As of today I see that the item is now in German customs. So hopefully it will be deliver soon.Will let you know.
GYAO! MUSIC LIVE人気アーティストのライヴ映像を全編無料配信するサービス「GYAO! MUSIC LIVE」にて倖田來未のライブ映像配信が決定しました!【タイトル】倖田來未「KODA KUMI LIVE TOUR 2010 〜UNIVERSE〜」
GYAO! MUSIC LIVEOn "GYAO! MUSIC LIVE", free internet distribution service of live performance video by the popular artists, distribution of live performance video by KUMI KODA is decided![Title] KUMI KODA "KODA KUMI LIVE TOUR 2010 -UNIVERSE- "
【配信期間】2014年12月15日(月)0:00 〜 2014年12月21日(日)23:59【GYAO! MUSIC LIVE】年にデビュー10周年を迎えた倖田來未が、全国9ヵ所で18公演を行い20万人を動員したツアー、「KODA KUMI LIVE TOUR 2010 〜UNIVERSE〜」Blu-ray&DVDのライブ映像を全編無料配信!
[Term of Distribution] December 15 (Mon.), 2014 0:00 - December 21 (Sun.), 2014 23:59[GYAO! MUSIC LIVE] KODA, whose 10th anniversary from debut has come in 2010, is going to distribute all the live performance from Blu-ray& DVD "KODA KUMI LIVE TOUR 2010 -UNIVERSE -", the nation-wide tour of 18 concerts in 9 venues with 200,000 audience, for free!
New versions of KODA KUMA (KODA Bear) for prize in the amusement arcade are out!!"KODA KUMA" for prize in amusement arcade in November varies with season such as birthday version and Santa Claus version are out! ■Stores: ROUND ONE throughout country (with exception)■Time: From November 21 (Fri.) 2014, depending on store■Official Website "Chara-Hiroba":
2015/2/25「Unlock」シングルリリース決定!前作「ふれあうだけで ~Always with you~ / IT'S THE RIGHT TIME」から約3ヶ月、どちらの曲もCM・アニメともに絶賛オンエア中で、その魅力的な歌声が全国に広く届けられているなか、三浦大知のもう一つの揺るぎない魅力“ダンス”をテーマにした17枚目のシングルのリリースが決定!
2015/2/25 "Unlock" single release is decided! Approx. 3 months have passed since the release of the latest single "Fureaudakede -Always with you- / IT'S THE RIGHT TIME" and both songs are successfully on the air on the TV commercial and on the animation, and while his attractive voice singing voice is broadly delivered nationwide, his 17th single which theme is "dance", which is DAICHI MIURA's another appeal, is going to be released!
表題曲「Unlock」は'15年1月スタート、フジテレビ系ドラマ「ゴーストライター」オープニングテーマにも起用されている。これまでに「Anchor」、「Delete My Memories」、「Your Love feat.KREVA」などで数々の名曲を共に作り出してきたヒットメーカー・Nao'ymtによる書き下ろしで、ドラマの内容にもリンクした、スリリングかつセクシーでクールなダンスチューン。
The title tune "Unlock" is chosen for the opening theme song for the TV drama "Ghost Writer" on Fuji TV Network starting January 2015.This is written by Nao'ymt, the hit maker who has been partnering with him by creating lots of excellent songs such as "Anchor", "Delete My Memories", and "Your Love feat. KREVA", and this is a thrilling and sexy & cool dance tune linked with the story of the drama.
You sent me an email requesting feedback.I mistook your lens for another Canon lens I had recently received from a different ebayer. I have not yet received your lens, which according to your ebay entry, was given an estimated delivery date, as between 13th- 17th January.Rest assured on receipt, I will send you a formal acknowledgement, and if necessary, further feedback!Kind regards, John Greenwood.
