There is a chance that a malicious viewer may capture your image and expose it to the public. You should wear a mask or a headdress to avoid it.
My apologies for any inconvenience.I will confirm the Japanese delivery company and let you know the status.It seems that the package is now located in Chicago delivery center.I will also ask them to hasten the delivery.
The Pendleton 100th Anniversary of Glacier Park blanket is a special edition which celebrates one of our most treasured National Parks. Two special Glacier Park labels explain the design.
Glacier Parkブランケットは、国内でもっとも貴重な国立公園の開園100年を記念して作られたPendletonの特別版ブランケットです。2つある特別なラベルでGlacier Parkブランケットの柄をご確認ください。
Label/Receipt Number: EO88 6573 040U SClass: Express Mail®Status: Electronic Shipping Info ReceivedThe U.S. Postal Service was electronically notified by the shipper on September 15, 2011 to expect your package for mailing. This does not indicate receipt by the USPS or the actual mailing date. Delivery status information will be provided if / when available. No further information is available for this item.
ラベル/レシート番号:EO88 6573 040U S種類:速達状況:出荷情報入手のご案内9月15日(2011年)に、お客様宛の荷物の出荷情報が送付元からU.S. Postal Serviceに届いてますので、お知らせいたします。このご案内は荷物の受領や出荷日をお知らせするものではありません。荷物の配送に関しては、今後更新情報があれば、お知らせいたします。現時点では、お客様の荷物に関する情報は届いておりません。
Full ability. Kirby, a game we can play together.You can suck in anything, and assimilate enemy's ability.It is an action game, starring Kirby as a main character.Hold the Wii controller sideways for a simple operation but a complicated action.Suck in enemy and assimilate its ability.Kirby can start using various features by absorbing enemy's ability.You can progress through the stages using wide variety of abilities such as, "Sword" to fight, "Leaf ", a new ability to control leaves, depending on the situation.
A powerful new feature " Super ability." :A new feature is added. This will put you in motion, when you suck in a special enemy.Will move on with an overwhelming power, covered with "Ultra sword", a giant sword to fight with the enemy and to destroy the land scape, and "Miracle beam"to control a mega-energy-ball.
Play alone or together.Up to 4 players can join the game, if you have Wii controller per player.You can also select the character besides Kirby, such as Meta Knight, King Dedede, Waddle Dee, from the 2nd player. You can have an adventure, helping each other by utilizing each individuality. (All 4 players can also control Kirby.)
You can enjoy a team play technique carrying another player on your back, hanging on to another player.Up to 4 players can also enjoy sub-game.You can start or quit the game by pressing the multi-key."You can join in and play together or pull out " whenever you want to.
4. A supplement, contains 13 sorts of vitamin including B-complex vitamins and 10 sorts of minerals.5. Recomennded for a person controlling weight by diet. Fat-burning ingredients such as caffeine, arginine HCA and Piper longum are blended.Moreover, it also contains 7 sorts of vitamins, essential for athletes.6. Blended with arthrosis-ingredients such as collagen peptide glucosamine chondroitin.A supplement you can dissolve and drink to strengthen the arthrosis.
1.この件について技術部のAさん( 日本サイドの担当 )に確認しました。 結論は「ある、なし」どちらでもOKです。 あなたたちT社サイドで判断してください。 製作手順マニュアルの変更が必要な場合はご連絡下さい。 現在は「XとY」を記載しています。2.ほぼ同様の仕様にしてください。 12個/枚、入りにする必要があります。 それから、A面が下になるように入れます。 それを10段に交互に重ねてください。 この3つを守る前提なら、少しの設計自由度はあります。
1. I confirmed A ( an engineer in Japan) regarding this issue.No matter what the conclusion is, please make the judgement at T's side.Please let us know if the production procedure manual needs to be changed.We will state "X and Y" at this moment.2. Please follow the specification below.Need to place 12pcs/sheet.Need the A side to face the bottom.Need to be ten-tiered alternately.If the 3 requests are followed the design can be slightly changed.
