The pleasure is ours, we appreciate the meeting with you last week.Also, thanks much for sending us the materials.We have certainly received the attached file, too.We would like to check with those departments that are interested in our business.Will get back to you once we received the feedback from them.
いま 構想ではおおきな床を作りたいと思っています。それは一枚のフラットな床か、あるいは幾つかのパーツの床か?いまその形態を考えています。重要な点は、その床を支える構造で、工夫が必要だと思っております。床を支える素材そして床の上下とのつながりと、その効果や意味を検討しています。最終的には作品の床の上に昇って空間を体験できる舞台のような感じになるとおもいます。パフォーマンスもできる空間になる予定です。
At the moment, in our plan, we are thinking about creating a large floor.The question we have in mind is its shape whether or not it would be a sheet of flat floor, or a floor made with several parts.The significant point is the supporting structure of the floor, which will require some work.We are currently examining the floor supporting materials, the connection between the top and bottom of the floor, and its effects.Ultimately, it would become like a stage where you can experience the space climing up on the floor of the work. The spece would be available for performances, too.
すでに商品は発送済です。返品を希望しますか? その場合は往復の送料はあなた自身のご負担となりますので、あらかじめご了承ください。ご連絡お待ちしております。
Votre article est déjà l'expédition. Voulez-vous le retourner? Expédition aller-retour sera pris en charge par votre propre dans ce cas, s'il vous plaît reconnaître à l'avance. Nous sommes impatients de vous entendre.
Please take care of the rest of the report and additional sample order.We received the below additional report from one of our customers who uses the wallet.It'd be nice if the same colour is offered as iPhone gold. White would work too.Since the edge of the carbon material appear slightly notched when you see it in the sunlight, that worries me in case it gets worn out from there.Since Japanese notes are slightly bigger than those of dollars, they would hang out of the money clip.People around the user also want the item.We would like to address their needs as much as possible, so would you please tell us your expected completion date for the website renewal?
Diversity and Human Development NowOn May 29, "The Diversity Talk Event 2014" was held by an NPO, Universal Event Association at TANSEISHA Co. Ltd., with 60 participants from varieties of business categories including the display, event, and manufacturing.The subject event was organized to pose a question on how to face with the diversity whilst the varieties of human resources and communication exist in an organization.
海外セミナーで報奨旅行誘致ちば国際コンベンションビューローは、日本政府観光局主催の「インドネシア・ジャカルタ訪日インセンティブセミナー」と「台湾インセンティブ旅行現地セミナー」に参加し、プロモーション活動を実施。大型インセンティブ旅行の潜在市場が高い、インドネシアと台湾のセミナーに職員を派遣し、「MICE 都市 千葉」の認知度向上と MICE 案件獲得に向けて、千葉の魅力を海外のバイヤーに直接 PRする。東南アジアからの観光客は訪日旅行者も対前年比34.8%増と成長している。
Attracting with the Reward Trip at Overseas SeminarChiba International Convention Bureau has participated "Indonesia Jakarta Japan Visit Insentive Seminar" and "Taiwan Incentive Tour Local Seminar" to perform its promotional activities.By sending employees to those seminars held in Indonesia and Taiwan, where there is a high potential for the large incentive tour needs, it will directly appeal about Chiba's attraction to those overseas buyers anticipating for the improved recognition of "MICE City Chiba" and earning MICE business opportunities.The ratio of tourists from South East Asia to Japan has increased by 34.8% from the previous year.
'15 Spring/Summer leather trends are set"2015 Spring/Summer Collection 90th Tokyo Leather Fair" was held at Tokyo Metropolitan Industrial Trade Centre Hamamatsucho Building on both June 19, and 20.This is a bi-annual exhibition dedicated for the leather materials. Items including genuine leather, synthetic leather, mixed material, composition sole, sub material, shoe tree and the like were listed. Performed also are various trial/experiments projects, leather design contest, fashion show/talk show (for December exhibition only), and visited by not only the industry related people but also other students in the fashion field. The total of 51 companies and 9 organization have listed.
