For me, being a dad and running a startup seemed to be working fine. In fact, I don’t think I am slacking at either job and I often get asked how I balance both tasks. After significant reflection and a great conversation with my three-year-old daughter on the topic, I think I started to understand what it takes to manage both lives in parallel.
First of all, I disagree with Brian’s comment. It is possible to be a parent and an entrepreneur – and I think there are thousands of role models out there who prove this. However, in order to do so, you must be absolutely ruthless with your schedule. This means giving your personal life the same dedication that you give your startup. I have always had an extremely busy work schedule – logging 90-hour work weeks and 350,000 plus air miles a year; I am currently the CEO of Bubble Motion, a Sequoia-backed startup based in Singapore, but I have also founded and worked at six different Silicon Valley startups before this.
先ずはじめに、私はBrian氏のコメントには賛同しない。親になり、且つ、企業家であることは可能だし、何千という人々に証明されたそれぞれの役割モデルがある。しかしながら、そのためには何としてでもスケジュール通りに進める強い意志がなければならないし、それは事業と同じくらい私生活にも没頭しなければならないことを意味する。私は毎週90時間働き、飛行機には年間35万マイル以上乗るという超過密スケジュールの下で仕事をしている。今はSequoiaが支援しているシンガポールのBubble MotionのCEOだが、その前はSilicon Valleyで6つの新規事業も立ち上げて仕事をして来た。
Even with the hectic work demands that I face on a daily basis, I’m still able to be very involved in the lives of my wife and two young daughters. Before having a family, I had a “work hard, play hard” mentality and the “play hard” was my free time to let loose. Now I’ve just replaced the “play hard” with intense family time; thus, whether you’re 25 or 35 or 45, it’s no different. This balance hasn’t always been the case, and certainly doesn’t come easily – it takes a lot of effort and perseverance to achieve an equilibrium.4 lessons for a good work-family balanceHere are some of the lessons I have learned that may help aspiring entrepreneurs maintain a strong work-family balance:
1. Managing time effectively is a must – When everyone wants your time, everything must be scheduled. Rather than attempting to multitask with the deluge of daily requests and to-do’s, creating 15- to 30-minute increments per task helps me hone my focus. Most tasks and meetings can be completed in less than 30 minutes and by keeping to a rigid schedule I can turn my focus on and off. With this comes the ability to prioritize more easily. It’s also important to have one central means for communication and staying on top of things. For me, it’s my email Inbox.
1. 効率的なタイムマネージメントが必要誰かがあなたの時間を使う時には、全ての事がスケジューリングされていなければならない。毎日上ってくる要求とやらなければいけないタスクの洪水の中で幾つかの仕事を同時進行しようとするよりも、15-30分の時間を作り1つのタスクに集中した方が良い。殆どのタスクやミーティングは30分以内に終わるし、スケジュールを厳格に管理することで集中度をコントロールすることできる。また、仕事の優先順位を付けることで、より簡単に対応することができるようになる。全てに優先してコミュニケーションを集中管理する手段を1つ持つことも重要で、私にとってその手段とはEmailの受信箱だった。
Everyone knows to get something on my list, email me. I read every email and reply to most of them. I religiously empty my inbox at least once a week. This allows me to focus all of my communications and ‘to do’ items in one place and ensure I’m not missing something.2. Maximizing off time at home – When you do get to be home, it’s important to make the most of it. For me, this means setting aside time to relax with my family and give them my full, undivided attention. Each week, my daughters and I have a “daddy-daughter” night where the three of us go to dinner.
誰かが私から何かを得たいときは私にメールするし、私は全てのメールを読み、その殆ど全てに返信する。定期的に、少なくとも週に一度は、受信トレイを空にしている。この方法で私は1か所にまとまったコミュニケーションとやらなければならないタスクに集中することができ、何かをし忘れることを防いでいる。2. 自由時間を最大限に有効活用あながた家にいるときには自由時間の有効活用は何より重要だ。私にとって、それは家族とリラックスする時間を作ることであり、私の分つことのできない心の全てを家族に奉げることだ。毎週2人の娘と私は「パパと娘の夜」の時間を設け3人で食事に出かけている。
Both my daughters and I live for these nights out – they keep me grounded, and I’m sure my children love to see a distraction-free dad. In addition, having a supportive spouse who understands your lifestyle and is able to pick up your slack when you need it helps tremendously and is basically a necessity to finding simultaneous success in both the startup world and the daddy world.3. Making sure work trips aren’t all work – For founders with children, why not bring them with you when you travel for work? This is something that I try to do whenever possible. My three-year-old has already been to 23 countries across four continents!