フィードバックをご希望とのメールを拝見しました。他のebay出品者から届いたキヤノンのレンズと、あなたのレンズとを間違えてしまいました。あなたのレンズはまだ届いておらず、あなたのebay掲載情報によりますと、1月13日-17日に届く予定と思われます。受領の際には、正式な受領証と、必要であれば更にフィードバックをお送りしますのでご安心ください!ジョン・グリーンウッド 拝
How many purchase orders (POs) or receipts do you have for the products you intend to sell?3 POs or receiptsRequirements for POs and receiptsMust be dated on or after October 6, 2014Must have document issuer's name, address, phone number, email or websitePOs must have your name or issuing business namePOs must have contact information for your business (e.g. address, phone number, email or website)Please obscure pricing information (Optional)I Agree2 POs or receipts (one additional document will be needed)1 PO or receipt (one additional document will be needed)0 PO or receipt (two additional documents will be needed)
販売予定の商品について、発注書もしくは領収証は何点ありますか。発注書/領収証 3点発注書と領収証に関する要件2014年10月6日以降の日付であること発行元の名称、所在地、電話番号、メールアドレスもしくはウェブサイトURLが記載されていること発注書には、あなたの氏名もしくは発行元の名称が記載されていること発注書には、業務上の連絡先(例:所在地、電話番号、メールアドレスもしくはウェブサイトURL)が記載されていること価格情報は表示させないでください(任意)了承しました。発注書/領収証 2点(補足書類が1点必要)発注書/領収証 1点(補足書類が1点必要)発注書/領収証 なし(補足書類が2点必要)
Happy New Year.Thank you for your help as always.By PayPal I have paid for the item I ordered last month.This is my first order in this year.I have attached the application form as PDF.Please send it asap.For A, please send it asap it will be in stock.I have received all the items on INVOICE#129 and 088.However, in the parcel I couldn't find 10 copies of instruction manual of B and HDTripod which has to be attached to C.It could be the mistake of the packer.Please send them with the item I am ordering this time.
For the customer whose feedback is saying that s/he hasn't received ordered item, I asked courier to track the item and reported the shipping progress to the customer. Later the customer informed me of arrival of the item.From the next time I will frequently check the shipping condition of the item on the website of the courier, and in case of delay, even if it's short, soon I will ask the courier for tracking research, and contact the customer to follow up.In addition, I will add the notice to the description of the merchandise that even if shipped by express duration of shipment may differ depending on flight schedule or customs clearance procedure.
#cyannお世話になります。お忙しいところ恐れ入りますが、Sign Roll(Pari,NewYork)を早く発送していただくことは可能でしょうか?お手数をおかけしますが、最短で発送していただけると本当に嬉しいです。あなたの商品の到着を待って、他の商品も一緒に配送しますので、なるべく早く発送をしていただけると大変助かります。ご面倒をおかけしますが、ご検討のほど宜しくお願い致します。
#cyannThank you for your help.I am sorry to interrupt you but would you ship Sign Roll(Pari,NewYork) soon?I really appreciate if you kindly ship it asap.Once your item arrives, I will ship the other items together, so it is a great help if you kindly take your time to send it asap. Sorry for bothering you but I appreciate your consideration.
Luckily I have the same item with me which has just arrived today.How about sending this today, on 24th?It won't arrive on Christmas but may arrive at around New Year if early.I will bare all the expense for sure, and we will ask for compensation to the post office by ourselves, so you need not do anything.This is the fastest way for you to receive the item as it may take 1 month if late when we request research of the lost parcel to the postal office.If you want to be refunded all the amount asap, we will.
As you said, this is indeed weird.I have confirmed with your shipment information.Picture 1 shows your address which you told me.Picture 2 is the copy of my shipping slip.As seen the address column in the red box, there seems to be no mistake.Would you confirm if the address you registered to Amazon (picture 1) is correct?If this is correct, it is highly likely that it might have been either lost or stolen somewhere.We will do our best to deal with this issue and please be kindly understood that this issue is our of our control.
Hey again here,I have been in contact with Posten here in Norway, they said that the package should have been here long ago, and that it must have been something wrong with the adress you've sent the package to.They told me to contact you and ask you to check with your post service and make sure they sent the package to the right country, because if you sent it to me it should have been here already, or atleast registered in Norway.Add on mail, the reason I thought it was in the toll is because that is how it look before it is registered and continued to me. But since its been over a week since it should have been in the toll something must be wrong, should take more than a day or two for it to be done in there
今夜18:30~より、“三浦大知2014`クリスマスパーティー”ニコファーレから生中継!番組では、ニコファーレのLED演出を使用したスペシャルパフォーマンスをお届けするほか、昨年末に放送し好評だった「三浦大知 今年の10大ニュース」振り返りや、三浦大知本人が選んだプレゼントお渡し会、また、ユーザー参加型の「Right Now」踊ってみた企画など、内容盛り沢山!今夜(12/22) 18:30より、絶対必見です!!
