Performing at the Salt Lake Elementary School Fun Fair around noon - leaving my house in 15 minutes.
Start-Up Rents Out Tokyo's Tight Spaces.TOKYO—Japan is famous for its ability to make the most of limited space. The cocoon-like capsule hotels were first developed here and many single city dwellers live in tiny studio apartments known as rabbit hutches. Now, a new online real-estate marketplace is taking that trait to new levels. seeks pockets of "dead space" around cities and converts them into short-term rental property.
東京の狭小スペース賃貸が始動東京—日本という国は、その限られたスペースを最大限に活用する手腕で知られる。まるで繭のようなカプセルホテルはこの地で生まれたものだし、独り身の都市生活者の多くがウサギ小屋と称される狭いワンルームのアパートに住む。そして今、新たなネット不動産市場がその道をたどるべく台頭してきている。 は街のそこここに偏在する「デッドスペース」を探し出し、それを短期賃貸用の地所に変身させているのだ。
In Tokyo, where every sliver of land is at a premium, a few feet of unused private property near the front entrance of an apartment building can be used to sell muffins. A patch of storefront space transforms into an ad hoc vegetable stand for a farmer or a consulting space for a fortune-teller.
Those spaces can be reserved at Nokisaki for short periods of time—starting from three hours—and for as little as $15 total. The spots are granted on a first-come, first-served basis and the rental times and prices are set by landlords.It's unclear whether Nokisaki can work in other countries, but it seems well suited to Japan, where land is scarce and it is difficult to secure permission to sell goods on public space in crowded cities like Tokyo.
こういったスペースは、 Nokisaki で短時間単位で予約できる。最短3時間からで、各種費用合わせてわずか15ドルだ。スペースは早い者勝ちで、賃貸時間や価格は土地所有者が設定する。Nokisaki が他の国でも機能するサービスかどうかは未知数だが、土地が狭く、東京のように人の多い街では公共スペースでの販売許可を得るのが難しい日本という国には非常に合っているようだ。
I am on top of this account so you do not need to worry.
私はこの顧客リストのトップですからあなたが心配する必要はありませんよ。(訳注:'account' には「アカウント/口座/明細書/顧客/報告(書)/記事」などいろいろな意味があります。前後の文脈から判断したいのですが、この文で推定できる範囲で「顧客」としました。 )
Do you oppose the plan that I come to pick you up? Please tell me your honest feeling.
I'll be working during the Golden Week.(訳注:ゴールデンウィークは日本だけのものですので、英語圏の人には説明が必要な場合も多いかと思われます)
Finally the rain stopped.
注文番号0406NZNL 、遅すぎます。もう商品はいらないので、ペイパルに返金してください。
As for order number 0406NZNL, I can not wait anymore because it takes too long to be shipped.I decline to receive the item. Please refund to my Paypal account.
like the new socceroos strip
サッカーオーストラリア代表の新しいユニフォーム好き(訳注:'socceroos'はサッカーオーストラリア代表 (Australian national football team) の公式ニックネームだそうです(サッカー+カンガルー)。また'strip'はイギリス英語でスポーツチームのユニフォームを指すそうです。)
filled in forms for disability pension. i am not impressed. drs to fill in medical report. not a happy chook
In these " pockets of malnutrition,"phsical and mental health is at risk. Hunger has always existed, and probably always will. However, it could be greatly reduced if only politicians were brave enough to try. If the products of the world's farmers, orchards and oceans were distributed equally, everyone could have 36 oceans were distributed equally, everyone could have 3600 calories a day.
But because food is saved, fed to animals, wasted or destroyed rather than being given to people who cannot afford to buy it, a billion people must go to bed hungry tonight.
In order to feed a lot of people, India will have to greatly increase its agricultural output. But food production appears to have reached its limits, and a poor harvest could lead to widespread starvation have reached its limits, and a poor harvest could lead to widespread starvation. Acute hunger is generally associated with regional famines. An estimated 35 million people, mastly Africans, live on the verge of starvation, with little or no food to sustain them.
When there is a long drought or war, crops are ruined and many people starve to death. Deforestation, the main cause of soil erosion, and locust invasions can also contribute to famine. Hidden hunger is thought to affect over a third of the world's people, including 30 million Americans. In almost every country, there are homeless families, unemployed workers, senior citizens living on fixed pensions and single-parent families who eat less and less as food prices rise.
Some 200 million Indians are chronically malnourished because they cannot afford to feed themselves and their families. Another cause is the unequal distribution of land: three-quarters of all the land in India, including the most fertile, is owned by the richest 22% of landowners. Most farmers are poor tenants whose rent, paid in cash or or as crops, requires most of their income. A further cause is high population growth rates. The population of India is increasing at a rate of 2% per year.
Why is it that more than a billion people around the world are suffering from malnutrition?To answer this, we must first explain what malnutrition is. Hunger can be classified into three categories:chronic hunger, acute hunger and hidden hunger. Chronic hunger affects 750 million people, mostly in Asia, Africa and Latin America, who seldom receive the minimum level of nutrition needed for health, growth and work. The main cause of chronic hunger is poverty.
As the first restructuring of infrastructure which we have been working on since the third quarter of 2009, we integrated fifteen server machines at our head office into one hardware through the technology for virtualization of the server. In this document we report about the summary of the plan, the result of the integration, and our future plans.
Inventory information is updated once each day.
Die Inventarinformation wird einmal pro Tag erneuert.
I have no way other than asking you, so please explain me in detail.