michico (michiko204) 翻訳実績

日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
michiko204 英語 → 日本語

I want to first say that the 22" carry on might be too large for international travel. Due to this, you may have to check this bag under the airplane sometimes. The 21" is safe for a carry on in any aircraft (international/US travel).
I checked with our FedEx and the estimated shipping cost (if you purchased 21" & 26") at this time will be approximately $250.00 USD. If you are sure about the 22" the price for shipping will also change because it does not fit into the 26" to ship. Any duties fee would be applied to your account as well. If you are still interested, I can register you for a pre-order so that you will be among the first to receive these cases in this special edition style.


FedEx を確認したところ、発送の見積もり価格(21番と26番を購入された場合)は、今回はおよそ250.00USドルとなります。22番のご購入が決定しているならば、26番と合っていませんので発送料は変更になります。同じように、発送にかかる税もお客様の口座に請求されます。変わらずご興味がおありでしたら、プレオーダーという形で登録しますので、スペシャルエディションのキャリーケースを一番最初にお受け取りいただけます。

michiko204 英語 → 日本語

The following items are currently on back order:
When they are received into our warehouse from the manufacturer they will be shipped.

Due date: 08/22/2012

Please note: Backorder dates are based on the individual manufacturer's estimated delivery date to us and are subject to change without notice. We are in continual contact with the manufacturers and ship backordered items as soon as possible. However, there are unforeseen circumstances that delay items. We update our information as soon as we are notified by the manufacturer. Please be assured that we are working hard to fulfill your order upon receipt of the merchandise. We apologize for any inconvenience.





michiko204 英語 → 日本語

But because you are from Japan, you don’t have to pay the german taxes, so your price for the GW-3000M-4AER would be 209,24 Euro per piece. Maybe this is okay for you as well. Shipping to Japan costs 66 Euro to an amount of 500 Euro. If it’s above 500 Euro we have to insure the package, so shipping cost will be 89 Euro (this is insured till 2500 Euro).

We have the GW-4000-1A3ER just once in stock, but it would be no problem to order higher amounts for you. But I have to tell you in advance: We are a small company, so we can’t order e.g. 20 pieces without any insurance. So you have to pay these watches in advance, that’s our policy, we hope you understand.



GW-4000-1A3ER の在庫は1つだけですが、それ以上のご注文も受け付けております。ですが、前もってお伝えしておかなければならないことは、当社は小さな会社ですので、保証なしでたとえば20個の注文ともなりますと、それはできかねます。当社の規定で、時計のお支払いは先に済ませていただくようになっておりますので、ご理解いただきますようお願いいたします。