Structure SynchronizationCompare objects before syncing your databases.N1 introduces a new mechanism for Structure Synchronization. It provides an easier and more intuitive way to visually compare and identify the differences between two databases. And it shows side-by-side DDL comparison that makes it easy to locate all the object differences. Choose and reorder your synchronization scripts to update the destination database.
ストラクチャーの同期自分のデータベースを同期する前にオブジェクトを比較する。N1はStructure Synchronizationの新たなメカニズムを紹介します。より簡単で直観的な方法で視覚的に二つの異なるデータベースを特定。手取り足取りでDDL比較を表示し、全てのオブジェクトの差異を簡単に指定可能。デスティネーションデータベースをアップデートするあなたの同期スクリプトを選択、再オーダーしてください。
Data SynchronizationThe fast and reliable way to check and deploy your database changes for creating flawless deployment scripts.We are bringing a new experience along with a number of new functions to Data Synchronization. The comparison results are now listed and colored for particular status to help you easily distinguish the differences between records: different, only in source, only in target, and identical. Reorder your deployment scripts and update the target to match the source for some or all of the records.
データの同期ミスのないデプロイメントスクリプトを作成するためにあなたのデータベースの変更をチェック&デプロイするための最速で最も信頼できる方法です。Data Synchroniationに対するいくつかの新規機能を伴う新たなエクスペリエンスをご紹介します。比較結果は特定のステータスでリスト化および色付けされており、different, only in source, only in target, and identicalで記録の差異を簡単に見分けられるようになっています。あなたのデプロイメントスクリプトを再度オーダーして記録の一部あるいは全体用のソースとマッチするようターゲットをアップデートしてください。
DeploymentEffortless deployment. On-premises or in the cloud.With N1, you can manage both on-premises and cloud databases such as Oracle Cloud, and Google Cloud. Connecting to a cloud database is simple, you can establish a connection using the pertinent information that your cloud database provides. It’s time to get your head in the clouds and enjoy N1.
デプロイメントデプロイメントも手間いらず。On-premisesまたはクラウドで。N1により、Oracle CloudやGoogle Cloudといったon-premisesとクラウドデータベース両方の管理が可能。クラウドデータベースへの接続は簡単、クラウドデータベースが提供する適切な情報を使ったコネクションを設定可能。さぁ、クラウドの世界に飛び込んでN1を楽しもう。
thank you . i will have to pay a lot of duty and tax because of the total declared cost of this item so any thing to help to try and reduce the cost , is helpful.thank you This is the third time I m messaging you. I will try and find it for you. Do you have the item or not? If I don t hear from you, I m going to report this item for false ad.I will try to find it for you So let me get this straight. You re trying to sell an item that you don t even have?
Should i send you the new details now to make the payment so the accountant will confirm the payment now and we will start shipment now
Expected delivery date is 23rd. We will get back to you with the tracking number later on.
Hello, Thank you for your support.I appreciate your confirmation regarding the new item.It is also good to know that there will be no price change.Please allow me to confirm one thing regarding the metal plate for the seating surface, has Infiniti been informed of its new specification (for 280014)?Kindly advise.Also, please confirm the B/L number of India Buying as a top priority as I haven't received it yet.Thanks much in advance,
I am so sorry about the belated shipment.It should be shipped today.Tracking number will be advised later.Thank you,
Thank You For an Amazing Kickstarter Campaign! You Rock!After 30 days of a whirlwind Kickstarter campaign we can finally thank you all for helping, supporting, contributing and making it happen! It would not have been the same without you.Exceeding our initial goal in 11 hours, hitting 3 stretch goals, gathering over 900 backers and HK$1.1M in funding, receiving countless supportive media reviews and blog posts - above and beyond our wildest dreams!Now’s the time to continue working hard on production of all these Ambi Climate 2nd Edition units and making sure everything is organized and ready to ship out to all our wonderful backers. We really can’t wait for you to receive and enjoy your Ambi Climate.
