Myojo Waraku: Japan’s Answer for SXSW Showcases 8 Startups From Around Asia
Last weekend in Fukuoka, Japan, there was a three-day event called Myojo Waraku, featuring all things tech, douga (meaning online videos in Japanese), games, and music.
The name comes from the idea of connecting potential tech stars in the region and making new connections. The city is often considered as a gateway for Japan to other Asian countries because its geographical proximity is much closer to Seoul and Shanghai than to Tokyo.
先週末、日本の福岡において、テック全般、動画(日本語でオンラインビデオという意味)、音楽をフィーチャーしたMyojo Warakuと呼ばれるイベントが3日間行われた。
Inspired by the concept of SXSW (South by Southwest) that happens annually in Austin, Texas, Masanori Hashimoto, the co-founder and CEO of Fukuoka-based tech company Nulab, wanted to hold such an event in Japan. His many friends and angel investor Taizo Son have joined forces to help, and the event finished with great success. There were more than 1,200 attendees, which is quite a remarkable number for the first-time event.
Panel discussion on Asian startup scene:
On day two of the event, I had an opportunity to moderate a 45-minute panel discussion with Taizo Son, Willis Wee (of our own Penn Olson), Serkan Toto (of TechCrunch), and Gang Lu (of Technode) who joined from Shanghai via Skype.
イベントの2日目、筆者は45分間のパネルディスカッションの司会を務めた。パネリストとして、孫泰蔵氏、Willis Wee氏(Penn Olson)、Serkan Toto氏(TechCrunch)が会場に出席し、Gang Lu氏(Technode)は上海からSkypeを通じて参加した。
イベントの二日目、孫泰蔵氏・Penn Olsonの仲間Willis Wee・TechCrunchのSerkan Toto・上海からスカイプ経由で参加したTechnodeのGang Luがパネリストとして参加する、45分間のパネルディスカッションの司会をする機会を得ました。
イベントの二日目、私は45分間のパネルディスカッションをソン・タイゾウ氏、Willis Wee氏(私達独自のPenn Olson)、Serkan Toto氏(Tech Crunchの)、Skype経由で上海から参加したGang Lu氏(Technode)と共に統轄する機会があった。
I asked the panel about Silicon Valley and whether they recommended Asian startups to go there, or anywhere else. In responding that, Willis noted “If we go to Silicon Valley, do we really know how the local market works? It requires a lot of time to learn it.” He added that “they should focus on the high potential of Asian market.”
Serkan explained most Japanese ‘techpreneurs’ would say they want to go abroad but that 99 percent will never do so. Willis says that Japan and China have big enough markets to feed them, so for 95 percent of local startups it’s not necessary to go abroad. Gang and Willis agreed that startups should launch their business in Asia rather than in the U.S., because the region has a high potential.
The following videos were taken by Zenpre, which will give you an idea of what this event was like.
Pitches were made by three startups from Fukuoka, one from Hong Kong, two from Singapore, and two from Tokyo.
GlueCast (Fukuoka) – Pitched by Kota Sakoda
Gluecast is a simple, web-based, video chat application that allows users to communicate with others as if they were chatting in a common place.
The app was developed by Fukuoka-based freelance programmer Kota Sakoda. As many of our readers know, we already have a variety of video chat solutions such as Skype and Google+.
GlueCast(福岡)ー 発表者:迫田 孝太
GlueCast はシンプルなウェブベースのビデオチャットアプリケーションで、ユーザーは、普通に人々と会話をする感覚でコミュニケーションをとることができる。
このアプリは、福岡を拠点とするフリーランス・プログラマーの 迫田 孝太氏により開発された。我々の多くの読者が知ってのとおり、我々は Skype や Google+ など、様々なビデオチャットサービスを既に活用している。
However, he would like to make it possible even for elderly people to communicate with their grandchildren who might live far away. The app requires no software installation but just works with a flash-enabled web browser. Organizers of the event – some in Tokyo and others in Fukuoka – had been using the app for discussing and preparation.
Oooi (Fukuoka) – pitched by Kenji Matsuoka
Oooi is a smartphone app that allows users to share real-time location with their friends. The app was co-developed by Kyushu University’s assistant professor Yutaka Arakawa, and won the first prize at Startup Weekend Fukuoka that took place last August.
Oooi おーい(福岡)— 発表者:マツオカケンジ
Oooi(お~い)(福岡)ー 発表者:松岡謙治
Oooi (お~い)は、スマートフォンのアプリで、ユーザーは友達と、リアルタイムで位置シェアリングを行うことができる。九州大学の荒川豊助教授との共同開発により構築され、昨年8月に開催されたスタートアップウィークエンド福岡のイベントで優勝したアプリである。
Oooiはスマートフォンアプリで、ユーザーが友達とリアルタイムで位置を共有できる。アプリは九州大学の助教授のアラカワ・ユタカ氏によって共同開発され、昨年8月に開かれたStartup Weekend Fukuokaで一位を勝ち取った。
If you travel somewhere with someone, for sightseeing or shopping, you might want to visit your favorite places alone, and later meet up with your travel pals again.
This app helps by creating an event within the app and participating with your travel-mates, so that you will never miss your meeting point. If you’re late to arrive, your friends will be notified of your current location, thus letting them know you’re on the way.
Switcheroo (Fukuoka) – pitched by Shinya Miyazaki
Switcheroo is an iPhone app that encourages users to barter with other users. Miyazaki-based social app developer Aratana Lab invented this app, and it’s now available in the US app store. (Though not available in the Japanese app store currently)
Conventional ways of bartering bring problems, such as finding a person you can barter with. The app has a unique way to find people to trade with, by combining your Facebook social graph and the app’s interest graph which has been generated by user behaviors.
Switcheroo β from switcheroo on Vimeo.
Vimeoで紹介されている「Switheroo β」
iPhone アプリの Switcheroo は、ユーザーがその他のユーザーと物々交換を行うことができるアプリである。宮崎を拠点にしたソーシャルアプリディベロッパーのアラタナ研究所がこのアプリを発案し、そしてこのアプリ、今では米国のアプリストアで入手可能となっている(現時点では日本国内のアプリストアでは取り扱っていない)。
ありきたりな物々交換の方法では、物々交換できる人を探し出すことなど、いくつかの問題に対面する。このアプリでは、取引を行う人を探し出すためのユニークな方法を取り入れており、それは、Facebook のソーシャルグラフとユーザーの行動などから生成された当アプリの関心グラフを組み合わせたものである。
以下は、Vimeo 上の Switcheroo による Switcheroo β の動画である。
Switchrooは、ユーザーに他のユーザーと物々交換する事を奨励するiPhoneアプリである。宮崎ベースのソーシャルアプリデベロッパーのAratana Labはこのアプリに投資し、それは今アメリカのアプリストアにおいても取り扱っている。
SwitchrooからSwitcherooβ のビデオ
OneSkyApp (Hong Kong) – Pitched by Loki Ng
OneSkyApp is a web-based translation platform that helps app developers localize their product into many languages, in partnership with crowd-based translation workforces and translation agencies worldwide. You can read more about the startup here.
Sageby (Singapore) – Pitched by Bryan Maguire Chia and George Chen
Sageby is a platform that allows users to monetize their spare time. For instance, if you’re waiting for your meal at a restaurant, you will be able to obtain rewards by just filling out a survey form. When you take a cab and go somewhere, the same will be possible during the drive. They’re looking for potential partnership with local cab companies and restaurant chains in Japan, in addition to their efforts in Singapore.