Em (huihuimelon) 翻訳実績

6年以上前 女性 30代
日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
技術 マニュアル エレクトロニクス 機械 契約書
huihuimelon 日本語 → 英語



For the tea room, at the beginning it was planned that it would be a size around a small partition (room). However, by our client’s requested taking the reality in which tea rooms which are able to be used as tea classes into consideration, it is decided that it will be a 8 tatami mats room so that teaching in groups also will be possible.
The style without the ceiling is called a general attic and is an expression dedicated to “Wabi”, and flat type ceiling will be the basis in a tearoom in a hall. Taking these into consideration, arranged a bamboo made louvre with a pitch which has been changed on the ceiling and decided to collect the equipment on the attic side.
This excursion with some extra space in the corridor width is a countermeasure for the future wheelchair use as well.