"DAICHI MIURA 2014 Christmas Party" live broadcasting from Nikofarre tonight from 6:30PM!This program is full of contents such as his special performance with LED effect in Nikofarre, looking back of "DAICHI MIURA 10 big news of this year" which was popular last year, presentation of gifts selected by DAICHI MIURA himself, viewer participatory program "Right Now" dancing event, and so on!Tonight (December 22) from 6:30PM, don't miss it!!
2015 1/18(水) 伊藤千晃 名古屋トークショー決定!1/18(日) 伊藤千晃 名古屋トークショー決定!日時:2015年1月18日(日)開場:17:30開演:18:00~場所:名古屋国際ホテル 2F 国際ホール
AAA Chiaki Ito Talk Show in Nagoya is fixed on January 18 (Sun), 2015!AAA Chiaki Ito Talk Show in Nagoya is fixed on January 18 (Sun)!Date: January 18 (Sun), 2015Open: 5:30PMStart: 6PM - Venue: Nagoya Kokusai Hotel (International Hotel Nagoya) 2F Kokusai Hall (International Hall)
KODA KUMI 15th Anniversary Project!! 第一弾、ダンサーオーディション最終選考中!2015年にデビュー15周年を迎える倖田來未が、“KODA KUMI 15th Anniversary Project ""第一弾""として、ダンサーオーディションを開催中!そして、12月21日に合格者が遂に発表となる!
KODA KUMI 15th Anniversary Project!! First project, dancer audition is in the final round!KUMI KODA, whose 15th anniversary from the debut is coming in 2015, is holding the dancer audition as the first project of “KODA KUMI 15th Anniversary Project "!Then, finally the winner is going to be announced on December 21!
Huayi BrothersThis is one of very few companies in which both Tencent and Alibaba participated in the same round of funding. The Beijing-based TV and movie production studio raised RMB 3.6 billion (US$581 million) from the two internet giants and one other Chinese fund. Both Alibaba and Tencent are engaged in a land grab for licensed video content, both in China and overseas.Renren KuaidiThis startup lets anyone who meets the eligibility requirements sign up to be a local courier. The crowdsourced delivery network secured a US$15 million series A round from Tencent and Banyan fund. The Uber for local deliveries now operates in six major Chinese cities.
Huayi Brothers大変珍しいことであるが、この企業はTencentとAibabaから同時期に資本提供を受けた。この、在北京テレビ・映画製作スタジオは、インターネット業界の2大巨人のほか、中国資本1社からの支援により、360億元(5億8,100万$)まで増資した。AlibabaとTencentはともに、中国および海外における映像製品のライセンス独占を約束した。Renren Kuaidi要件を満たせば誰でも、地元の宅配業者としてこのスタートアップに登録できる。このクラウドソースデリバリーネットワークは、TencentとBanyanより1,500万$の初期投資を受けた。Uberは中国の主要6都市にて宅配サービスを提供している。
DXYDXY runs China’s largest online healthcare community for doctors and other medical and life science professionals. It makes a handful of healthcare-related apps, including a medicine lookup app and doctor consultation app. Tencent invested a US$70 million series A round in DXY in September.WoquWoqu is an online travel agency aimed specifically at Chinese travelers looking to make a trip to the US. It acts as a one-stop shop for everything a Chinese citizen needs for their journey: visas, attraction tickets, SIM cards, insurance, hotel bookings, and more. Tencent led Woqu’s US$20 million series B round in September, followed by Morningside Capital.
DXYDXYは中国最大の、医師、医療およびライフサイエンスの専門家向けオンラインヘルスケアコミュニティを運営している。 医薬品検索アプリや医師への相談アプリなど、さまざまなヘルスケア関連アプリを製造している。9月にはTencentから7,000万$の初期投資を受けた。WoquWoquは、特にアメリカへの旅を計画している中国人旅行者を対象とした、オンライン旅行代理店である。ビザ、アトラクションのチケット、SIMカード、保険、ホテル予約など、中国人が旅行に必要とするもの全てを提供している。TencentはWoquに対し、9月に2,000万$の2次投資を行い、Morningsideがそれに続いた。
We are very sorry to reach the ODR to over 1%.Because of our malfunctioning, we couldn't fulfill the Amazon standard.We will do your best to reduce the delay of the arrival by the congestion of the delivery procedure.We will try not to let our customers wait on the delivery.We will change our staff to the one who is fluent in English to understand the demand of customers to reduce the complaints as few as possible.