hhanyu7 翻訳実績

5.0 1 件のレビュー
日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
hhanyu7 日本語 → 英語



I am really having a difficult time contacting a Japanese customer service via mail and phone, so I am emailing an English customer service now. I want to make a reservation for accommodation with Plan O that comes with a room type of Superior (if a Superior type is not available, a Deluxe type would be okay). The duration of travel will be X. I plan to stay at Hotel A for the first x nights, and at Hotel B for the rest of x nights. Please let me know if a reservation is possible, and if possible, let me know the necessary procedure to make a reservation. I would appreciate if you could respond me immediately because I am pressed for time to do other things like getting a plane ticket. It would be great if you could respond me in Japanese, but if not, it would be okay to respond me in English. My contact information as below.

hhanyu7 英語 → 日本語

we need to address the life insurance issue as part of the home loan requirements. In line with this, our credit team would like to know the following details below:

1. Our credit team noticed that your mode of payment for the insurance is monthly. As part of our policy, life insurance policies endorsed to the bank should be in annually paid. May we know if you are allowed and amenable to change your mode of payment to annual
2. May we know the contact person of MET life insurance for further bank queries. Does the person speak English?
3. May we also know the claims process of MET life in the event the bank will need to make a claim against the policy.



1. 弊社のクレジットチームは、あなたの保険支払いモードは、毎月となっていると分かっています。弊社の保険契約の一環として、銀行に裏書した生命保険契約は年間払いになります。あなたの支払いモードを年間に変更することに従っても差し支えないか教えてもらえますか。
2. 今後銀行から問い合わせがあった場合に備えてMET生命保険の担当者を教えてもらえますか。その担当者は英語を話しますか?
3. 銀行が保険契約に対して請求をする必要がある場合、MET生命(保険)の請求プロセスも教えてくれませんか。