Sebastian (sebastian) 翻訳実績

日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語 フランス語
sebastian 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

it really puts me to shame!



sebastian 英語 → 日本語

Concerning the mistake detected between product labels and relevant invoicing, we apologize but our Production Department has not correctly informed our Administration Office. The indication on the product label “made in Italy” is right. Obviously, for the incoming season, we will avoid this kind of misunderstanding and all the relevant problems that could follow.We thank you for your co-operation. Please compile a TOTAL bulk order for ALL stores and send to me. As previously mentioned, I have already deleted the attached order and will pretend you never sent it to me. For September 2, please make sure to send a TOTAL bulk order for the entire season for all stores.



sebastian 英語 → 日本語

We would appreciate your understanding and flexibility and not charge us an additional 10% discount. Like I have mentioned, our factories repeatedly complained about having to separate your tiny units. This is something they do special for us and ultimately get very upset with us. In the spirit of partnership, please accept our apology.This was a special order for you. Your customer has to be flexible and accept the additional piece. Either way, we will not give an additional discount for a jacket we made special for you. For this style, the ones that have silk trim will have the combo. The ones without the silk trim will not have the silk combo. Please follow the samples as a reference.



sebastian 英語 → 日本語

Disclaimer: I am responsible for the content of this site, not my employer. The views expressed on this site is my personal opinion. Hello and welcome to my new bi-lingual English-Japanese blog! I am involved in an exciting web radio project at We work to increase interest in the Old Town of Tokyo (Shitamachi) by the creative use of audio based story telling. This site will be used to discuss ways to accomplish this, to experiment and have fun. In particular, I want to discuss methods of opening up Japan's cultural resources to the world, and make them accessible to an English speaking audience via audio. If you are interested in taking part, please mail me!



sebastian 英語 → 日本語

Thanks for sending over the update. I assume there are still MANY, MANY more orders outstanding? Does you believe the men’s business will grow from this season compared to last season? We really hope so. Please get an update and forecast for me. When submitting the men’s bulk order, please send me a TOTAL bulk order. The update you sent is fine to keep us clued in as to what has been selling. But I am going to discard it in order to avoid confusion. When sending the total bulk order, it should be a total of all units you would like to order for the season, including all stores. Please confirm understanding.

