The end result was that there was not, and will never be, a second twenty minutes of playing.Still I’m not the target audience, and supposedly the game got rave reviews from Chinese gamers while it was in closed beta. Now that it’s out in the open for anyone to try, though, we’ll see what the larger community really thinks of it.
China’s Internet Population to Double US and Japan Combined by 2015So we received a really interesting research report about China digital space from Boston Consulting Group. I have gone through the report several times, and there are many breathtaking numbers. But the charts that caught my attention are the ones below. One of which estimated that by 2015, China will have nearly twice the number of internet users as U.S and Japan combined.
On China’s internet usage, entertainment and social networking (games, music, downloads, weibo, QQ) is still the number one reason why Chinese get sucked into the web. On average a Chinese internet user spends more than three hours consuming online videos. Instant messaging is also at three hours each week. In comparison, an average Chinese user spends just 1.1 hour on email each week. Weibo-ing and social networking activities accounts for 1.7 hours of an average user’s time each week. Weibo has been growing like a weed over the past few years.
BCG also conveniently segments Chinese internet users in eight different groups. So business development and marketing folks, here is some handy information to make segmenting and targeting a little easier:In summary, the internet realm in China is huge and still growing. This is, by now, a pretty cliched statement, but there’s really no other way to put it. And everyone, whether they are domestic or international players, wants a piece of the action! We encourage you to click over to BCG’s site and check out the report in its entirety to find out more.
It remains unclear what the cause of the outage was, and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has yet to offer an explanation. Personally, I think it’s starting to look like maybe this really was a test of a new government “kill switch” that would allow it to quickly block access to all foreign websites and disrupt the use of VPNs that previously made it possible to circumvent China’s internet censorship system.
The fact that some small VPN providers weren’t blocked and continued to operate as usual seems to indicate that bigger VPNs were probably targeted intentionally, since a real infrastructure disconnect between China and the rest of the world would block all VPN traffic, not just traffic from more well-known VPN services.
In light of the recent upheaval in China’s leadership and the upcoming Party congress that will decide who leads the country for the next generation, it makes some sense that the government might be interested in an emergency off button in case something gets out of hand. But it now also knows that if it does block overseas sites wholesale, it will probably have to deal with significant blowback from Chinese net users, many of whom were quite upset about yesterday’s fairly short outage.
中国の指導者交代に伴う最近の動乱、そして次の指導者を決める党会議が近づいていることを考えると、国が収拾のつかない事態に落ちいった場合のために政府が緊急遮断スイッチを準備しているかもしれないことは充分に考えられる。だが、政府もまた、もし外国のサイトを大規模にブロックすれば、それこそ中国のネットユーザーの大規模な反動に対処しなければならないことは分かっている。 昨日発生した比較的短時間のネット接続障害には、多くのネットユーザーが怒りの声をあげている。
That makes sense, as Tianji has been enjoying accelerating growth, picking up new members at a rate of 500,000 per month and now clocking in at over ten million total users. That may not sound like much compared to Renren or Sina Weibo, but Tianji is actually the largest professional social network in China. Tianji reps told me that the investment would be used to bolster the service’s technology and UI, increase marketing, and improve sales performance.
それも分からなくもない。Tianji は急速な成長をしており、毎月の新規登録者数は50万人で、登録ユーザー数は1000万人を超えている。Renren(人人網)やSina Weibo(新浪微博)の数字と比べれば、さほど大きな数字ではないが、Tianji は中国で最大のビジネスソーシャルネットワークである。Tianji の社員によると、資金は同社のテクノロジーやユーザーインタフェース(UI)を強化するために活用し、マーケティングを向上し業績を増大するとのことだ。
It’s good to see that Viadeo is placing such importance on its China expansion (we happen to think China is pretty important too). We’ll have to see whether these big buckets of cash — I assume the investment will be conveyed to Tianji in buckets — will have an impact on the service’s growth over the coming year.
Viadeo が中国での事業拡大を重要視しているのはよいことだ(私達も中国は重要だと考えている)。この巨額の資金が(Tianjiに割り当てられると予測してのことだが)、同社の今後の成長にどんな影響を与えるのかが楽しみだ。
Taobao which all these sites counted on launched a succession of its own approaches to social shopping to tap into the trend, which could be the major threat to services like Meilishuo and Mogujie. So at least for now, social commerce is still in the experimenting stage, at least in China.
