And I admit that the startup ecosystem here does kind of suck; it’s certainly not as rosy as what we read on TechCrunch. But Southeast Asia isn’t short on good entrepreneurs. If you’re an entrepreneur reading this, would you choose to blame the ecosystem or go out there to build a f-ing good product for your target users? I believe we should choose the latter.Being a good entrepreneur takes time and failures. Entrepreneurship is a lifestyle, a lifelong journey. The more you do, the better you get. Southeast Asia needs good entrepreneurs and you could be one of them. If you are, you will be facing multiple failures. Get used to it.
I say fuck the problems with the ecosystem. You can’t change the ecosystem but you can set the direction of your startup. The biggest problem that is within control is you, my fellow entrepreneurs.As our compatriot Mikaal Abdullah said:It will be the very same entrepreneurs that are struggling with these challenges today that will solve the problem for tomorrow’s entrepreneurs.Stay strong.
エコシステムの問題なんてほっとけ。エコシステムを変えることはできないけど、自身のスタートアップの方向は変えられる。起業家の仲間たちよ、コントロール可能なもので一番の問題は、あなた自身なのだよ。我らが同胞Mikaal Abdullah氏がかつて言ったように:今日の難関に苦闘している起業家たちが、明日の起業家たちにとっての課題を解決することになるだろう。強くあれ。
Answers:Huang Shao-Ning, co-founder of JobsCentral:You are lucky to be in this situation. Key questions to ask: investment at what value and at what percentage (so you need to know how to value your business); WHY does this guy want to invest in you/your business; ask yourself are you comfortable with the answers you get and if there are any uncomfortable feelings u may have. There are times you may just have to trust your instincts and gut feelings.
回答:JobsCentralの共同創業者、Huang Sha-Ning氏:こういう状況にいるあなたは幸運です。大事な質問は以下のものです:・いくらで、何パーセントの投資をしたいのか。(つまり、あなたは自分の事業の価値を評価する方法を知る必要があるということです)・どうしてあなたのビジネスに投資したいと考えるのか。戻ってきた回答が、あなたにとってしっくりくるものかどうか自問しましょう。そしてもし、違和感があるのなら。時には、自分の本能や腹の中の感覚を信じる必要があるということです。
Jeffrey Paine, co-founder of Golden Gate Ventures and Founder Institute Singapore: If and only if you think your company has reached product market fit and you need money to scale because you have nailed it do you actually need to raise money. Smart money is good but sometimes “value add” is also overrated. If you get along with the angel investor, I would take the money. If you can bootstrap it to profitability, always keep all the equity unless you want to grow fast.
Golden Gate VenturesおよびFounder Institute Singaporeの共同創業者、Jeffrey Paine氏:本当に資金を集める必要があるのは、あなたの会社のプロダクトがマーケットフィットを実現し、うまく機会を捉えたので更なる事業拡大のための資金が必要であると考えるときだけです。投資マネーはいいものですが、「付加価値」は過大評価されることが多いです。エンジェル投資家とうまくつきあえるのなら、私も資金をもらうでしょう。自力で利益を確保できるのなら、迅速に成長したい場合を除き、自己資本を維持するべきでしょう。
Lim Song Joo, Founder & CEO at BWG Consulting Pte Ltd:Sometimes, investors (in their various shapes and sizes) see things differently and they have their own KPI and objectives. From your business point where cash is helpful to your company, this is good news. It doesn’t matter if this is from an angel investor or seed money from your Dad, you must take it upon yourself to repay their faith by making sure their investment participation is put to good use, for the benefit of the company. They trust you with their money, and you should too with your own.
BWG Consulting Pte Ltd創業者兼CEO、Lim Song Joo氏:時に投資家は(彼らなりの多様性をもって)物事に対して独自の見方をし、独自のKPIや目標を持っています。あなたの事業の観点から大事なのは資金ですから、これは良いニュースです。エンジェル投資家だろうが父親からのシード資金だろうが、彼らの投資への参加が会社にとって良い使われ方をされる事を自ら責任もって推進することで、彼らの信用に対してお返しをしなくてはなりません。彼らは自分たちのお金をあなたに預ける形であなたを信頼しています。あなたも同じ事を自分のお金に対してしなくてはなりません。
Solicit a second opinion on the investment offer (& the deal) to make sure that you do not lose the forest for the trees. Try to delve a bit deeper on the angel investor’s motivation and a due diligence check will give you a better read on who you are taking onboard. When you are satisfied and having done all that, take this step forward and start growing your business.
