[日本語から英語への翻訳依頼] フランスの建築家兼デザイナーのBernard-Albin Gras(ベルナール・アルビン・グラ)が1921年に発表した「Lamp Gras」シリーズ。先進...

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nissyによる依頼 2021/12/21 22:34:51 閲覧 1464回
残り時間: 終了

フランスの建築家兼デザイナーのBernard-Albin Gras(ベルナール・アルビン・グラ)が1921年に発表した「Lamp Gras」シリーズ。先進的なデザインと機能美を合わせ持っており、20世紀の建築の巨匠である、ル・コルビュジエをも魅了したシリーズであることは有名です。コルビュジエは、自身のオフィスにもランプを使用しただけではなく、自身が手がけた世界中の数多くの建築プロジェクトでGras Lampシリーズを採用するほどに熱心なファンでもありました。

評価 53
翻訳 / 英語
- 2021/12/21 22:45:38に投稿されました
The Lamp Gras series was launched in 1921 by the French architect and designer Bernard-Albin Gras. The Lamp Gras series is famous for its combination of progressive design and functional beauty, which attracted Le Corbusier, one of the greatest architects of the 20th century. Not only did Le Corbusier use the lamp in his own office, but he was also an avid fan of the Gras Lamp series, which he used in many of his architectural projects around the world.
評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2021/12/21 22:53:03に投稿されました
The Lamp Gras series was introduced by French architect and designer Bernard-Albin Gras in 192
This series is famous for the combination of advanced design and functional beauty that even attracted Le Corbusier, a master of 20th century architecture. Le Corbusier was not only using the lamps in his office, but he was also a dedicated fan who used the Gras Lamp series in his many architectural projects around the world.
gooniekelly- 2年以上前
The Lamp Gras series was introduced by French architect and designer Bernard-Albin Gras in 1921.

また、建築家であるRobert Mallet-Stevens(ロベール・マレ=ステヴァンス)やEileen Gray(アイリーン・グレイ)、デザイナーのJacques Emile Ruhlmann(エイミール・ジャックス・リュールマン)にも愛されたシリーズであり、アーティストのSonia Delaunay(ソニア・ドローネ)やGeorges Braque(ジョルジュ・ブラック)は、スタジオでこのランプを使用していたそうです。

評価 44
翻訳 / 英語
- 2021/12/21 22:58:03に投稿されました
The series was also loved by architects Robert Mallet-Stevens and Eileen Gray, and designer Jacques Emile Ruhlmann. Artists Sonia Delaunay and Georges Braque used these lamps in their studios.
評価 53
翻訳 / 英語
- 2021/12/21 22:46:44に投稿されました
The series was also loved by architects Robert Mallet-Stevens, Eileen Gray and designer Jacques Emile Ruhlmann. The artists Sonia Delaunay and Georges Braque used these lamps in their studios.

一度は廃番となってしまったものの、2008年にDCW editionsにより復刻。現在もフランスをはじめ、アメリカや日本で注目集めている照明です。



評価 44
翻訳 / 英語
- 2021/12/21 22:58:42に投稿されました
It was once discontinued, but was revived by DCW editions in 2008. It is still attracting attention in France, the United States and Japan.

Elegant design ahead of the times

The ergonomic design was originally designed for industrial use. However, because of its advanced design, its exquisite balance of simplicity and style, and its excellent practicality, it soon became popular enough to be liked in houses.
評価 53
翻訳 / 英語
- 2021/12/21 22:47:27に投稿されました
Once discontinued, it was reissued by DCW editions in 2008. Today, it is still the focus of attention in France, the USA and Japan.

An elegant design ahead of its time

The ergonomic design of the lamp was originally intended for industrial use. However, its forward-thinking design, simple yet stylish balance and practicality soon made it a favourite in homes.



Lampe Grasシリーズのフロアランプ「LAMPADAIRE No.411」は、機能的で魅力的な関節式デザインを採用しており、基本形にはネジや溶接継手はありません。ダブルアームアームを備えており、各アームは回転可能。ランプシェードは、傾動可能です。

評価 44
翻訳 / 英語
- 2021/12/21 22:59:21に投稿されました
In addition, the universal design can be matched with any space such as natural, modern or contemporary.

functional beauty that can be seen from the details

The Lampe Gras series of floor lamps "LAMPADAIRE No. 411" features a functional and attractive articulated design with no screws or welded joints in the base. Equipped with double arm arms, each arm is rotatable. Lamp shade is tiltable.
評価 53
翻訳 / 英語
- 2021/12/21 22:48:03に投稿されました
The universality of the design means that it can be adapted to any space, whether natural, modern or contemporary.

Functional beauty in every detail

LAMPADAIRE No. 411, a floor lamp in the Lampe Gras series, has a functional and attractive articulated design, with no screws or welded joints in its basic form. It has a double arm arm, each arm being rotatable. The lampshade can be tilted.



評価 44
翻訳 / 英語
- 2021/12/21 22:59:57に投稿されました
Because it can be rotated in various directions, it is very flexible and can meet all needs. You can also use it as a lounge in a comfortable reading corner or as a bedside.

Bernard Alban Gras's rich talent and visionary design will continue to be loved by people through the ages.
評価 53
翻訳 / 英語
- 2021/12/21 22:48:21に投稿されました
It can be rotated in various directions, making it very flexible and adaptable to any need. It can be used to lounge in a cosy reading corner or as a bedside table.

Bernard Alban Gras's talent and foresight in design have made him a timeless favourite.
評価 44
翻訳 / 英語
- 2021/12/21 23:03:35に投稿されました
Since it can be rotated in various directions, it is extremely flexible and can meet all needs. It can also be used as a cozy reading corner lounge or bedside.

Bernard-Albin Gras' rich talent and forward-looking design is thought of a timeless and loved work.



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