors due to limits on event attendance were the main factors for significant losses. Even if the coronavirus were to be brought under control, it would be difficult to return to the previous state. With this in mind, we began to consciously focus on transforming our business model with a view to medium- to long-term goals (= new business development).
Nomura: We had been advancing new business development even before the spread of COVID-19, but it's true that the necessity for it increased during the pandemic. Indeed, restrictions on going out, self-imposed restraints on events and business operations, and limits on the number of event attendees were the main factors that led to significant losses. Even if the pandemic were to subside, we surmised that returning to the previous state would be difficult, which led us to become more conscious of transforming our business model (i.e., new business development) with a view toward medium to long-term goals.
山本:TECHFUNDの「ACCEL PROGRAM for BIZ」導入前にも、社内でアクセラレーションプログラムを推進されていたのでしょうか。
Yamamoto:In the operation of the Doricam Project, were there any concerns or challenges?
Yamamoto: Were there any concerns or challenges in operating the Dream Project?