What you can do:・Get to the point as quickly as possible.・Cut out unnecessary information.・Use easy-to-understand, shorter, common words and phrases.・Avoid long paragraphs and sentences.・Use time-saving and attention-grabbing writing techniques, such using numbers instead of spelling them out. Use “1,000″ as opposed to “one thousand,” which facilitates scanning and skimming.・Test your writing style using readability formulas that gauge how easy it is to get through your prose. The Readability Test Tool allows you to plug in a URL, then gives you scores based on popular readability formulas such as the Flesch Kincaid Reading Ease.
やるべきこと。・要点をできるだけ早く伝える。・無駄な情報は省く。・分かりやすく、短く、日常的な言葉やフレーズを使う。・長い段落や長文はさける。・時短で目を引く文書作成手法を使う。例えば、字でなく数字を使う。 スキャニングやスキミングがしやすい様に千のところを1000にする。・あなたの文章を可読性公式に通して文体を評価してもらう。 ネット上でReadability Test Tool を使い、よく利用されてる可読性公式のFlesch Kincaid Reading Easeに通した結果を得点で知る事が可能だ。
2. Use Headings to Break Up Long ArticlesA usability study described in an article by web content management expert Gerry McGovern led him to the conclusion that Internet readers inspect webpages in blocks and sections, or what he calls “block reading.”That is, when we look at a webpage, we tend to see it not as a whole, but rather as compartmentalized chunks of information. We tend to read in blocks, going directly to items that seem to match what we’re actively looking for.
2. 見出しを使い、長い記事を分割する。ここに興味深い記事がある。ウェブコンテンンツの専門家であるGerry McGovern によるとウェブ上で記事を閲覧する人は、一つのブロックから目当てのページを探し当て、そして閲覧をするそうだ。名付けてブロック読みだそうだ。つまり、我々がウェブ上で記事を閲覧する際、どうやら全体を一つとして見ているのではなく、むしろ細かく区分けされた情報の集まりとして見ている様だ。検索内容と一致すれば、直接その事項に目をやり、ブロック読みを始めてしまう様だ。
An eye-tracking study conducted by Nielsen revealed an eye-movement pattern that could further support this idea that web users do indeed read in chunks: We swipe our eyes from left to right, then continue on down the page in an F-shaped pattern, skipping a lot of text in between.We can do several things to accommodate these reading patterns. One strategy is to break up long articles into sections so that users can easily skim down the page. This applies to block reading (because blocks of text are denoted by headings) as well as the F-shaped pattern, because we’re attracted to the headings as we move down the page.
The item was already broken when I recieved it.I am not responsible for this.I needed this item in a rush.Since it is useless now, I don't need any repair but my money back.
We will do our best to meet your request.Following are the current status.The entire design management form is being reviewed and will be sent to you from the product management divisionby tomorrow at the latest.Documents regarding ABC are being prepared by the Quality Control divisionand will be sent around Sep. 30th or Oct. 3rd.I would like to confirm one issue.Is there any specification for the package?If not, we will use EEEbag with a desiccant inside.Please reply at your earliest convenience.Thank you.
Eat2eat Raises $4 Million From Kewalram Chanrai GroupEat2eat, a Singapore-based company, has just raised $4 million from Kewalram Chanrai Group, a company representative informs us. eat2eat provides software solutions to help restaurants manage their table reservations, sales, and stocks in real-time. It has a similar approach to Open Table, but focuses its operations specifically in the Asia Pacific region.Founded in 2000, eat2eat has served over 1,200 clients, such as Starwood Hotels and Resorts, Marriott International, Hilton Hotels, and Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts.