これらすべてのサイトが頼りにしている Taobao(淘宝)は、一連の独自のソーシャルショッピングサイトをローンチしこのトレンドを利用している。これは Meilishuo や Mogujie などのサービスにとっては脅威になりかねない。だから、少なくとも今のところ、ソーシャル・コマースは未だ実験な段階にあるのだ ー 少なくとも中国では。
55Tuan Taking over Ganji Group Buying, the Chinese classified site announced yesterday to cede operation of its group buying business to, another bigger player in the market.The move shouldn’t be a big surprise and definitely doesn’t come out of blue since earlier last month, the Beijing-based company was rumored to cut off its group buying arm. Though Yang Yonghao, founder and CEO of Ganji later rebuffed the claim saying the business would be retained while some staff would be transferred to serve its new short accommodation service, a focus shifting in its product lines.
55Tuan、Ganji の共同購入事業を収得中国の広告サイト赶集網)は昨日、同社の共同購入事業を業界大手の団網) に譲渡することを発表した。これはそんなに驚くほどのニュースではないし、急に降って湧いた話でもない。というのも、先月の始めに、 が共同購入事業を手放すという噂が流れたからだ。だが、後にGanji の創設者兼CEO の Yang Yonghao 氏がその噂をはねつけ、共同購入事業は維持するが、スタッフの中には同社の新規事業(重点事業の転換)である短期アパート賃貸サービスの に移動するものもいると述べた。
Neither Ganji nor 55Tuan elaborates how the tie-up works exactly. Will there be any upcoming downsizing, or how they share the revenue or else. And although the two deemed it as a “strategic cooperation”, but it didn’t totally rule out the possibility that 55Tuan might want to outright buy out the business.A report out lately by, the group buying market observer, Ganji group buying business made it to the Top 10 Chinese group buying services by sales with a transaction volume of RMB 47.2 million in January of this year, but came in 10th in the list, lagged behind its arch rival 58’s group buying business (8th, RMB 75.5 million).
Ganji も 55Tuan もこれがどういうタイアップなのかについては説明をしていない。今後、人員削減があるだろうか?両社はどのようにして収益などを分配するのだろうか?また、両社はこの提携を「戦略的提携」と見ているが、55Tuan が同事業の完全買収を考えているかもしれないという可能性も拭いきれない。共同購入ビジネスを観察する団800団購導航) が最近発表したレポートでは、今年の1月にGanji の共同購入ビジネスは売上高4,720万人民元で中国の業界トップ10 にランクインしているが、ランキングは10位で、強敵 の共同購入ビジネスから大きく引き離されている( は売上高7,550万人民元で第8位)。
As Ganji is selling off relatively irrelevant business, 58, the arch rival of Ganji actually implied that it would step up the daily deal business with more resources.In last year’s group buying frenzy, numerous Chinese Internet companies flocked into the market, including Ganji, 58, 360buy, Dianping and even portal sites like Sohu and Sina. As the so-called winter came and many group buying services are struggling, we can expect to see more mergers in the market.
Ganji が比較的関連性の低いビジネスを売却する一方で、強敵 58 は Ganji が同ビジネスを売却することでリソースが増え共同購入ビジネスを強化できると実際に言及している。昨年の共同購入の熱狂で、中国の数多くのインターネット企業、例えば Ganji、58、360buy(京東商城)やDianping(点評)、そしてポータルサイトの Sohu(捜狐)や Sina(新浪)までもが、そのマーケットに集まった。そして今、いわゆる冬(厳しい時)が訪れ、多くの共同購入サイトが苦戦している。同業界では今後も統合する企業が出てくると思われる。
Augmented Reality Helps Eye DoctorsMany augmented reality (AR) applications have been used in marketing and promotional campaigns to add a ‘cool’ factor. But AR indeed has many more far reaching and practical use cases. The medical and educational world can now utilize AR to quickly see and understand very detailed human body muscles. I can imagine many schools and hospitals using cost effective AR technology to teach doctors in training to make learning more interactive.
A company called ARworks has prepared a scientific AR application for Top Gear Promotions in the United Arab Emirates, to demonstrate the working of Rabinizumab, an eye medical procedure developed to cure certain kinds of eye dysfunctions on a virtual eyeball.The app runs on iOS and Android and was specially made for eye professionals to see how the medical procedure of a syringe being inserted into eyeball heals the root of the problem.
ARworksという企業は、アラブ首長国連邦の Top Gear Promotions (TGP)向けに科学を応用したARアプリを制作し、ある種の目の疾患を治療するために開発されたラビニズマムの仕組みを仮想の眼球を用いて描写している。iOS および Android で利用できるこのアプリは、眼科医専用に作られたもので、眼球に注射を打つことで疾患の原因がどのように治癒するかを映し出している。
The AR app uses marker based technology, the simplest form. The virtual procedure shows the eyeball in full then half disappears. Then you can see the blurry effects of the eye disorder. The syringe in injected and the fluid released and the healing starts, showing a healthy eye. The animation can be played continuously or step by step.
