oz_taro (oz-ryu) 翻訳実績

5.0 15 件のレビュー
約5年前 男性 30代
日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
医療 ビジネス 契約書
oz-ryu 日本語 → 英語




The research is currently underway, however, the chronic salivary and gland disorders have not been seen in the intervention group, indicating that it may also contribute to the maintenance of long-term QOL.

In this research, we found that the acute salivary and gland disorder along with treatment may occur in the early stage by quantitative evaluation and the take candy balls in the early stage could be one of the effective choices of preventive measures. Candy ball is relatively inexpensive and easy to get on daily life. Moreover, the anti-inflammatory function the candy has may protect the oral condition and maintain the salivary gland function while this treatment alleviates the side effects many patients suffered. It may be effective for maintaining QOL.

oz-ryu 日本語 → 英語



The patient took 2g of candy balls daily for 4 consecutive days while they were in the RI treatment room. There was no significant change in group A, indicating that it may have suppressed salivary gland disorder in the acute phase. While the results of S and Ktest showed that the patients' salivary function in group B objectively decreased, group A was able to keep its function. It is considered that because inflammation is eased by the membrane protective ingredient contained by the candy balls, and the amount of saliva increases as a result of keeping the wet condition in the oral. In contrast to the previous study focusing on the prevention by chewing gum, the candy balls may be a better choice than the chewing gum because the intervention using chewing gum does cause acid irritation and mucosal obstruction.

oz-ryu 日本語 → 英語






Honestly, I think it would be nice if my father disappeared from this world as soon as possible.

I have never known your parents are divorced.
It is very painful to see parents feeling sad.
And are you betrayed by a friend?
Such a terrible experience…. My heart breaks when I think there were such a hard time and a sad thing.
I was betrayed by people who I thought were my best friends, and I was also in a terrible situation.
So I can not trust anyone other than you.

I like Japan, but sometimes, even that is a small matter, Japanese common sense does not permit it, I do not like that. It is generally said that in my country there is a strong social perception like a nail that stands out will be hammered down even the nail is small, and you can see that at workplace or school.

Sorry for forgetting your birthday.
I'm sorry.