私の娘たちと私はこの夜の為に生きているようなものだ。娘たちにとって私は中心的存在だし、娘たちがリラックスした自由なパパを見るのが好きだと確信している。加えて、あたなの生き方を理解し、たるんだ時には指摘し、サポートしてくれる配偶者を持つことは大きな助けになるし、基本的に仕事の世界とパパの世界の両方で成功する為には必要不可欠だ。3. 出張でするのは仕事だけではない子供のいる設立者は出張するときに子供も連れて行ってはどうだろうか?これは私が可能な限り実践していることで、私の3歳の娘は既に4つの大陸の23の国を訪れている!
Hotels can always get a sitter to watch children during meetings and then once work is out of the way, the evenings can be dedicated to them. Not to mention the fact that children often love the opportunity to get on a plane and go on an adventure with their parents. Everything is new and exciting for them; even the most mundane places you have seen a hundred times. Some of my best one-to-one time with one of my daughters is sitting in the airport lounge together – time that would otherwise be wasted. I’m not exaggerating when I say that bringing my daughters along makes business travel ten times better – not to mention how much they learn and see the world in the process!
4. Be available when out of the office – Ignoring email when you get home is not the answer. It’s important to be available to your employees during off hours at home. Getting online and staying responsive some mornings, nights, and weekends will help to keep productivity flowing when you’re out of the office and save you the stress of being bombarded with emails when you walk in on Monday morning, which can be paralyzing to productivity. I’m online 24/7 and always checking email. My most productive times of the day are often at night, after I put my daughters to bed, or early in the morning before they wake up.
4. オフィスの外でも仕事家でメールを見ないというのは良い方法ではない。家にいて仕事をしていなくても従業員とコンタクトが取れる状態であることは重要なことだ。オフィスの外でも、朝や晩、週末にオンラインで早く回答することで生産性が上がるし、月曜日の朝にオフィスに行った時メール爆弾のような大量のメールに悩まされ、生産性が落ちることもない。私は週7日24時間いつでもオンラインでメールをチェックしている。また、私がもっとも効率的に仕事ができるのは大抵、夜娘たちを寝かしつけた後か、朝、彼女たちが起きる前だ。
The summer ensemble. From left to right: Mari, Sarah, Andrew, Roni, Jay, Robert, and Ayano.House Show II Begins RehearsalsOn May 10, the YTG Summer Ensemble started rehearsals for its next show. Like our last production in October 2012, the performance will take place in a private home. This time, the venue is located near Takata station on the Yokohama Green Line.We can’t give you any more details right now, because there is no script yet. The ensemble will create the script in rehearsal over the next two months. As always, you can be sure to be alerted as soon as tickets go on sale by ::JOINING OUR MAILING LIST:: You can read all about our process and our rehearsal reports ::HERE::
夏のアンサンブル。左からマリ、サラ、アンドリュー、ローニ、ジェイ、ロバート、アヤノHouse Show IIのリハーサルが始まります。5月10日、YTG夏のアンサンブルの次のショーに向けたリハーサルを始めました。2012年10月の最後の演出のように、パフォーマンスは個人の家で行われます。今回の場所は横浜市営地下鉄グリーンライン高田駅近くです。まだ脚本がないので、詳細はお知らせできませんが、アンサンブルは次の2ヵ月のリハーサル中に脚本を作ります。::メーリングリスト購読::すれば、チケットが発売されると、いつものようにすぐにお知らせが届きます。私たちの動向やリハーサルのレポートは::ここで::全て読むことができます。
Tap to change dateDecide either income or outgoIf troublesome, unclassified is also ok!Complete filling upTap to show listTap to change monthTap graph to show breakdownIs OCR accuracy low? Then input by keyboardEnlarge, shrink or rotate photoChoose number
Please do not use existing tracking number.It's worth complaining.I didn't receive one product.The tracking number XXX was arranged to send to the address below.This time you shipped out wrong product.It's me who sent the product to correct address after got it back from wrong address.You sent to the wrong address with existing tracking number, this time.This is extremely vicious.Please send product number XXX to the address below, too.
〇〇の件ですがどうやらこちらの方で確認を間違っていたようです。正式な42Lは到着していました。大変申し訳ありません。もしかしたら42LのDeluxe Hybrid Business Multiwheel Koffer 4-wiel blackを買うかもしれないので在庫とクーポンを念の為に教えてほしい。よろしく■保証書にはサインをしてください。製品に傷がない様、確認お願いします。厳重な梱包をしてください。
Regarding 〇〇,We are very sorry, we made mistake when made confirmation. The 42L has surely arrived.Probably we are going to buy 42L Deluxe Hybrid Business Multiwheel Koffer 4-wiel black, so please inform us if you have stock and tell us about coupon.Thank you.■Please sign warranty certificate, make sure if no scratches on the product and pack firmly.
