lalas521 翻訳実績

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lalas521 英語 → 日本語 ★★☆☆☆ 2.4

Oakley does sometimes have different product in different markets. So, that may be the explanation of why you see something in Japan that is not showing in the USA.

If the OO9095-16 is new, then it may be a limited edition release that is only available at selected outlets. I have seen that before from Oakley. For example, if they would make a Golf specific pair of glasses, they may only make that item available to Golf accessory stores and no one else. So, if this item is new, that could be the explanation.

No, that list is simply a list of all the products that come up under that search term. To check stock I would have to go to another screen.
Their system is not very friendly that way.






lalas521 英語 → 日本語

His belief that online social networks would one day be a big thing in China saw him join the first Renren as CTO. That’s no typo - and this is the part where it gets confusing. So read on:

Renren 1.0 was founded by Anthony Cheng and Michael Robinson in early 1999. They raised US$37 million in funding, listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, reached a market cap exceeding US$1 billion and then, after the dotcom bubble burst just a few weeks later, Renren 1.0 was acquired by a Hong Kong holding company. Renren 1.0 was where Zany met Richard Robinson where they became close friends and allies (they later co-founded and now run Youlu together focusing on creating mobile apps for business professionals.



Renren1.0はAnthony Chen氏と、Michael Robinson氏により1999年初に設立された。彼らは3千7百万ドルの資金を集め、会社を香港証券取引場で上場させ、市場の上限に達し10億ドルを超えた規模に成長させた。ドットコムバブルが崩壊した数週間後、Renren1.0は香港にある株式会社に買収された。ZanyはRenren 1.0でRichard Robinsonと出会い、二人が親友かつパートナーになった。(彼らは後ほどプロ向けの携帯ビジネスアプリケーションの作成がメインとしたYouluを共同設立し、今も経営している)。