Thank you for your reply regarding my question, the other day.I’ve purchased a watch from your shop.In addition, I'm planning to buy 3 more units for a different model.Will it be less expensive than $653, the price I bought last time?Can we buy 3 units through ebay?Please confirm and reply at your convenience
One of our businesses is the travel business. We have already cooperated with China travel agents. Our company will serve those tourists from mainland in Hong Kong bring to purchase luxury goods and serving nice restaurants. Tours will begin in October.One of our staff will come over to Thailand in next week. She is called Emily. Maybe you can come over to your company to give you my name card. I hope we can discuss our project between this time and mid-October. Then I will come to your office in Thailand to sign contract with you by the end of October.Looking forward for our cooperation.Matty Wong
事業の一つに旅行業があります。すでに、中国の旅行代理店とは提携しております。当社は、香港での高級品の買い物や素敵なレストランでの食事を目的にした中国本土の観光客向けにビジネスを行ってます。ツアーは10月からです。スタッフのEmilyが来週、タイを訪問します。来社くだされば、私の名刺を彼女に託しておきます。10月半ば位までに詳しいお話ができれば、10月末までには契約書を持って、今度は御社のタイ事務所に伺います。提携がうまくいきます様に。よろしく、お願いします。Matty Wong
I used the heater for the first time in this apartment but, it smells like something is burning.I would like to review the lesson once in a while. Is it okay if I use my voice recorder during the lesson?Please explain this in a simple way.As you asked me to explain this in a simple way, I did it that way.Was it that funny for you?I got a stiff neck and shoulder, especially the deep part.I don’t feel any pain so, please rub down roughly. You can even us your elbow.
May I have wasabi (Japanese horseradish) for my sashimi, since it came without it?May I have one ◯◯ with a miracle fruit.May I have one hamburger, potato, and a small size drink?At the fast- food shop:If the clerk recommends you for some additional item, just tell them “Yes”.If you got too many items than you ordered, just tell them “No ◯◯, just □□ please”.
5,000 Group Buy Sites in China, But No One’s Making MoneyWe told you last week that winter is coming for net startups in China. And we’ve been following the floundering of Groupon in China — short version: things are going poorly for them.Today, the Economic Observer is reporting some more grim news for group buy sites in China: the competition is fierce and the rewards for victory are scant. This is something you probably already knew, but you might still be surprised by the numbers: China has over 5,000 group buy websites, 3,000 of which were launched in the first half of this year.
中国における5000もの共同購入サイトは、どこも儲けなし。先週述べた通り、中国での新興ネット企業は、この先厳しい状況に直面することになる。危機的状況のGrouponを調べてみると、中国ではうまくいってない。本日付けのEconomic Observerは、中国のgroup buy sites(共同購入サイト)について、競争は激しいが、報酬は不十分で全くうまみがない事業だと、厳しく指摘している。周知の通り、中国では5000以上のgroup buy websites(共同購入サイト)があり、内3000は、この半年の間に開設されたサイトである。
Red Alert! Tencent Joins Android App Stores CompetitionLacking of paid apps and additional business models, and facing a tough competition from tens of similar services, as we predicted back in April, most Chinese independent Android app stores will have a hard time sooner or later. GFan is the only one we heard recently raised $5 millions and the others such as NDuoa (early invested by Shanda), eoeMarket etc we don’t even know what they are working on. And we even heard that one popular Android app store has been acquired by a giant at a cheap price (as it’s running out of money). Unfortunately, now the situation is even getting worse, the super giant, Tencent, just released its own Android App Store.
緊急事態! TencentがAndroid App Storeを開設し競争に参戦。4月の時点で予想した通り、有料appsや新たなビジネスモデルがないなか、同類のサービスによる過当競争に直面している中国の独立系Android app storeのほとんどは、遅かれ早かれ苦境にたたされるであろう。何とかやっているのは、最近では500万ドルの資金を調達したGfan位で、NDuoa(Shandaが昔に出資した)eoeMarketやその他は、何に携わっているのかも不明である。最近では、ある有名なAndroid app storeが業界大手にかなりたたかれて買収された。(破産寸前だったようだ。)超大手のTencentが直系のAndroid App Store.を開設し、残念ながら、状況はさらに悪化しそうだ。
Greasy chain and a damaged bar can’t be a brand new product.Furthermore, it was in a shabby box. Under this condition, the main unit can’t be a brand new product, either. I will accept to take a $300 refund, if you will send me a brand new chain and a bar.A used Husqvarna372 is worth $400 or less.Don’t be a cheater.
A movie, starring Mary at the age of eighteenMary, pregnant looking infancy.Robert, the famous star battling against illness, in his late age.The legend compilation of the immortal star, Frank.Featuring, Maria and Jimmy’s first visit to JapanSome spots, small scratches on the outer case. The main unit looks used, but in a very good condition.We believe that a single picture tells you more than a hundred words.If you have any question regarding caption and the picture, please let us know before bidding.We will accept question at least two days prior to the expiration date.We will reply, but only when we have time.
