High tech homework on the cloud with MathSpace
Homework should not be boring, even if it’s about Math. MathSpace’s high tech tools make it easier for students to learn and for teachers to track progress.
MathSpace emerged as the most promising startup at Echelon Ignite in Australia earlier this month, and will be one of the top 10 startups that will pitch at Echelon this June 4th to 5th. e27 got in touch with co-founder and CEO Mohamad Jebara to get updates on the cloud-based learning platform. Mohamad says that the team has had a healthy start so far and is currently raising an investment round.
オーストラリア企業Echelon Igniteの最も有望なスタートアップとして今月誕生したMathSpaceは、今月6月4日から5日にかけてEchelonでピッチされるスタートアップのトップ10のひとつなるとみられる。e27では、このクラウドベースのラーニングプラットフォームの最新情報を入手するため、共同創業者兼CEOのMohamad Jebara氏にコンタクトをとった。Mohamad Jebara氏によると、担当チームは順調な滑り出しを見せ、現在は出資を募る段階にあるという。
MathSpaceはオーストラリアにあるEchelon Ignite の最も有望な新規事業として今月登場し、今年6月の4日から5日にはEchelonが行う新規事業のうちトップ10に入るものとなる。e27は共同設立者でありCEOのモハマド・ジェバラ氏に連絡をとり、このクラウドベースの学習プラットフォームについて最新情報を手に入れている。モハマド氏によると、開発チームは今のところ順調なスタートを切り、現在は資金を集めているところだという。
Just like Quick Language Learning, which we earlier featured, MathSpace is also a technology-driven learning program that helps secondary school students learn the increasingly complex concepts of mathematics. According to Mohamad, they are specifically targeting this group, as “Math starts to get more complicated and one-line response are simply not enough.”
The concept is fairly straightforward. “Mathspace combines the mathematics textbook, the student’s workbook and the teacher’s mark book into a single cloud-based application allowing students to answer Math problems step-by-step and providing help at any step they get stuck along the way.” By helping teachers keep track of their students’ progress, the application can save them hours of effort every week, which empowers them to focus their teaching on high impact areas.
MathSpace offers one-click access to reports, as well as analysis that can help assess an individual’s strengths and weaknesses. All assignments are marked step-by-step and results are stored on the cloud, which makes it easy for all parties involved to keep track of students’ development.
The value added here is that MathSpace’s proprietary technology collects trends and data from multiple points of the intermediate steps from every question. “In time this data can be used to personalise the learning experience for each individual.”
No stranger to numbers
The MathSpace team is no stranger to numbers, with most of them coming from academic and finance backgrounds. Mohamad himself was formerly a partner at a leading derivatives trading firm in Australia and has led a team of 20 traders across the region. Chairman Chris Velis, UK CEO Tim Stirrup and Head of Curriculum Erin Gallagher have backgrounds from the academe. Meanwhile, CTO Alvin Savoy has had a decade of experience as a developer at web startups.
MathSpaceのチームは数字に強く、ほとんどのメンバーが相応の学歴と金融のバックグラウンドを持っている。Mohamad氏自身も以前はオーストラリアにあるデリバティブ取引のリーディングカンパニーのパートナーを務め、地域をまたがる20人のトレーダーからなるチームを率いていた。会長のChris Velis、英国CEOのTim Stirrup、そしてカリキュラム担当主任のErin Gallagherは学術的なバックグラウンドがある。一方、CTOのAlvin Savoyはウェブスタートアップの開発者として10年の経験を有する。
MathSpaceのチームは算数を知らないわけではなく、ほとんどのメンバーには学問や財務のバックグラウンドがある。Mohamad氏自身、以前はオーストラリアのデリバティブ取引会社でパートナーを務め、その地域で20人のトレーダーから成るチームのリーダーをしていた。会長のChris Velis氏、イギリスでのCEOであるTim Stirrup氏、Head of CurriculumであるErin Gallagher氏には学問のバックグラウンドがある。一方、CTOのAlvin Savoy氏にはウェブ上のスタートアップにおけるディベロッパーとして10年の経験がある。
What brings them together is their love for math, and their admission that not everyone attacks problems in the same way. “Imagine a world where every student gets delivered a learning experience based on their ability, their learning style and their progress. With our back-end step-by-step approach we have the opportunity to do this like no one has done it before.”
Adding it all up
MathSpace earns from annual licensing, and Mohamad shares that figures, so far, have been encouraging. When MathSpace launched its application in 2012, they had a 20 percent conversion rate from trials to subscriptions. With their launch of the iPad app this year, the conversion rate rose to 80 percent, with four out of five partner schools that trial the app actually purchasing a subscription.
As an addition to its courseware, MathSpace is also looking to crowdsource video lessons created by teachers, which will be a free service for users.
Being whizzes at math, the MathSpace team also has its capital needs covered. “We are in the middle of a round now. We’ve raised half of the amount and are interested in getting strategic investors to participate in the remainder.”
MathSpace is among the top 10 startups from around the region pitching at Echelon this year. Will it all add up for this team of passionate educators who really know their numbers? Join us this June 4th and 5th and see if winning the top prize is in the equation for the MathSpace team.
MathSpaceは今年Echelonでピッチするその地域のスタートアップのうちトップ10に入るものだ。数学に詳しい情熱的な教育者が集まったこのチームにとって、これは計算通りだろうか? 今年6月の4日と5日にここへ来て、1位を勝ち取ることはMathSpaceのチームの方程式に組み込まれているのかチェックしてほしい。