Oregonian (noppy) 翻訳実績

日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
noppy 英語 → 日本語

3. Quipio was deliberately made bandwidth efficient so that users on 2.5 and 3G networks can still have an excellent experience. When you create a textual Quip, you are only sending a few kilobytes over your cellular connection. Your friends on Quipio see a very beautiful output but that’s because Quipio reuses common fonts, backgrounds and highlight colors. Once the application knows what it needs to render, it does it in real-time. No 500KB transfers required! The result is a fast and fluid experience regardless of cellular bandwidth.

Key Takeaway: Don’t assume that cellular networks are identical globally. Account for bandwidth-challenged environments and optimize for them.




noppy 英語 → 日本語

Apple's Retina iPad mini to follow debut of high-res Google's Nexus 7,report says

The research firm told CNET on Friday that supply chain checks point to a possible third quarter production for the so-called "iPad mini 2's" Retina display,suggesting the device won't be available for some time.

"When would the Mini be available? Could be third quarter or fourth quarter," DisplaySearch analyst Paul Semenza speculated,citing the company's supply chain data.

The estimate is in line with a previous report from KGI analyst Ming-Chi Kuo,who said in January that he expects a Retina version of Apple's small format iPad to be introduced in the middle of the third quarter.


Googleの高解像度版Nexus 7に続き、アップルのRetina iPad Miniが登場予定との報道

調査機関が金曜日、CNETに語ったところによると、サプライチェーンの検証から、第三四半期に「iPad Mini 2」用のRetinaディスプレイが生産される可能性があるとのことで、発売はしばらく先になる見込みです。

アップルのサプライチェーンデータを引き合いに出しながら、DisplaySearchのアナリストPaul Semanzaは推測します。

この推測は、KGIのアナリストMing-Chi Kuoが以前1月に発表した報道と同じ主張です。同じく、iPad miniのRetina版が第三四半期の半ばに発表されると予測していました。

noppy 英語 → 日本語

I'm happy to address your questions:

as for " It would be great if you can write message

by written letter to Japanese users."

I'm not sure what needs to be said, perhaps you can draft something for me.
For me it's never been about me but it's about my work, this is what I feel comfortable demonstrating.

I'll try to put the pics I have on a CD and send it to you with the next order.
Also I may have mentioned I'm thinking of making available a new model of Dual and maybe flaccid that are thinner as they may be more suitable to the Japanese marker and also I do get the occasional person in US and UK asking for something similar.

I'd be happy to discuss anything further.






noppy 英語 → 日本語

Is it OK to ship from 2 different locations? If not, I will have to bring the items here first which will take about 5-7 days.

Or, we can drop ship complete boxes from 1 location at the supplier. To do that, we could only ship in full boxes of 12. So, if we can increase the order to 12 pieces of the 3846, 36 pieces of the SW777CI, and 36 pieces of the SW777SI we can ship together. We can also do 24 pieces of each and issue back a partial credit if you wanted to lower the order to full boxes.

So, we can either split ship and complete the order? Order everything in here which takes 5-7 days? Or increase/decrease the quantity and still ship direct complete? Just let me know and I'll take care of it.






noppy 英語 → 日本語

Overall,it seems that Samsung is banking on software improvements and innovations to drive sales,as hardware enhancements were largely iterative.

Media coverage of the event has been unusually high for a Samsung product debut,possibly due to pundits sounding off on a "doom and gloom" scenario for Apple,the Korean company's biggest rival in the smartphone space. Whatever the reason,the tech giant was able to drum up a substantial amount of attention. The company's YouTube live Webcast of the S4 unveiling hit over 430,000 viewers when the device was finally unveiled.




noppy 英語 → 日本語

It was reported on Wednesday that Samsung has substantially boosted its U.S. advertising budget for the company's mobile phone lineup,spending in excess of $401 million during 2012,up from $78 million the year prior. The Korean firm managed to outspend Apple,which consistently generates media buzz when it announces a new product.

The battle for smartphone supremacy has become a two horse race between Apple and Samsung. According to a recent report from research firm Canalys,the two companies accounted for a respective 22.1 percent and 29 percent of all global handset shipments for the fourth quarter of 2012. It should be noted that the estimates are based on shipments,not sales.




noppy 英語 → 日本語

On a device by device level,impressions across Chitika's ad network in North America found Apple's iPhone 5 and Samsung's Galaxy S III to be in a dead heat during the first nine days of February. A broader look at the data showed all Samsung smartphones to account for 20.6 percent of the market,while all iPhone models took a 41.5 percent share. Overall,Apple's marketshare dropped 4.5 percent since the last Chitika study as Samsung's grew by 3.6 percent.

As for the new Galaxy S4,the handset will no doubt be compared to Apple's own flagship iPhone 5,which debuted six months ago in September 2012.


デバイス単位でみてみると、北米におけるChitikaのアドネットワーク上でのインプレッションの結果、アップルのiPhone 5とサムソンのGalaxy S IIIは2月の最初の九日間で激しいデッドヒートを繰り広げています。もう少し広くみてみると、サムソンのスマートフォン端末全体で、20.6%のマーケットシェアを持つことがわかります。これに対してiPhoneの全モデルは41.5%のマーケットシェアを保有しています。全体的にみると、前回のChitikaの調査に比べてアップルのマーケットシェアは4.5%減少し、サムソンは3.6%増加しました。

新しいGalaxy S4によって、2012年9月に搭乗したアップルのフラッグシップモデルであるiPhone 5の有力な対抗馬が出現したといえるでしょう。