Fukuhime storybook collection is the biggest website which collects fairy tales and old folks from all over the world.'Rapunzel', which has the biggest collection of pictures, texts and sound data, has appeared as an electronic book.'Rapunzel' by Grim brothers has been entertaining us for a long time. Now we can enjoy the tale on iPad and iPhone as a rich contents.Enjoy this application which offers the great visual effect with the reasonable price.
I was just informed that, in this particular case, you can just keep those games and we’ll have Amazon refund you in full. Does this sound like a reasonable solution to you? Awaiting your response,
Could you please discount the shipping fee as I bought 6 of them?Could you please send them for free as I bought 6 of them?
Could you please send the original bag and the box of the (ブランド名)as this is a gift?
amaozn usaに返却する予定です。UPSを使い費用はアマゾンの負担です。7ドルの返却作業代金は1商品にきですか?1回の依頼につきですか?
I am going return the item to Amazon USA. Amazon will pay the fee and I am using UPS. Is the return fee of $7.00 per item? or per request?
The item is in Japan now and will return to America Amazon.I would like you to pay the shipping fee from Japan to America. So that I delete bad feedback.Thank you in advance
I think the shipping fee is more expensive than the last time and would like to know why.Would it be cheaper to separate into 3 rather than send at one time?Also could you tell me how much the shipping fee if I ordered 3 more?Do you have the stock for the same item? If I purchase more, would you give me some discount?Thank you for your help in advance
If this camera functions properly, the shutter is set by pulling the shutter charge lever and then by pressing the shutter lever, the camera releases the shutter. However, the camera I received this time cannot be charged for releasing the shutter, meaning the spring to charge the shutter inside the camera is becoming depleted. This incident cannot happen during transport. Obviously it must have been the same condition prior to the shipment.In addition, the image was purposely taken without showing the parts which were missing from the front, under the shadow. This is malicious case.
When would you be able to dispatch if I order now? Also could you please tell me how much it costs for 15 items?
Please let me know if you are interested in more dyson heaters. I am fixing to make the last order of the year and would like to be able to get you what you need. Looks like 2 to 3 week delivery time to me. White fans SEEM to be better in stock at this time. Thanks!
ダンボーと、ダンボーたちの日常を叙情的に綴るスナップの数々…。アメリカの新鋭写真家Arielle Nadelによるダンボー写真集、待望の書籍化。アメリカ人写真家。ジョージア州アトランタ市在住。ディズニーランドの熱狂的ファン。ニューヨークで開催された“Fashion Week”に、16歳のときに招待されて以来、写真に精力を注ぐようになる。同イベントには2008~2010年の間に参加し静物写真に傾倒する
A number of photos to show daily life of Danboard and his friends. A long-awaited publication of the Danboard's photograph collection, taken by one of the most popular American photographer, Arielle Nadel.An American photographer who resides in Atlanta, Georgia. He is known to be a big fan of Walt Disney. Since having been invited to New York Fashion Week when he was 16 years old, he has been devoting himself to photograph. He had participated to the event from 2008 till 2010 and committed himself to still life photos.
As for the shipping fee, please inform me the actual amount before dispatching the item. If the fee is less than $13.32, there is no need to refund but if it goes much more than that, I will consider cancellation.
The invoice said 28 dollars for shipping and wrapping fee and I think it is too expensive.The shipping fee is more expensive than the one mentioned on the item description.I have purchased the same item twice and I had some discount on the shipping so I thought it will be cheaper as I asked you to send them together. But on the contrary, it's more expensive than the last time.Could you please check the shipping fee?I am thinking to reduce the number of items if the shipping fee stays the same.I would like to keep buying the same items from now on and would appreciate if you could reconsider.
The item received is 2009 model.It says new but the color of the left leg is fading due to glue.Please refund me as I am sending the item back to you and also I would like you to pay me back the shipping fee.If it is not possible to do so, please discount 50% of the price.If you fail to deal with this, I have no choice but to give you a bad feedback.I look forward to hearing from you
(翻訳者様へ 上下とも翻訳をお願いします。)こんにちは、私の手元に届いた商品ですが、明らかに、以前に開封された痕跡があります。また、ボックスの中にある、商品を保護するための透明のプラスチック部分に亀裂が入っています。この商品は、使用されたものか、未使用品かはわかりませんが、確実に、以前に開封されている商品です。固い箱の中身のプラスチックが破れている時点で、不可解です。私は、プレゼントのために購入しました。この状態では、プレゼントになりません。
Hello,Regarding the item delivered, it appears to have been opened. Also the plastic protection inside the box is damaged. It is definitely opened previously, whether the item is new or not.It cannot be mistaken from the fact that the protection is broken.I have purchased this item as a gift and I am unable to send it under this condition.
私は商品を返品します。・私が既に支払った全額 $131.84・私が商品を返送するために発生する送料 3,200円の支払いを求めます。送料については、下記URLを参照してください。(料金表の「第2地帯」の左側の列の金額をご確認ください。)よろしくお願いします。
I am going to return the item and will claim for the refund of- The total amount I paid $131.84- The shipping fee to return the item 3200 yenFor the shipping fee, please see the URL below.(See the prices on the left hand side)Thank you
Hello,Regarding the item I purchased, I am still unable to track it down.- Could you tell me when you dispatched the item?- Could you tell me the expected delivery date or the status of the delivery?Thank you in advance
MXR M108を二個注文したのですが、一つしか届きませんでした。もう一つ送ってくださいますようお願いいたします。
I ordered 2 MXR M108 but I've only received one. Could you please send me one more?
well fed ex did not stop the package in time so they have to go back to where they shipped it pick it up and ship it on to you it has a new track number now 997330100267087 I'm sorry for fed ex's. Messup please let me know you got this message
The item I bid from you has been suspended at the Japanese custom office and I am unable to receive.I regret to say that I have no choice but to return the item.Could you please refund me the amount of the purchase price deducting the shipping fee when you receive the item from the custom?I will arrange the delivery as soon as I hear from you.