juntotime (juntotime) 翻訳実績

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juntotime 英語 → 日本語

・IDBYTE was attended by Facebook, LinkedIn and Indonesia’s own Kaskus.
・At IDBYTE we also had the annual Bubu Awards, dedicated to the Internet industry.
・There was also the Indigo Awards/Fellowship and INAICTA initiated by the government.
・We also saw the SparxUp awards by our friends over at DailySocial.

Big steps in e-commerce and mobile development

E-commerce is hot in every part of the world. It’s growing especially fast here in Indonesia. To speak about e-commerce means we have to talk about the many Groupon clones in the country. Although Groupon and Livingsocial have a presence here, there’s still a number of clones. As for the other e-Commerce players in Indonesia we have:





juntotime 英語 → 日本語

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'That's fun', he observed years later, 'because when people are first skeptical, they say, "Oh, this kid doesn't know anything.' But when you show them you've really got a good product and you know something, they actually tend to go overboard. So, at least in this country, our youth was a huge asset for us once we reached a certain threshold.'

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By the mid-1980s it was 'cool' to be into computers. Throughout America, the brightest college students had a new career in mind. They couldn't wait to finish school to get out to Silicon Valley or the Microsoft campus at Redmond, where things were really happening. Microsoft had its own special hip culture and slant on the business.


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juntotime 英語 → 日本語

1. Own Your Voice, Don’t Share It.

These days, we’re talking “word ownership” for online branding. Especially in hyper-competitive categories such as consumer electronics and auto, these emotive and topical keywords are the name of the game.

But you’d better get there first — key terms such as “football” and “Valentine’s Day” are sure to be hot tickets in the weeks to come. Act fast, and the keywords will do the work for you. Have a smart contextual plan at the core of your strategy, and you’ll help your brand gain ownership of its voice around the web.


1 自分の意志を持ち、それを共有しない



juntotime 英語 → 日本語

2. Resolve to Be Relevant.

Relevance reigns in 2012. More than ever, people will be in the driver’s seat. Therefore, keep consumers’ desires, hopes and aspirations central to your marketing and you’ll stay on top. This is especially true of groups like Millennials, who are dominating the digital space. Matt Briton, CEO of social media agency Mr. Youth, says, brands must address five “need states:” utility, entertainment, information, rewards and recognition.

In 2011, we also saw consumers become more spending-conscious as opposed to simply price-conscious. So, now is the time to make the strongest possible case for your product’s value.


2  関連性を第一に決定する

関連性は2012一番の関心事だ。今まで以上に人々は支配的な地位に立つこととなる。従って、消費者の欲求、願いそしてあこがれを自身の宣伝活動の中心に置くことで首位に居られるだろう。特にY世代、デジタル世界の支配者、にとってはそれが正しいのである。ソーシャルメディア代理店のMr. Youthの代表であるマット・ブライトン氏は、ブランドは5つの必要要件:有益性、娯楽、情報、報酬そして認識、に注力すべきであると述べた。


juntotime 英語 → 日本語

Global warming is happening because humans have altered the Earth's atmosphere so the heat cannot escape from it. We need some heat, of course. Carbon dioxide, methane and water vapor retain enough heat from the sun to sustain life on Earth. But human activity has disrupted that balance. We've put carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide into the atmosphere in massive amounts by burning fossil fuel, oil, gas and coal. We've cut down a lot of forests and use farming methods that add to the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Now, there's too much carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide in the air. Today, the atmosphere contains 32 percent more carbon dioxide than it did in the mid-1800s.

