I wil ship the model asap, but the postal service is closed because holiday and closed weekend. I can promise to send the model monday. I hope it is OK ?Im am sorry for the delay and hope you are not to disappointed.Yours truly
Hi Kazuhiko Sugo. did you received it yet ( sigma 24mm) i've send you about one month, 26 december --> 2 february.
スゴウ カズヒコさん、こんにちは。12月26日から2月2日の約1ヶ月の間にsigma24mm をお送りしましたが、お受け取りいただきましたでしょうか。
Isn't it bug that the title which is displayed at first?It's nice that titles are displayed on the source code of HTML, in that SEO.
I understand this situation.I'm looking for another apartment now.I will think about the apartment you newly suggested.I will get in touch you tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.
Following recent photos of Apple's alleged iPhone 5C shown in its packaging,as well as the quick-start guide,SIM eject tool and other paperwork to be included in the packaging,several more photos and a video have surfaced showing similar devices and packages.First,Chinese site iApps.im has shared two new photos,one showing a blue iPhone 5C partially unpackaged and a second showing yellow, blue and white iPhone 5C units in their packages.The first video of an alleged fully assembled, powered on iPhone 5C has also surfaced on Chinese technology blog C Technology.The 50-second video shows a red,plastic device running what appears to be Safari on iOS7,with pinch-to-zoom capabilities as well as responsive scrolling.
続いてパッケージに入ったアップル社のiPhone 5C だといわれる写真ですが、クイックスタートガイド、SIMエジェクトツールやその他説明書が入っていて、もう何枚か似たような機種やパッケージの写真や映像が出回っている模様です。初めに中国のサイトiApps.im が2枚の新しい写真を公開しました。1枚目には部分的に中身の見えている青色のiPhone 5Cが、2枚目にはパッケージに入った黄、青、白色のiPhone 5C が写っていました。粋を集めたといわれる iPhone 5C の最初の映像が、中国のテクノロジーブログC Technologyで公開されています。50秒間の映像の中では、iOS7のSafariらしき赤色のプラスチック機種がピンチズーム機能や高感度のスクロール機能とともに紹介されています。
He sent and asked Octavian if he would allow the war to be decided by a naval engagement.Octavian,although he dreaded all naval encounters, which until now had turned out badly for him, considered it base to refuse, and, accordingly,accepted the challenge.A day was fixed by them, for which 300 ships were put in readiness on either side, provided with missiles of all kinds,with towers and whatever machines they could think of. Agrippa devised one called the "grip," a piece of wood five cubits long bound with iron and having rings at the extremities. To one of these rings was attached the grip itself, an iron claw, to the other numerous ropes, which drew it by machine power after it had been thrown by a catapult.
彼はOctavianに文書を送り、海戦で決着をつけてはどうかと申し出た。Octavianは、今や彼にとって脅威となった全敵海軍に対し非常に恐れを抱き、戦争を拒否することも大いに考えられたが、状況を考えた上でその申し出を受け入れた。どちらも、300の船や投げやりや弓矢などの戦いに必要な道具、やぐら、ほかにも考えられる装備を揃えられるように、戦いの日取りが設定された。Agrippa は、木でできた「グリップ」と呼ばれる、先端に鉄の輪がついた5キュービット程の長さの装置をを作った。1つの輪にはグリップが備えつけられ、1つには無数のかぎづめがついたロープがつけられ、石弓が放たれた後、装置の力でロープが引っ張られるようにした。
When the appointed day came the rival shouts of the oarsmen were first heard, accompanied by missiles thrown by machines and by hand, such as stones, firebrands, and arrows. Then the ships dashed against each other,some striking amidships, others on the prows, others on the beaks, where the blows are most effectual in discomposing the combatants and rendering the vessel useless. Others broke the opposing line by sailing through it, at the same time discharging arrows and javelins; and the small boats picked up those who fell overboard. There was a struggle of soldiers while the sailors put forth their strength and the pilots their skill and their lung-power; the generals cheered their men, and all the machines
He himself took ship before daylight and went seaward lest the enemy should enclose him on this side also, giving the right wing of the fleet to Titinius and the left to Carisius, and embarking himself on a liburnian, with which he sailed around the whole fleet, exhorting them to have courage. Having done this he lowered the general's ensign, as is customary in times of extreme danger. Pompeius put to sea against him, and they encountered each other twice, the battle ending with the night. Some of Octavian's ships were captured and burned; others spread their small sails and made for the Italian coast, contrary to orders. Those of Pompeius followed them a short distance and then turned against the remainder,
敵軍が近づいてくることを考え、彼は夜明け前に出港し海に出た。船の右翼をTitinius に、左翼をCarisiusに向け、全艦隊を回りliburnianを勇気づけていった。それが終わると、最大の危機に差し掛かったときの通例として、軍旗を降ろした。Pompeius は海に出て彼に向っていき、2人は再び顔を合わせ、夜とともに戦いは幕を閉じた。Octavianの船はいくつか捕えられ、燃やされた。ほかの者は指示に反して、小さな船に乗り込みイタリア湾へと向かおうとした。だがPompeius 軍がすぐさま追いかけ、いくつかの船は捕えられ、いくつかは燃やされた。
capturing some and burning others.Some of the crews swam ashore,most of whom were slaughtered or taken prisoners by Pompeius' cavalry.Some of them set out to reach the camp of Cornificius,who sent only his light-armed troops to assist them as they came near, because he did not consider it prudent to move his disheartened legionaries against the enemy's infantry,who were naturally much encouraged by their victory.Octavian spent the greater part of the night among his small boats, in doubt whether he should go back to Cornificius through the scattered remains of his fleet, or take refuge with Messala.Providence brought him to the harbour of Abala with a single armour-bearer,without friends, attendants, or slaves.
