[日本語から英語への翻訳依頼] 與 真司郎トークショーでのグッズ販売の詳細発表!! 販売グッズ 【MALULANI HAWAIIコラボブレスレット】 HP:http://malul...

この日本語から英語への翻訳依頼は anna_claba さん natsu26 さん [削除済みユーザ] さん kinoko_bahasa さん amarone95 さん ayanova_99 さんの 6人の翻訳者によって翻訳され、合計 14件の翻訳が投稿されました。 依頼の原文の文字数は 1439文字 で、翻訳完了までにかかった時間は 2時間 37分 です。

nakagawasyotaによる依頼 2015/06/23 19:27:40 閲覧 2099回
残り時間: 終了

與 真司郎トークショーでのグッズ販売の詳細発表!!




評価 51
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/06/23 21:06:29に投稿されました
Detail for sale of products at Shinjiro Atae's talk show has announced! !

Products for sale
[MALULANI HAWAII collaboration bracelet]
HP: http:? //malulani.info/ Mode = f24
(Sale on Internet has been finished.)

6/20 (Sat.)
[Part One] talk show: 11: 00 ~
[Part Two] talk show: 15:00
Venue: Westin Nagoya Castle

6/21 (Sun.)
[Part One] talk show: 13:00 ~
[Part Two] talk show: 17:00 ~
Venue: KKR Hotel Hakata 2F Sirius
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/06/23 21:12:42に投稿されました
Detailed of goods sales at Atae Shinjiro's talk show revealed!!

Sales goods
[MALULANI HAWAII Collaboration-Bracelet]
HP; http://malulani.info/?mode=f24
The internet shipping was closed.

June 20th (Sat)
[1st stage] talk show ; 11:00
[2nd stage] talk show; 15:00
Place; Westin Nagoya castle

June 21st (Sun)
[1st stage] talk show ; 13:00
[2nd stage] talk show; 17:00
Place; KKR Hotel HAKATA 2F Sirius
評価 53
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/06/23 20:05:17に投稿されました
Merchandise details announced for Atae Shinjiro's talk show event!

MALULANI HAWAII Collaboration Bracelet
Site: http://malulani.info/?mode=f24
(Online sales have concluded)

20th June (Sat)
【First Segment】Talk Show: Starting 11:00
【Second Segment】Talk Show: Starting 15:00
Venue: The Westin Nagoya Castle

21st June (Sun)
【First Segment】Talk Show: Starting 13:00
【Second Segment】Talk Show: Starting 17:00
Venue: Room 'Sirius' 2nd Floor of KKR Hotel Hakata



●当日はチケットがある方のみへの販売とさせていただきます。 チケットをお持ちでないお客様が会場へいらっしゃってもご購入いただけませんので予めご了承ください。

評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/06/23 22:26:08に投稿されました
Those who have a ticket of the talk show can buy them.
After the talk show, all the purchasers can enter the hand-shake and two-shot picture of mobile phone event.

Please notice that you must read the detail below.

[Goods Sales on the Talk Show Venue]
-The goods will start to be sold in advance from around 13:30, the 1st door open time, but there is a possibility that the schedule can be changed depending on that day's circumstance.
-Those who have a ticket can buy them in that day. If you come to the venue without a ticket, you cannot buy them. Please understand that beforehand.
評価 53
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/06/23 20:16:38に投稿されました
Merchandise will only be sold to customers with the talk show event ticket.
For all of whom have purchased the merchandise, there will be a handshake and picture-taking event after the talk show has concluded.

Please read the details below.
- The initial sales of the bracelets are scheduled to begin an hour and a half before the first segment of the talk shows is set to begin. However, depending on the circumstances, this time may be adjusted accordingly on the day.
- On the day, the bracelets will only be sold to customers who have a ticket to the show. Please understand that the bracelets will no be sold to those without tickets.

●トークショーチケット1枚につき1個までの購入制限とさせていただきます。(握手会参加券はチケット1枚につき1枚のお渡しとなります。 また数に限りがありますので予めご了承くださいませ。)

評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/06/23 21:52:14に投稿されました
- Both first and second segment customers can purchase the goods from the pre-sale booth mentioned above.
- There is a purchase limit of one item per one talk show ticket. (One ticket will be given per one hand shake participation ticket. Please be noted that there is limited number of sales item.)
- Please be warned that we may stop the sales temporarily if any occasion arises at the venue.
評価 53
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/06/23 20:23:28に投稿されました
- Customers with tickets to both the first and second segments are able to purchase the bracelets during the initial sales.
- The purchase of the bracelets will be limited to one per show ticket. (One handshake event ticket will be given out per show ticket. Please understand that these are limited.)
- Please understand that sales may be temporarily stopped according to the circumstances of the venue.