The linen shirt was reasonably-priced and was an attractive item.But after reviewing the merchandise mix for the shop, I would like tocancel the order this time.
We show you're a registered user on our website; however, we don't show a recent order that is shipping within the United States. Shortly after submitting your order, you should have received an email confirming your order information which would have included an order number. If you didn't receive this confirmation, your order may not have transmitted properly. If you are shipping your order within the United States, please feel free to replace your order at piperlime.com or call us at the number listed below and we can help place the order for you.If your order is shipping to an international location, please contact us again with your name, address, and phone number.
Hasqvernaの商品の箱がひどいダメージを受けています。新品で購入したものが、中古商品になってしまいました。DHL Japanに確認したところ、DHL Japanの従業員が箱をダメにしてしまいました。DHL Japanは弁償するといっています。MYUSからクレームを出してください。
The box of the Hasqverna product which I purchased was badly damaged and the brand-new product, now looks like a secondhand goods.After verifying DHL in Japan, they accept culpability and agreed to pay for the damage.Please place a claim regarding this case from MYUS.
The delivery time is what I can see now the same end of September.Please note that this is only he table top.
Facebook is Finally Looking At Asia SERIOUSLYI love Facebook as a product, but sadly its team in Singapore doesn’t live up to the standard. Why? Because the Facebook team in Singapore isn’t very friendly and responsive to the blogger community (or maybe it’s just me).Google Singapore, on the other hand, is doing an awesome job friending the tech community here in our tiny island. Every Googler — from sales and analytics to the PR folks — are open to talking to anyone. And whenever we have questions for the articles we’re working on, they respond quickly to ensure we meet our deadlines.
The returns are scheduled to reach Sella by now.And the payback from Sella to my bank account will probably be next week.One question. Are we going to bid on Sunday even if the payback doesn'tcomplete today?I have to take a risk of ¥45000.I am fine with this, but may I have your opinion?
・Choker length, approx. 15" (on my neck the ends are just touching)・The way the wire works one could have a larger neck or a smaller neck and it would still stay in place, very ingenious・No clasp, just wired, but feels very secure when on ・One row of 7mm with gold wire between ・2nd row are smaller pearls (4mm) attached to the gold wire between the upper row ・2nd row dangles gaily ・Metal Cartouche, MIRIAM HASKELL ・GORGEOUS! No reserve, low start, free ship
・チョーカー長、約15" (約38cm)。(私の首だとちょうど両端が届きます。)・とてもうまい方法でワイヤー調節ができ、首回りの太い人にも細い人にも心地よく つけていただけます。・ワーヤーのみで留め金はありませんが、安心してつけてられます。・7mmのパールとパールの間に金のワイヤがある一列目。・その上段の、一列目の金のワイヤーにぶらさがる様に、 二列目は小ぶりな4mmパールで構成されてます。・二列めは、ぶらぶら動く様になってます。・メタル装飾された MIRIAM HASKELLです。・豪華です! 取り置きはできません。開始価格は低め。 送料無料。(US国内のみ??)
I turned on the power key of the amplifier for the first time today, but most of the lights did not work. The condition of the amplifier is different from your description so, I'm really angry about this fact. I have to pay more than $300 for the repair so, I am going to charge you $200 for the expense.If you refuse to pay, I will report to eBay, and to Paypal.
This is a great barbie lot with a Bru TnT barbie,TnT Pj,and TnT Francie I'n great shape they have great color and could use a bath but with a little TLC could be good as ever!! They come wearing there original clothes In ok condition fancies has a hole and barbies suit is a little stretched! They have all there fingers and toes PJ does have some chew marks on her feet!! These dolls will make a great addition to any collection!!!
こちらは、色・形、共に大変状態の良い、黒髪のTnT (twist and turn)barbie、TnT Pj、とTnT Francieの人形です。入浴もでき、愛情込めたちょっとしたお手入れで、きれいによみがえります。Francieの洋服には穴が、barbieのスーツは少し伸びきってますが、洋服はオリジナルで、まずまずの状態です。Pjの足には歯形がついてますが、手足の指はすべて揃ってます。これらの人形は、お手持ちのコレクションの新たな仲間にうってつけです。
I ordered a brand-new chainsaw. But what I've received was a used one, which was not even shown in the original item box. The bar and the chain are used.Even if I have to keep this used chainsaw, I would like to get a $400 refund in exchange.If I don't hear from you, I will report to the eBay.
I would like to handle the PN (part number) below.Is there any minimum order quantity, or a color limitation, when placing the order?Would you also let me know the delivery date?