The vault has an excellent visual scale and is pleasant to look at. Say we are dining six or eight persons. I am constantly obliged to call out ‘Quiet!We must start again!' cutting short any conversation in which voices have become raised, because a false accord in the measurements has made the acoustics in this little room quite deplorable. Although I know a good deal about the matter of acoustics, I never even dreamed of this false relationship of dimensions.
In my architect's office- where I had no longer any place of my own; they'd pushed me away from the drawing boards -they built me an office without windows, 2•26×2•26m, lit by an electric lamp. It is certainly at the human scale, although extremely small. There are certain distances at which things appear good or bad. You must excuse me if I speak of personal experiences. I have a dining room of very cramped dimensions which, for technical reasons, and not due to aesthetics, is furnished with a barrel vault 4 x 4m square and 3m high to the top of thevault.
私の所属する建築事務所にはもはや自分のスペースは無かった。彼らは私を製図板から遠ざけて、私用に作った、窓がなく電燈に照らされた2.26 x 2.26mの、人ひとりがやっと入れる非常に小さなオフィスに押し込んだ。物事が良く見えるか悪く見えるかには、一定の隔たりがある。個人的な体験談を話すが容赦して欲しい。私の家にはとても窮屈なダイニングルームがあって、そこには美的感覚からではなく、技術的な理由から作られた4 x 4m四方のかまぼこ型天井があり、一番高い所で3mある。
As for small dandelion, It's good to deliver when production is completed. Please make necklace and pierce.For the moment, please send big one this time.I list up what we want to order again.It's good to deliver products below when production is completed.######Additionally, we want to order necklace and pierce of thistle. Do you have stock? If yes, please send it. If not, please deliver when production is completed.
no, next time will take less time than the firstas you know carriers and custom will check it carefully when it be shipped outnow you can track it with fedex websitemaybe it will be arrived in 3--5 days
That sounds like a nice trip you made. I was in Portugal, Spain and then Germany. It would be great to meet at some point! Our plan is to have two to three importers for Japan. All committing to keep the price at a stable level, sharing the market.I would be delighted if you were to become one of the official importers. We have now had around six to eight companies buying directly, and it was important to get a feeling of who we could work with in the future, and whom not. As said, we would be happy to keep working with you. I just wanted to let you know that I will forward this along so it gets to the approprate department. If there is any interest you will be contacted by them.
*Thank you for your mail.As for payment, I’ve checked with our bank, as of 13 May, the money is at intermediate bank, so you could confirm the deposit soon.Here is reference number, just in case: RK8112050.Thank you.*We cannot instruct unless we check actual sample, so please send those sample of 8 models including 2600AH & 2585AH soon.We understood.Thank you.
Winter held up warfare in the north, with leisure for grim reflections.When Hirtius brought to completion the commentaries of Caesar, he confessed that he could see no end to civil strife.Men recalled not Caesar only but Lepidus and armies raised in the name of liberty, the deeds of Pompeius.At Rome the struggle was prosecuted, in open debate, veiled under the name of legality.There were more damaging charges than mere vice in public life--the lack of ancestors, the taint of trade or the stage, the shame of municipal origin.On the paternal side, the greatgrandfather of Octavianus was a freedman, a rope-maker; on the maternal, a sordid person of native African extraction, a baker or seller of perfumes at Aricia.
※写真をお送りいただきまして、有難うございます。写真にない、2600AH と 2585AH のサイズの変更については、大丈夫でしょうか?今回、写真を送っていただいた、6点と2600AH・2585AHを合わせた計8点を前回お送りいただいた、UPSで日本に送って下さい。①バーコードについては、こちらの商品はつけません。②インナーボックスに5個づつ入れて下さい。オーダー時にお知らせした、「LifeDesignCode」ナンバーを記載のうえ、入数を記載してください。
*Thank you for sending us photos.Is it ok for the re-size of 2600AH and 2585AH, which you didn’t send photos?Please ship out 6 models, which you send photos, 2600AH & 2585AH, 8 models altogether to Japan by UPS as last time.① As for barcode, no need for those products.② Please put 5 pieces in each inner box.Please make sure to write “LifeDesignCode” number which we informed when ordered, and write packing quantity, too.