●会場周辺での徹夜等、周辺施設や住民の方々へのご迷惑となる行為は、固くお断りいたします。 また、列での待ち合わせ(いわゆる横はいり)は他のお客様へのご迷惑となりますのでご遠慮ください。 お客様同士のトラブルに関しては責任を負いかねます。


評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/06/23 22:42:28に投稿されました
-Any actions to trouble near places or people living in the neighborhood, such as waiting near the venue all night, are strictly prohibited. And, assemble in the row (cut in the line) will make a trouble for other audience and please refrain it. We cannot be responsible for the customers' trouble.

[Shame (taking a picture by mobile phone) event and hand-shake event]
*The event targets for a camera of mobile phone, so using the digital camera is prohibited. Please notice that those who do not have a mobile phone in that day cannot take a picture.
評価 53
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/06/23 20:37:32に投稿されました
- Actions that may cause disturbance towards surrounding residences and buildings - such as lining up overnight at the venue - is strictly prohibited. Additionally, please refrain from jumping the queue by meeting in line as it may bother other customers. We do not take responsibility in disputes between customers.

【Handshake Event and Photo-taking Event Precautions】
*As this is for mobile phone photos, digital cameras will not be allowed for the photo-taking event. Please understand that customers whom do not have their mobile phones on the day will not be allowed to take photos.


当日、「MALULANI HAWAIIコラボブレスレット」をご購入いただいたお客様対象に、イベント終了後に握手&ツーショット写メ会を開催いたします。

評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/06/23 22:49:24に投稿されました
*Any actions, including hugging or touching the artist and indicating excessively the pose, are refrained.

[Hand-Shake for Goods Purchaser]
Those who will purchase "MALULANI HAWAII Collaboration Bracelet" in that day can enter the hand-shake and two-shot picture of mobile phone event after the talk show.
(One having the 1st period ticket can enter after the 1st period finishes, and one having the 2nd period ticket can enter after the 2nd period finishes.)
評価 53
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/06/23 20:47:58に投稿されました
* Please refrain from behavior such as clinging onto, touching and/or asking extreme posing towards the musician.

【About the Purchase of Merchandise and the Handshake Event】
For those whom have purchased the 'MALULANI HAWAII Collaboration Bracelet' on the day, a handshake and photo-taking event will take place after the talk show.
(The event will be held after the first segment for those with tickets to the first segment, and will also be held after the second segment for those with tickets to the second segment.)


評価 53
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/06/23 19:55:06に投稿されました
One ticket for the handshake event will be provided for each ticket for the main event, which must be provided when you purchase merchandise.
*The event ticket will be stamped after being checked and returned along with the handshake event ticket.
*Only one handshake event ticket will be given out per person per main event ticket.
*Each person may only part-take in the handshake event once for each handshake event ticket.
natsu26- 9年以上前
One ticket for the handshake event will be provided for each show ticket, which must be provided when you purchase the bracelet.
*The main show ticket will be stamped after being checked and returned along with the handshake event ticket.
*Only one handshake event ticket will be given out per person per main show ticket.
*Each person may only part-take in the handshake event once for each ticket.

評価 57
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/06/23 21:34:27に投稿されました
One handshake ticket will be handed for a ticket. Please have the ticket with you when you purchase goods.
※After reviewing the ticket, one handshake ticket will be handed as well as the back side of the ticket will be stamped.
※One handshake ticket will be handed for a ticket per one person.
※One handshake ticket will allow you to participate in a handshake event once.

※握手会参加券を紛失されますと握手会にご参加いただけませんので紛失されません様ご注意ください。 (握手会参加券は紛失/盗難/破損等、いかなる理由でも再発行はしませんので予めご了承ください。)

評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/06/23 22:04:28に投稿されました
* In case of lost ticket, you will not be able to participate in the hand shake event. Please make sure that you don't lose your ticket. (Please note that we will not reissue the handshake ticket for any reason such as lost, stolen, damaged ticket.)
* You will not be able to give letters or presents directly to the artist at the hand shake event. Please leave them with the staff in advance.
* Please be noted that the distribution for the hand shake ticket will end as soon as the product sells out.
* We will not be selling former goods this time (Nagoya and Fukuoka). Thank you for your understanding in advance.
評価 53
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/06/23 21:01:39に投稿されました
* Customers who have misplaced their handshake event ticket will be unable to part-take in the event, so be aware not to misplace the handshake ticket. (Please note that the handshake event ticket will not be reissued under any circumstance, including lost, stolen or damaged tickets.)
* Presents and letters cannot be given directly to the musician during the handshake event. Please hand them to a member of the staff beforehand.
* Please note that once the bracelets have sold out, the administration of handshake tickets will also be stopped.
* Please note that previous merchandise will not be sold at these events (Nagoya and Fukuoka).



  • Word、Excel、PowerPointなど様々なファイル形式に対応
  • 文字数の上限がなく、素早い納品
  • よりスキルの高い翻訳者が担当