The interesting part is seeing how people with the disease see the world that is with blurry black blotches a very uncomfortable and frustrating problem I am sure. This is demonstrated as a virtual layer on top of the iPad. But after the syringe injects the medicine, the dark spotty layer on the iPad starts to become clearer and you can see how the procedure instantly helps sufferers.You can watch a demonstration video below (with a vpn if in China).The solution was made with Unity, and the Qualcomm AR plug in, within 2 weeks, for TGP (Top Gear Promotion), one of the biggest event and exhibition Management Company in the Emirates.
興味深い点は、目の疾患を抱えた患者がみる世界はぼやけ黒くかすんでいることだ。とても不快で苛立たしいに違いない。これは iPad上でバーチャルレイヤーとして表示されているのだが、注射で薬を注入した後は、iPad上の暗い斑点の層がなくなる。これを見れば、この治療が患者をいかに即座に救うことができるのかが分かると思う。デモビデオは下の動画で見ることができる。(中国にいる場合はVPNが必要)このソリューションは、アラブ首長国連邦で最大のイベント管理企業であるTGP のために、UnityとQualcommのARプラグインを使って2週間でつくられたものだ。
TechNode Ideas MeshUp Workshop, Saturday May 5th: Create a Mobile App to Make Life Easier in ChinaSometimes while walking around Beijing on a nice sunny day, a bright startup idea pops into our minds. We then start to think how cool it would be, what it would look like, how much money you could make and if you could be the next Instagram that sells to a Facebook for $1 Billion! But after some time, the idea starts to fade and eventually it amounts to lost brain energy and potentially a future “I thought of that!” moment.
TechNode 主催「Ideas MeshUp Workshop」 :中国の生活を楽にするアプリをつくろう、開催日:5月5日(土)天気のいい日に北京の街の歩いていると、素晴らしいスタートアップのアイデアを思いつくことがある。そして、そのアイデアがどんなに素晴らしいか、プロダクトの外観はどんな感じか、どのくらいお金を稼げるか、Facebookが10億ドルで買収した Instagram のようになれるか、などと考え始める。でも、しばらくすると、そのアイデアは消え始め、最後には考える力を失って、後々に「私も同じアイデアを持っていたのに!」と嘆いてしまう。
But what if there was a forum or workshop to share these ideas, bounce them around with like minded entrepreneurs’ and see how far you can take it into reality? That’s why instead of hosting another keynote speech/panel discussion we are experimenting with a workshop called ‘Ideas MeshUp Workshop’.Held at Big Bang Café in Guomao, a start-up co-working space, the day will run like this. Firstly, Peng Ong, Partner of GSR Ventures and former serial entrepreneur and co-founder of and Interwoven (NASDAQ:IWOV) will give short presentation about his journey as an entrepreneur. Then it’s time for the fun to begin, with the interactive workshop.
でも、もしそういうアイデアをシェアするフォーラムやワークショップがあって、志を同じにする起業家同士でアイデアを検討しあい、それがどの程度実現可能かを話し合うことができたらどうだろう?そこで、Technodeは今回、基調講演やパネルディスカッションなどを聴くイベントではなく、「Ideas MeshUp Workshop」というワークショップを実験的に開催することにした。開催場所は(北京朝陽区)国貿にあるスタートアップ・コワーキング・スペースの Big Bang Cafe (必幇珈琲)で、当日の予定は次の通りだ。まず、Peng Ong 氏(GSR Ventures のパートナー、元シリアル・アントレプレナー、 および Interwoven (ナスダック:IWOV)の共同設立者) が自身の起業家としての経験について短いプレゼンを行う。その後、お楽しみのインタラクティブ・ワークショップが始まる。
Participants will split into small groups and start to share and brainstorm a new concept for a mobile app that will make life easier in China. It could be anything! During the thinking time, Peng and the TechNode team will mingle and give feedback. At the conclusion of the brainstorming session, teams will be required to present their idea and explain what problem they are trying to solve, how the mobile app would work and what it looks like. Peng will then judge who he deems has the best concept to turn into reality and giver general feedback.
参加者は小さいグループに分かれ、中国の生活を楽にするモバイルアプリの新しいコンセプトをシェアし意見を出し合う。どんなアイデアでも構わない。検討している間に、Peng 氏とTechNodeチームは各グループをまわってフィードバックをする。この時間の最後には、各グループはそれぞれのアイデアを発表し、どのような問題を解決しようとしたかや、そのモバイルアプリの仕組みや外観など説明する。その後、Peng 氏が実現するに一番いいと思ったチームを発表し、全体的なフィードバックを行なう。