いくつかの船は捕えられ、いくつかは燃やされた。船に乗り込んだ者たちは岸まで泳いだが、大半はPompeiusの騎兵隊に虐殺されるか囚人にさせられた。彼らが近づいてきたときに助けをだせるよう、Cornificius陣に軽装備隊のみを送っていた。というのも、敵の歩兵隊に恐れをなしていた軍団が、案の定勝利に歓喜しており、彼らをほかの場所へ移すことを慎重に考えなかったからだ。捕えられなかった残りの者たちはその陣へと向かった。Octavianは小さな船の中で夜の大半を過ごし、艦隊のまき散らされた残骸の中をCornificius のところまで戻っていくべきか、Messalaとともに避難するべきか思案していた。彼は神によって、仲間やお付きの者、奴隷も引き連れずに甲冑を身にまとった兵士1人とAbala港へ連れて行かれた。
Looking down from the mountains upon the sea at daybreak and finding that it was clear of enemies, he set sail with as many troops as the ships could carry, leaving the rest with Messala until the fleet could return to him. Arriving at Tauromenium, he sent messengers to demand its surrender. As his guards were not admitted, he made sail to the river Onobalas and the temple of Venus, and moored his fleet at the shrine of the Archegetes, the god of the Naxians, intending to pitch his camp there and attack Tauromenium. The Archegetes is a small statue of Apollo, erected by the Naxians when they first migrated to Sicily.When Octavian disembarked from his ship he slipped and fell, but arose without assistance.
日の出時、山から見下ろすと、海の上に敵軍の姿がはっきりと見てとれた。彼は船が運べるだけの兵士を乗せ、艦隊が元に戻ってこれるようMessala と残りの兵士たちを残し、船を出した。Tauromeniumに到着すると、彼は使いの者に降伏を求める文書を渡した。彼の護衛が入国を拒否されたと分かると、彼はOnobalas川に船を出しVenus寺に向かい、陣を形成しTauromeniumの攻撃を目論み、Naxiansの神であるArchegetesが祀られる寺院に艦隊を停泊させた。ArchegetesはApolloの小さな像で、Naxiansが最初にSicilyに移住したときに建立されたものだ。Octavianは船から降りようとしたときにすべって転倒してしまったが、助けを借りずに起き上がった。
While he was yet laying out his camp, Pompeius made his appearance with a large fleet — an astounding spectacle,since Octavian believed that he had been beaten by Agrippa.Pompeius' cavalry advanced at the same time, rivalling the fleet in rapidity of movement,and his infantry was seen on the other side;so that the forces of Octavian were terrified at finding themselves surrounded by enemies on three sides, and Octavian himself was alarmed because he could not send for Messala.The cavalry of Pompeius assailed Octavian's men while they were still fortifying their camp. If his infantry and his naval force had attacked simultaneously with the cavalry, Pompeius might have accomplished greater results, but as it was,
彼がまだ攻撃策をたて終わらないうちに、Pompeiusが大艦隊と共に姿を現した。それは驚きの光景だった。Octavian はAgrippa軍に敗れたと思いこんでいたのだ。急速に移動するPompeius艦隊と同時に、それに匹敵する騎兵隊が進行し、さらに歩兵隊も逆側から姿を見せた。Octavian は三方を敵に囲まれていると分かり、ひどく恐ろしくなった。彼は自分自身に警鐘を鳴らした。なぜならMessalaに助けを求められないからだ。まだOctavianの軍が防備を強化している最中に、Pompeiusの騎兵隊が襲撃を開始してきた。もしPompeiusの歩兵隊と海軍が騎兵隊と同時に攻撃を仕掛けていたら、Pompeius軍はさらに大きな結果を残せていただろう。(以下省略)
being inexperienced in war and ignorant of the panic among the troops of Octavian, and hesitating to begin a battle at the approach of nightfall, one part of his forces stationed themselves at the promontory of Coccynus, while his infantry, deeming it unwise to encamp near the enemy, withdrew to the town of Phoenix. Night coming on, they went to rest, and Octavian's soldiers finished their camp, but were incapacitated for battle by toil and want of sleep. They consisted of three legions, and 2000 colonists serving as allies, but not enrolled, besides his fleet.Octavian placed all of his infantry under charge of Cornificius, and ordered him to drive back the enemy and do whatever the exigency required.