素晴らしいKickstarterキャンペーンをありがとう!あなた最高!目くるめくKickstarterキャンペーンが30日経過しまして、ようやく全ての皆様のヘルプ、サポート、貢献のおかげで実現することができました!皆様がいなかったら同じ結果には至らなかったことでしょう。弊社の当初のゴールを11時間超過し、ストレッチゴールを3つ達成し、900バッカーズ以上を集め、110万香港ドルの資金集めに成功、数えきれないほどの好意的なメディアレビューやブログポストを頂戴しましたー私たちの最もワイルドな夢がかないました!今はこれら全てのAmbi Climate 2nd Editionユニットの製造に一生懸命取り組み、そして全てが順調であることを確認し素晴らしい全てのバッカーに出荷する準備を続ける時です。皆さんにAmbi Climateをお受け取りいただき楽しんできた抱けることを心待ちにしております。
Please stay tuned for further updates about our journey and process - you can do so either on our Social Media channels (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or Instagram), our blog or the Ambi Climate website. Thank you so much, again. The Ambi Climate team___________________________Thanks for an amazing Kickstarter Campaign! Stay tuned for updates!
私たちの旅とプロセスに関して今後お送りするアップデートにご期待ください-ソーシャルメディアチャネル(Facebook、Twitter、LinkedIn、またはInstagram)か弊社ウェブサイト、またはAmbi Climateウェブサイトにてご確認ください。再度お礼を申し上げます。The Ambi Climate team___________________________素晴らしいKickstarterキャンペーンをありがとう!今後のアップデートにこうご期待!
Last 24 Hours To Back Us On Kickstarter!Email Title: Ready, Set, Go!It’s the final countdown! Only 24 hours left to back us on Kickstarter and grab yourself an Ambi Climate 2nd Edition unit at 20% off retail! Your support has meant the world to us these past few weeks, and it’s YOU that helped us reach our goals, unlock new features and get to over HK$1M - continue this streak of success on our last day as well; we’ll be forever grateful ;)_____________________________Back Us On Kickstarter !Only 24 hours left to back!
Kickstarterに関するお返事は残すところあと24時間のみ受付となります!メールのタイトル:用意、どん!最終カウントダウンのご案内です!Kickstarterに関するお問い合わせ受付はあと24時間で締め切りとなります。Ambi Climateセカンドエディションユニットを定価より20%安くお買い求めください!この数週間、お客様のサポートは弊社にとって何にも代えがたい大事なものとなりました。そして弊社が目標達成できたのはお客様のおかげなのです。新たなフィーチャーを開放し100万香港ドル以上まで到達しました-この成功を最終日まで継続してください。永遠に感謝します:)_____________________________Kickstarterに関するご注文お待ちしております!残すところあと24時間のみ受付となります!
I have received those items tendered as of 5/21, however those on 6/4 haven't been delivered yet. Please advise the tracking number.
Thank you for your business.We are very sorry for the inconvenience that has been caused.We would like to cancel the listing of the item and issue you a full refund.This might sound too much to ask, but we would highly appreciate your refraining from posting a negative feedback on us.Very sincerely,
1. Infiniti:- -Please note Infiniti will get back regarding new order by evening.-Also for the defects in 28006 & 280012, Exporter will get back on this with the conclusion by evening! -Regarding the Skype Inspection with Infiniti, it will be held on 27 June 2017 at 12:00 P.M (Indian Timings) 2. Sonu Handicraft – Please note regarding offset on the goods, surely will get back to you by evening.Also regarding new sample, we have instructed to exporter to make the sample as per instruction. 4. Indian Buying:- Exporter will send both the BL by today.As soon as tracking details will be received from Exporter, will share it with you immediately.