2013年リリースの通算8枚目となるアルバム「Eighth Wonder」はウィークリーランキング初登場1位を獲得。同アルバム収録、38枚目のシングル「恋音と雨空」はYouTubeミュージックビデオ月間再生回数1位を記録。 同年末には、4年連続となる「日本レコード大賞」優秀作品賞受賞、「NHK紅白歌合戦」出場を果たす。 2014年自身初の全国アリーナツアー「AAA ARENA TOUR 2013 -GOLD SYMPHONY-」の開催が決定。
Their 8th album titled "Eighth Wonder" released in 2013 has won the first place in the weekly ranking for showing at the first time.their 28th single titled "Koi Oto To Amazora" included in the album has also won the first place in YouTube as the most popularly replayed music video of the month.At the end of the year, their achievement includes the music award from "the Japan Record Award" and having shown at "KOHAKU- the annual contest between male and female popular singers on New Year's Eve."Scheduled in 2014 is their first national arena tour "AAA ARENA TOUR 2013 -GOLD SYMPHONY-".
On Friday, May 10, at the Tobu Hotel in Otawara city, we have held the 20th anniversary party of our Nasu factory, including the improvement presentation with 93 invitees from respective group companies.Ladies and gentlemen, we truly appreciate your coming to the party despite your busyness from far and near.We will strive to develop our Nasu office, so your kind cooperation is much appreciated.
if i have to sign for every package that comes to me personally or business, then that will be my job just and sit here to sign for my own packages, i don't know why my shipping department cannot sign for it. therefore, i am not sure what you indicated on the form for receiving packages. then, i also never got a notice that the postal service attempt to deliver it. i have located the package last week, i do not have time to go to pick it up. this is so waste of time. because it was for a party early last week, but still want to have it. i just hope they will finally resend to me after i literally yelled at the postal service.how did you complete the receiving request? signature by actual person only?
So with regards to selling the 〇〇 in Japan, it is our intention to work with our UK Trade & Investment, UKTI), organisation, a UK government export advisory service, to find importing distributor who can promote 〇〇 Ltd via a major retail chain. If you feel you could be an importer/distributor, then perhaps we could discuss this. Before we can go any further, you will need to sign, date and have a witness also sign and date, a Confidential Non Disclosure Agreement, (NDA). Please note also, that any distributor agreements are non-exclusive and subject to minimum order levels and minimum sales levels. If you are still interested, please let me know and I will have an NDA sent over for you to sign.
つまり○○の日本における販売に関して、弊社のUK Trade & Investment (UKTI)と、組織、イギリス政府の輸出相談サービス、などと協業し輸入販売業者が大手小売チェーンを通じて○○会社を販売促進したいと考えています。もし輸入・販売業者になって頂けるようであれば、この件についてお話を進められると思います。先に進む前に、NDAに署名と日付を御記入頂き、承認の署名もあわせて必要となります。御注意いただきたいのは、いかなる販売業社合意書も専売件を与えるものではなく、必要最低限の受注及び販売水準によるものとなります。もしまだご興味がありましたら、ご連絡ください。御署名頂くNDAを送付します。
荷物の所在は分かりましたか? NYは郵便局が多いので荷物の調査も時間が掛かるのかもしれませんね。郵便局のEMS担当者に日本から再配達の手配が出来ないか確認したのですが、アメリカの交換局を過ぎてしまうとこちらからは何も出来ないとの事でした。私は◯を持っているから私の分は買わなくて良いよ。貴方の好きな☆の新刊を手に入れたので、◯のサイン本と一緒に送るね。来月の中旬には送れるから楽しみに待っててね。私が◇をプレイしたのは中学生の頃だったから攻略本も買えなくて分岐が分からなかったの。
Did you manage figuring out where the item is at? Tracking the item may be time-consuming as there are so many post offices in NY. Regarding the possibility of re-delivery from Japan, I have checked with the person in charge of EMS at Japan Post. However he told me there is nothing we could do from our end once the item has gone through the central office.You don't need to buy ◯ for me since I have already got one.I obtained the new issue of your favourite ☆, so I will send it to you with ◯'s book that includes his autograph.Count down on days until I send it to you by the middle of next month.The time I used to play ◇ was when I was a junior high school student, so I couldn't buy the guide book to figure out the divergence.