Eat2eat、Kewalram Chanrai Groupから4000万ドル資金調達する。シンガポールに本社をおくEat2eatの代理人によると、Kewalram Chanrai Groupから4000万ドルの資金調達を終えたところだという。Eat2eatは、予約、売上、材料の在庫状況をリアルタイムで管理するソフトをレストランに提供する会社だ。 Open Tableと似た事業内容だが、Eat2eatはアジア太平洋地区にその運営を注力している。2000年に創業したEat2eat はStarwood Hotels and Resorts, Marrott International、Hilton HotelsやShangri-La Hotels and Resortsなど、既に1,200以上もの顧客数を抱えている。
I bought three of these items at 80 pound each and the shipping fee to Japanwas 39.5 pound, some time ago. I will purchase three of these so,would you give me the same price again for this time?
Accel Partners Drops $400 Million Venture Fund in IndiaWe were excited when Accel Partners announced its $400 million venture fund in India back in January. But after only eight months, things seem to have changed. The Times of India reports the bad news today that the fund has changed its mind, an unfortunate turn of events for the start-up community in the country.Accel Partners will scrap its $400 million venture fund plans due to poor market conditions and increasing competition in the VC industry focusing on start-ups in their growth stage. Accel Partners will however remain in India to invest in early-stage start-ups.
Accel Partners:インドでの 4億ドル基金を白紙化。Accel Partners が4億ドルのベンチャー基金の発表をした1月は興奮した。しかし、ほんの8ヵ月で事態は変わった様だ。 Times of India によると、インドの企業家たちには残念な内容だが、基金に対する考えが変わった様だ。Accel Partnersは、市場の低迷と成長期の新興企業へのVC業界の過熱化に伴い、4億ドルのベンチャー基金計画を白紙に戻すという。ただし、創設期の企業に投資するため、Accel Partners はインドに留まるという。
It was reported that there are over 400 venture capital funds in India alone, many of which are created by financial professionals who quit their jobs to raise their own funds. Of course, big-name venture firms like Sequoia, IDG, and even Intel’s venture arm, are also in India, making investing more competitive.Nonetheless, India is still a great place to start a business. Accel Partners pulling out its $400 million venture fund doesn’t change a thing about the country. It does, however, indicate that the investing space in India is getting a little crowded and there is more money than there are start-ups to invest in.We have contacted Accel Partners India to see if we can get an update on this story.
インドだけで400以上のベンチャーキャピタル基金があり、その多くは仕事を辞めた専門家が自身の資金を調達のために設けたものたと報告されている。もちろん、ベンチャー系大手のSequoia, IDG, や Intelなども名を連ね、インドでの投資競争をより激化させている。にもかかわらず、インドは今でも事業をスタートするには言い場所だ。Accel Partners が4億ドルのベンチャーキャピタル基金をやめても、インドの事業環境は変わらない。ただ、投資の対象はますます狭められ、新たな企業家にとっては、予想以上にインドは資金であふれている事は間違いない様だ。この件で進捗がないかAccel Partners Indiaに連絡してまた。
Qmobao Makes it Easy to Create Your Own Mobile AppThese days there is a mobile app for everything. Now with our mobile phone’s becoming an extension of ourselves and indispensible part of our lives, why not have a mobile app for anyone? That’s why Mobile Roadie was created.Mobile Roadie is a do-it-yourself web service that allows anyone to create their own mobile app for iOS or Android. It gives you the power to customize the layout and design, instantly update changes, collect real-time visitor analytics and publish it in app stores.
Qmobaoで簡単に自分専用のモバイルアプリを作成。携帯電話は、もはや体の一部であり、生活には欠かせない物です、今は色々なことに使えるアプリがあるのだから、自分専用に使えるアプリがあっても良いはず。そこでMobile Roadie が作成しました。Mobile RoadieはiOS や Android用の自分専用アプリをウェブ上で作成するサービスです。画面のレイアウトやデザインをカスタマイズしたり、更新したり、実訪問者情報を集めappショップで分析結果を出すこともできる様になります。