1 Infiniti- Infinitiは新規発注分について今夜までに解答いたします。-また、28006 & 280012の不良品に浮いて、輸出業者がこの件について今晩までに結論をご連絡します。ーSkypeによるInfinitiの検閲は2017年6月27日午後12時(インド時間)で行われます。2.Sonu Handicraft-商品のオフセットにつきまして、今晩までに回答いたします。新たなサンプルにつきましては輸出業者にご指示に従いサンプルを作成するよう支持いたしました。4.Indian Buying-輸出業者がBLを今日中にお送りします。追跡情報を輸出業者から受領しだい迅速に共有いたします。
Thank you for the invoice. It looks like the handling fee is charged again; could you please wave it?It has been waived since the previous payment.Do you also accept a credit card payment? I would prefer to do so as it is easy to settle the payment.I will send you the credit card information if you accept such payment.I would like to place anoter order.Our order quantity is not so much as we sell 40 pcs per month.As you can see, Amazon Japan is filled with Chinese products, for which S products are struggling as well.
Hello, hope this message finds you well.Thank you for shipping the item the other day.As I promptly introduced the item to our users in Japan they love it.Highly satisfactory comments were received from our long-term users especially for its quality and design.I enjoy dealing with the product so much as it has so many designs I love myself.I am going to place an additional order, so please advise the total amount.I have attached an order list created with MS Excel file.I look forward to our continuing business transaction.
Stretch Goal #4: Web & Watch AppsHelp us reachHK$1,365,000 (~USD$175,000)And unlock Web & Watch Apps:A web app for better insights and graphs, to help you learn about your usage and simplify managing your devices; get on-the-go, at a glance control with our watch appsStretch Goal #5: Physical InterfaceHelp us reachHK$1,560,000 (~ USD$200,000)A separate and simple add-on for your Ambi Climate; USB-connected, providing physical buttons to turn your Ambi on/off and give instant comfort feedback, no app involved!
ストレッチゴール #4: Web & Watchアプリ以下達成にご協力ください。HK$1,365,000 (~USD$175,000)そしてWeb & Watchアプリの解除:選りすぐれた洞察力とグラフを提供するウェブアプリ。あなたの使用方法を学習しあなたのデバイスを簡単管理。Get on-the-go、Watchアプリで一目瞭然コントロールストレッチゴール #5: 物理的インターフェイス以下達成にご協力ください。HK$1,560,000 (~ USD$200,000)あなたのAmbi Climateに別売りの簡単アドオン;USB接続、あなたのAmbiをオンオフ切り替え、即時にコンフォートフィードバックを提供する物理的なボタン搭載。アプリを介する必要なし!
※1 290004・290005・290006品番に取り付けられているアジャスターが固まってしまって指で回すことができないものが多々ありました。工具等を使用して回すことができましたが最初からスムーズに回すことができるように取り付けてください。アジャスターが固まってしまう原因等わかりましたら改善するようお願い致します。sonu handicrafts社で追加の改善依頼がありますのでご確認願います。また、インフィニティ社の別注生産依頼の件はいかがでしょうか?ご確認お願い致します。
* Many of the adjusters assembled to parts numbers 290004・290005・290006 were to hard to turn with fingers. Although I was able to turn them by using tools, they should be turned smoothly without making such effort. Please improve the issue of hard adjuster once the root cause was identified, thank you.Please confirm the additional improvement request from sonu handicrafts.Also, please let me know the separate production request of infiniti?Please kindly confirm.
<返金とお詫びについてのご連絡>お客様へご購入ありがとうございます。私たちはあなたのフィードバックを確認しました。商品の遅延によりご不便をおかけしたことを謝罪します。商品は無事に到着しましたでしょうか?私たちは商品が到着している場合でも、謝罪の為に商品代金を全額返金しようと思います。また、私達へのフィードバックを改善していただけるのでしたら、お礼として€5.00 追加返金致します。あなたからのご連絡をお待ちしています。私達は今回のトラブルを謝罪いたします申し訳ありませんでした
<Re: Notice of apologies and refund>Dear Customer,Thank you for your purchase.We have confirmed your feedback.Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience caused due to the delivery delay.Have you received our item yet?We are planning to issue you a full refund for the merchandise to express our apology even though you have received it.Also, we are willing to offer additional €5.00 as a gratitude for revising your feedbac to us to be a positive one.We await your reply.Once again, we are very sorry for the trouble that has been caused to you.
hello im interesting for this camcorder: me more about it, recording funcion, lcd need to repair, battery and charger not included ?do you accept an offer?i wait you answers