Why (Almost) Every Startup Should Be Working From HomeMarissa Mayer may have decided that working from home doesn’t work anymore for Yahoo, but that doesn’t mean that working from home isn’t the best option out there for some tech companies. And for startups it seems like a no-brainer. Here’s why:No rent, no utilities. This is big, obvious reason that everyone should already know: if your team works from home, you don’t have to rent office space or pay for anything like heat, internet connections, electricity, phone lines, or anything else like that. There’s a big expense that just vanished from your budget. Poof!
ほとんど全てのスタートアップが、自宅から働けるようにした方がよい理由Yahooにおいて、自宅から働くことが意味のないことだと、Marissa Mayer氏は結論づけたかもしれない。けれども、いくつかのテック系企業にとって、自宅から働くことが最適ではない、という結論を急ぐのはまだ早い。とりわけスタートアップにとってはなおさらだ。理由を述べよう。まず、賃料や水道・光熱費が不要である。誰もが知っているであろう大きな理由だ。あなたのチームが自宅で仕事をするなら、オフィススペースを借りたり、光熱費やインターネット・電話回線、その他にお金を払う必要がなくなる。あなたの予算のなかから、大きい費目が一瞬で消えたわけだ。Poof!
Good home workers are self-starters, and that’s exactly who you want on your team if you’re a startup anyway. If you’re worried about how many hours somebody on your team is working at a startup, that probably means you didn’t hire the right person in the first place. If your team is properly motivated, they’re going to be working just as hard to make the company succeed as you are whether they’re at home, in an office, or anywhere else.
Plus, counting hours is a waste of your time. You shouldn’t care how many hours anyone on your team is working — tracking that is both time-consuming and pointless. What you should be focused on is results. If your team members are completing the tasks you need them to in the time you need them to, it doesn’t matter at all whether they’re in an office or at home. Conversely, if they’re not completing the tasks they need to on time, then it should be time for them to hit the road no matter where they work from.
Home workers allow you to spread your team out. This can be a big advantage, especially in Southeast Asia where you may be working on a product that’s targeted at more than one country. If your team works from an office, everybody either has to be in one place or you need to pay for more offices in different locations. But if your team works from home, you can hire people all over the globe, which gives you access to more talent and more markets without destroying your budget.
Working from home keeps employees happier. This one is a bit subjective, but at many startups your team members are going to be putting in long hours each day to stay on top of everything. If they’re spending 12 hours a day in an office, that can pretty quickly become soul-crushing, which means you either need to spend more money to buy them food and free massages (or whatever) or allow your workers to become soulless drones (that’s never a good thing). But working long hours from home is easier, as you can still see your loved ones easily every time you take a break or stop for a meal.
As I write this article, I’m sitting next to my wife on the couch, and our dog is lying on the floor in front of us. I’m not talking to my wife or playing with the dog, obviously, but I still feel a lot happier and more comfortable here than I would if I was in an office all day. That’s all subjective, of course, but studies have shown that work from home employees really are happier and we all know that happy workers are more productive than unhappy ones.
The tools for working collaboratively from home are here. Even a few years ago, it would have been much harder to have your teams work from home and still be working together, but these days there are a plethora of mature solutions for collaborative working from home. Here at Tech in Asia we tend to use Skype for conferencing and chatting and Google Docs for collaborative editing, but if those tools don’t fit your workflow, something else out there probably does.
自宅から協同して働くためのツールはもう登場している。つい数年前までは、チームが自宅から、協同しつつ働くことはとても難しかった。今日では、自宅から協同して働くための磨かれたソリューションが豊富にある。Tech in Asiaで我々は、Skypeを会議とチャットに使い、Google Docsを協同編集に使っている。仮にあなたの業務フローにこれらのツールがあわないとしても、恐らく何かしらのツールがあるはず。
Working from home doesn’t mean never working together in the real world. Sometimes, you really do have to be there, and it’s important to remember that working from home doesn’t preclude that. Different companies will have different needs, but I think most work-from-home companies do have meetings or events in real life from time to time. Here at Tech in Asia, most of us meet up for our Startup Asia conferences. Does it cost a decent chunk of change to fly team members around for meetings like that? Sure, but it’s still cheaper than renting an office in the long run.