Please advise the items in the specific categories that belong to those items for FBA sale.One of our customers notified us the receipt of an item that had been opened and used.We have never shipped a single item unless otherwise new and unopened.We assume that cause of this issue is due to the damaged and returned item through FBA sales was re-stocked as new.Hence therefore, we were wondering if it would be possible to restrict certain categories from resale in the cases of open items when it is returned?
アウトドア/自転車の活動に精通している専任スタッフ2名がツアーを催行スタッフはツアールートの地理的な知識を持っており常に安全対策を講じているスタッフは国際的な応急手当やレスキューのライセンス保持者であるスタッフは常にファーストエイドキットを携行、参加者の身体的問題に即応ツアールート上にある緊急医療施設を把握 緊急搬送要請等の判断や対策をする医療施設での支払事務処理等の仲介業務アクシデントに対する全般的な保険加入済み万が一に備え全員が乗車できる伴走車両(~29人乗り)を使用
2 dediated staff members whose expertise in outdoor/bicycling activities will attend the tour.The members have a thorough geographic knowledge about the tour route, and fully trained for the security management on the regular basis.The staff members hold with international first aid and rescue licenses.The staff members always carry the first aid kit to immediately address the participants physical condition.Fully aware of those emergency medical facilities on the tour route, and make appropriate decisions and action for emergency transportation request.Act as an agent for the expense settlement and related paperworks at the medical facility.Have joined insurance for accidents in general.Accompany with an escourt vehicle that allows the entire passengers to ride (with maximum capacity of 29 passengers).
Now I want to score you and the product, how I do that?
Thank you for your message.We could adjust the price range to a certain degree.Thank you and best regards,Thank you for your message.We are glad to hear that you received the item.We are sorry.We do not have an English instruction manual since the item was made in Japan.Will double-check, but please excuse us if not available.Thank you for your message.Sorry to bother you, but could you please email us the item cancellation notice?We have acknowledged your request.Kindly return the item upon arrival at your end.Please refer to the return policy stated on our website.
Thank you very much for your help and time!!!! I will keep the one I have ordered. I will order another one later!! That's why I ended up getting the a54....I like that you thought about me being a first time user and I wish to use the blade . I may get the A09 also but I will wait a little. I may also get the nicest one you have. But thanks for helping. I'm sure that the a54 is a good start!!
I will price this out but after this, if I don’t give you a price can you take it off of your list because I can’t get it. it’s a lot of work to price out 80 different games.
いいえ、送られてきた商品は、BOSE system3ではなく、古い機種のBOSE systemです。再度サイトに掲載してある写真を見ると、やはり古い機種だと分かりました。写真にシリアル番号が写っていますが、送られてきた商品と一致します。ボーズに確認したところ、4~5年前に製造されたようです。またリモコンも記載のようにプラスチックのカバーがされていますが、古い機種対応のものです。あなたは、段ボール箱に、商品をクッションで包んで送ってきましたね。これを、そのまま返品します。
No, the item I received was the old model called BOSE system instead of BOSE system3. Looking at the image posted on the website again, it is obvious that the item was the old one. There was a serial number in the photo, which is in accordance with the item I received. According to BOSE, the old model was manufactured 4 to 5 years ago. Also as per descrived, the remote controller is for the old one as it has a plastic cover on it. I will return the product exactly the way you packed the cardboard box wrapped with the cushion.
Cher Vendeur, Nous vous écrivons car vous n’avez peut-être pas respecté nos politiques de vente concernant l’obligation de fournir un support clientèle dans la langue officielle de la plateforme de vente Amazon.fr. Selon nos politiques, les vendeurs sont obligés de fournir un support clientèle en français sauf si un acheteur demande à recevoir un support dans une autre langue. Pour obtenir des informations sur cette règle de communauté, veuillez faire une recherche sur « Service de messagerie Acheteurs – Vendeurs » à partir de la page d'Aide.
セラー御担当者様、本日ご連絡差し上げましたのは、弊社アマゾンフランスの公用語であるフランス語にて顧客サポートを提供しなければならないという規約に御社が抵触されたためです。弊社規約には、販売者は顧客からその他の言語によるサポートを要請されない限り、カスタマーサポートをフランス語で提供することとなっております。この規約に関する情報は、ヘルプページより« Service de messagerie Acheteurs – Vendeurs (バイヤー/セラー メッセージページサービス»より御確認ください。