だがそうではなかった。Pompeius 軍は戦争の経験が浅く、Octavian軍に囲まれるとうろたえ、日暮れ時に戦いを開始するのを躊躇していた。軍隊の一部はCoccynus岬に停泊した。その一方でPompeiusの歩兵隊は敵軍に近い場所に陣を構えるのは愚策だと考え、Phoenixの町へ撤退していった。夜になると彼らは休息に向かい、Octavianの兵士たちは野営をやめて戦いに出向こうとしたが、疲労困憊で戦いに向かうことができず、休息を求めた。彼らは3つの軍団で構成されており、2000人の植民地民が連合軍として入隊しているのだが、兵士として登録されておらず、艦隊も同様であった。Octavianは全歩兵隊をCornificiusの指揮下におき、どんな事態を要することになっても、敵軍に向かっていくよう指示を出した。
Cause the new year holiday we taken a vacation in the past time ,and now also is hot selling season ,lead to we have 3000 orders waiting for shipping out ,but we can arrange shipping for you ASAP ,once we ship ,we will let you know at once ,please rest assured ,the same time hope you can understand .
If you continue to do what you've always done, you will continue to be what you've always been.
Hi, I have been working with PayPal to confirm the authenticity of your payment. While I am still awaiting a response and result with PayPal, I am not authorized to release the product to the delivery. Please be patient. However, you can also contact PayPal in regard of your payment and let me know of your reference number with PayPal. Hopefully that would speed up the process. Thank you! By the way, it would be much more helpful if you can provide me with your credit card billing address in Japan. That way PayPal may work on the transaction faster.
Currently, Euro is strong in Japan.Could you get the price down?If the price is €3800, I'll soon take it.Please regard it.
Yes, i'm still preaparing and waitting for the money also. You will receive 10 pieces of game soon.
一番最近見た映画のレビューをしたいと思う。その映画のタイトルは(Red Lights)レッドライトという映画をレビューしたいと思う。私は映画が好きだ。特にアメリカの映画が好きだ。アメリカに行ってみたい思った理由の1つに映画がある。新しい映画なので、この映画の結末と仕掛けについては言わない。言ってしまうと面白さがたぶん減ってしまうので。私は比較的鈍感なので、映画の結末を見終わったあと、そうだったのか!とスッキリした気持ちになった。
I'd like to review the latest movie I watched.The title is Red Light.I love movies, especially, American movies.One of my reason that I'd like to visit America is movies.This is a new movie, so I'm not telling you the result and the tricks.If I do that, it'll not enough to have fun.After I watched this movie, I felt clear my head like "That's it!", because I'm relatively dull.
Thank you for your recent order, Y371277215. In an effort to protect personal consumer information, LEGO Systems, Inc. has elected to no longer process shipments to Third Party Shipping Vendors.We have determined that because your order is scheduled to ship to such a vendor we must, accordingly, cancel your order.Thank you for your email. You will need to select the packages from your Inbox to be shipped, and after that you can select the option: I agree to pay a $10.50 cost for special handling Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us. Kind Regards,
先日はY371277215のご注文ありがとうございました。お客様の個人情報をお守りするために、LEGO Systems, Inc.は配送手続き全般をThird Party Shipping Vendorsに委託することとしました。そのように決定しましたのは、お客様のご注文商品を業者に発送するには、一旦ご注文を取り消さなければならないためです。メールを送っていただきありがとうございます。お品物を出荷するには、お客様のインボックスからパッケージを選んでいただく必要があり、それが済みましたら、オプションをお選びいただけます。10.50ドルで特別取扱いにされることをお勧めいたします。ご協力ありがとうございます。質問、ご心配等ございましたら、遠慮なくご連絡ください。それでは。
We have reviewed the designs and what we think is that these are textile patterns. In Blue Pottery, it is difficult to get the intricacy that can be done on textile. Therefore, we would request you to either send us a swatch so that we can take some clue of the design from that and make it on pottery or if you could send us a clearer picture, we could make it close to what you have sent us. The idea is to take an inspiration from what you have sent us and apply it on the pottery keeping the pottery’s property in mind. If you have any questions, please do feel free to revert.
デザインを検討した上で、私達が考えているのは布地の模様です。Blue Potteryでは、模様が複雑で布地に施すのは難しいです。ですから、私たちが陶磁器に施せるように何らかのヒントを得られるようなサンプルを送っていただくか、もっと分かりやすい写真を送っていただければ、それに近いものを施すことができるかと思います。私たちの考えは、陶磁器の質を保つために、あなたから送っていただいたものからひらめきを得て、それを陶磁器に応用してすることなのです。何かご質問がありましたら、遠慮なくお申し付けください。