CocCoc, Another Big Vietnamese Search Engine is Here
On January 30th, CocCoc, a new Vietnamese search engine, arrived on the scene. It’s the second big homegrown Vietnamese search engine to appear in the past three months. And by big, I mean:
Well, including search raters and other staff, we have about 400 people. Five in marketing, four in accounting. You can safely assume that the rest is a technical team.
That’s Victor Lavrenko, CEO at CocCoc. The project, which started two years ago, has been in closed development until very recently. Since inception, the project has burned over US$15 million, with most of the 400 person staff working full time. The new search engine looks to take on the incumbent and the competitor that came out last November.
Russian roubles
Victor is from Russia. So are another 40 engineers in the team. These engineers have had experience battling Google back home in Russia, getting up to even 20 to 25 percent of the search queries in Russia through native search engine, Nigma. So they felt confident enough to fully enter the Vietnamese market. The company is mainly funded by Russian venture capitalists like Digital Sky Technologies, who also invested in Facebook early on.
Edit: Nigma did not secure 20 to 25 percent of the market but decided to move its energies to Vietnam.
CocCoc is actually a spin-off from projects back home, Victor explains to TechinAsia:
Lavrenko氏はロシアの出身で、同チームのエンジニア40人もロシア出身だ。この40人のエンジニアは故郷のロシアでGoogleと競い合った経験を持っていて、(Nigmaというロシアの検索エンジンを通じて、ロシア国内の検索市場の最大20〜25%のシェア率さえも確保した)。だから、ベトナム市場への完全参入には十分な自信を感じていた。同社は主に、ロシアのベンキャーキャピタリストからの支援を受けている。そのなかには、以前にFacebookにも出資をしているDigital Sky Technologies社も含まれている。
編集:Nigmaは市場のシェア率20〜25% を確保しなかったが、ベトナム市場への参入に同社のエネルギーを向けることに決めた。
Lavrenko氏はロシア出身だ。そして、同チームの40人のエンジニアもロシア出身である。このエンジニアたちはロシアでGoogleとシェア争いを繰り広げ、ネイティブ検索エンジンNigmaによって、ロシア内での検索クエリの20から25パーセントを獲得したという経験を持つ。そこから、彼らはベトナム市場に完全に参入して十分に勝算があると考えたのだ。同社は主に、Digital Sky Technologiesのようなロシアのベンチャーキャピタリストから出資を受けている。Digital Sky Technologiesは以前、Facebookにも投資している。
Victor氏はロシア人だ。チームの40人のエンジニアも同じだ。このエンジニア達は故郷のロシアでGoogleと戦った経験がある。自国製サーチエンジンNigmaで、ロシアの検索クエリーの20から25%を奪った。だから彼らはベトナム市場に完全に進出するだけの自信があった。同社は主に、初期のFacebookに投資したDigital Sky Technologiesのような、ロシアのベンチャーキャピタルから資金援助を受けている。
追記: Nigmaは市場の20-25%は確保していなかったが、ベトナムに力を入れることに決めた。
It comes from an experimental search engine in Russia, It gave us good experience and a good team. Second, we’re not just a startup with an idea or a weak prototype. We already have the engine and many experts, including current and former Google employees, and are quite enthusiastic about our search quality.
For example, the top Vietnamese guy at Google, Christopher Nguyen, thinks that in 92 percent of the navigational queries – when you search for a particular website – we’re the same or better than Google. Also, we have lots of very experienced individuals. About 10 people are from the leading Russian search engine Yandex that beat Google 3:1 by market share in Russia. The head of our web search team is the guy who created the first Russian search engine.
It was later killed by an ISP that bought it out, so he did it for a second time with, and now it has about 10 percent market share – it’s not much, but quite comparable to Google’s 20 percent. And he had only $700,000, so the project was underfinanced, but he still got quite good results. I myself was a co-founder of, as a CTO, which is now a $7 billion company traded on the London Stock Exchange.
Other Russian roots can also be seen in the afore-mentioned other newcomer, Wada, which launched in November last year, and which is built on search technology from Ashmanov and Partners.
Search me for a reason why Russians are getting involved in Vietnamese search engines.
The Mechanics of CocCoc
CocCoc means “Knock Knock” in Vietnamese and signifies the team’s sensitivity to the Vietnamese language. Victor stresses that his new search engine “better understand Vietnamese linguistics, and rarely produce irrelevant results …. At least that’s our goal.”
CocCocはベトナム語で「ノック、ノック」と言う意味で、同チームがベトナム語に敏感なことを示している。Lavrenko氏は、この新しい検索エンジンはベトナム語を「よりよく理解し、無関係な検索結果を表示することがめったにない ——少なくとも、それが私達の目標ですが——」と強調している。
CocCocとはベトナム語で「Knock Knock(トントンというノックの音)」を意味しており、同チームがベトナムの言語に対する敏感さを表している。Lavrenko氏は、その新たな検索エンジンが「ベトナムの言語をしっかりと理解し、そして無関係な結果はめったに表示されない…少なくともこれが私たちの目標です」と強調する。
For the nerdy folks out there, I had to ask Victor what specifically makes CocCoc better than Google’s search mechanics. According to Victor, since Google crawlers are outside Vietnam, its links are weak. CocCoc has two billion pages indexed so far in-country, he claims, so its numbers are more up to date. But the Vietnamese language is the trickiest area, and it has proven to be a hard nut for Google to crack. Victor explains the linguistic minefield:
Well, it’s easy to explain the specifics using our name as an example. You may notice that it has a space within the word Ed: Though not when we type it! because Vietnamese words are written by syllables. They used Chinese characters before, and the principle is one Chinese character for one syllable. So usually words consist of two or more syllables. Even if a word is a one-syllable term, there is a so called “pairness tendency” in Vietnamese language – they will add a stop word or the syllable with the same meaning just to avoid telling the single syllable.
Another specific is diacritics. There are two dimensions of diacritics in Vietnamese. The first dimension – is a pronunciation type – e.g. “o” can be just “o” or ”ô” or ”ơ”. The second dimension is tones. It can be “o” or ”ó” or ”ỏ” or ”ò” or ”õ” or ”ọ”. So altogether we have 18 combinations for all the Vietnamese vowels.