自宅から働くことが、現実の世界で一緒に働かないと言うことを意味するわけでは当然ない。時には、特定の場所に行く必要があるし、自宅から働くことでそうした機会がなくなるわけではない、ということは頭に入れておいた方がよい。会社が違えば、ニーズも異なるけれど、自宅から働くことのできる会社のほとんどは、時々現実に顔を合わせるミーティングやイベントをおこなっていると思う。Tech in Asiaでも、Startup Asiaカンファレンスでほとんど皆で顔をあわせている。結構な旅費がかかるかって?もちろんだとも。それでも長い目でみれば、オフィスを借りるよりは安上がりだ。
At the end of the day, you can avoid most of the problems associated with working from home by just hiring a trustworthy team that’s actually motivated to help you build the company. And guess what: if you’re planning to do a startup that’s the kind of team you should be building anyway. Working from home saves you money, makes workers happier, and allows you to broaden your searches for talent and to spread more easily and cheaply into new markets. As I see it, that’s a win-win-win-win. Unless there’s some reason you absolutely need to be in an office (and yes, there are some companies that really do need that for one reason or another), why would you be?
As a tangential side note, some of you may have read that employees are better off at work because they’re less likely to be promoted from home. The study that indicates that, however, was conducted at a very large Chinese company. Chinese business culture places a lot of importance on personal relationships, so it’s little surprise that “being there” means a lot at a Chinese company, but this shouldn’t mean very much to startups one way or the other. You should be striving to build your own workplace culture, and if everybody’s working from home, then nobody gets left out of promotions because of it anyway.(CORRECTION: Fixed “Marissa” after initially writing “Melissa”).
A journalist friend of mine uses BBM every day, mainly because of the journalist’s BBM groups. Inside the group, they can get the latest news tips and other helpful information like sources’ contact info from colleagues and other journalists. A salesperson and an online merchant use it every day to communicate with their customers, as well as for advertising their products through BBM. Another friend of mine who works in an office uses BBM for business communication purposes.They all tell me that their friends inside the same profession are using Blackberry phones for work. Even those who did not use Blackberry at first would eventually be forced to buy one to support their job.
People who don’t like their Blackberry phonesLet me break down a few insights I got from the interviews:・BBM has become deeply connected to people’s jobs, and it’s very hard to replace that anytime soon. Merchants and salespeople won’t ditch their exhaustive lists (which can reach over 1,000 contacts for some merchants) of customers on BBM, and journalists won’t ditch the chance to get valuable and timely information either. Those lists can’t be exported to the other messaging apps easily, and the network effect keeps people mutually bound to BBM groups right now.
According to a report from Arbitron Mobile, Line is currently the number one messaging app in Indonesia. While WeChat is gaining around 90,000 new users by the day in the country thanks to its new national TV ads. KakaoTalk, meanwhile, recently reported that it had increased its user numbers by 288 percent from January to February.・Most of my friends, who are mostly in the middle-income bracket, don’t really care about the new Blackberry 10 handset. They prefer other platforms like Android and iOS. The middle class segment of society represents quite a lot of people who have considerable buying power.
Arbitron Mobileの調査によると、現在のインドネシアのNo.1メッセージングアプリはLINEである。一方、WeChatは、新しい全国放映のTV広告のおかげで、一日あたり90,000もの新規ユーザーを取り込めている。さらにKakaoTalkも、1月から2月でユーザー数を288%伸ばしたと発表した。・中間所得者層に属する私の友達のほとんどは、新しいBlackberry 10端末についてほとんど関心をもっていない。みな、AndroidやiOSなどのプラットフォームに興味がある。社会の中間所得セグメントは、バイイングパワーを持つ人たちの大多数の意見を代表するとみてよい。
The allure of AndroidSo what will happen? The new Blackberry Z10 in Indonesia is battling against the Samsung Galaxy S3 (soon to be the S4, which will be launched later this month) and iPhone 5 for the country’s wealthier users. But they’re the minority of the populace here anyway. The majority of the population, who are in the lower-income demographic,would opt to purchase more affordable Android devices because they see that the OS, together with its apps’ ecosystem and games, outperforms Blackberry handsets in the same price range. Or perhaps they’ll buy older Blackberry models since there’s nothing for BB10 available at the usual cheap prices of below $200.
Androidの魅力これから何が起きるのだろうか?インドネシアの新しいBlackberry Z10は、富裕層の獲得に向け、SamsungのGalaxy S3(今月後半にはS4になる)、そしてiPhone 5と格闘している。でも人口全体で見れば彼らはマイノリティだ。人口の大半を占める低所得者層は、もっと手に入れやすいAndroid端末を選択するだろう。なぜなら、Androidとその周辺アプリのエコシステム、そしてゲームを持ってすれば、同じ価格帯のBlackberry端末よりも遙かによいものとわかっているからだ。もしくは、もっと古いBlackberryの端末を、いつものお買い得な200ドル以下の値段で買うかもしれない。どうせBB10にはまだ何もないのだから。