Hello,I have ordered this in different sizes, but I received the same sized ones.Are they any different?Please let me know as soon as possible.Thanks,
We carelessly uploaded inappropriate products this time. We will make sure that we won't upload any inappropriate products again by managing products in the list. We also will be sure that we will temporally disable the listing once we upload it to double check that we don't list any inappropriate products. We are confident that we will not have the same problem by checking it twice.I have experiences selling on ebay other than Amazon. We mainly sell Japanese products. We also sell toys and home electrical appliances on auction sites in Japan.
Thank you for writing.$29.50 is a great price.We were planning to sell it for 8,000 Yen in Japan.We think the dealer cost will be around 60%, so it will be about 5,000 Yen.Do you have any provisions such as minimum order quantities, selling numbers and so on?"FOB" is a trade term that indicates the terms of delivery.The sample was sent via EMS, but we can only get $100 insurance, so we are looking for a better shipping career. We will contact you later about it.
I saw the new package of your new developing product.I don't see lovely tinned case on the photo, and it will come with the product, right?The image is extremely important for this nail clipper. I understand the package may be changed, but please make sure to have the tinned case with it.Also, as you suggested, we will start selling the nail clipper itself first.We will consider about the special leather case after we see the new package.Please send me an agreement if you don't have any problems.Also, please let me know how we can make a payment to you.Thanks,
We removed these items from our site because we were notified by the rights owner that the items infringed their rights. Please contact the rights owner directly for more information: ******If you resolve this matter with the rights owner, the rights owner may contact us at notice@amazon.com to withdraw their complaint. We ask that you refrain from posting items manufactured by this rights owner until you have resolved this matter.
"Tour Issue shallow face R1 drivers"はR1 V2の事ですか?それともV1の事ですか?もしくはそのどちらでもない新しいタイプのHeadですか?大変興味がありますが、情報がないため判断ができません。もし新しいタイプのHeadの場合、分かる範囲で結構ですのでスペックなどの情報をいただけると嬉しいです。宜しくお願いします。
Is "Tour Issue shallow face RI drivers" R1 V2? or V1 or completely new type of the head?I am very interested, but I don't have enough information to judge it.If it's a new model head, please give me a spec and more details as much as you know it.Thank you.
御連絡ありがとうございます。別メールで見積もりを送ってもらったとありますが、私の所にはこのメール以外届いておらず、どうすればよいのかアドバイス願います。迷惑メールフォルダにも入っておりませんでした。私は、ペイパルか、クレジットカードで支払うことができます。英語が話せないので、インヴォイスを送ってもらう形にして頂けると嬉しいです。それとも reference quote number is #454496150 というのがどこかにあるのでしょうか。アドバイスお願いいたします
Thank you for writing.I have not received any other emails other than this though I was told that a quote has been sent to me.Please let me know what to do. I also checked the junk mail folder and I didn't see it either.I can send you a payment through paypal or credit card.Since I don't speak English, sending me an email me with invoice would be greatly appreciated.or I can find reference quote number #454496150 somewhere?Please let me know.
Actually, I have started to take a look at the stores that may interested carrying it.For example, we are considering stores like listed below.It should perfectly match with the product's image.If you have no problem with the terms and conditions, please have us as an exclusive distributor in Japan.Once we both sign the agreement, we will get ready to build the website, make a flier and press release.Also, once we are ready, we will start looking at the prospective stores.This product will definitely do well in Japan! Let's surprise Japanese people who think Japanese nail clippers are the best!Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you.
There is a hole at around lower right.If I knew it beforehand, I didn't buy it at this price.This hole affects the price on the product heavily. This is a serious defect.The item description said there's one problem on the product, but you could have written it more specific.You could have taken a close up shot picture of the hole.Did you purposely write a cryptic description even though you knew it?If you are, what you are doing is a fraud.I will be mentioning this on your feedback.
Hello,Thanks for your confirmation.Please ship the item to Sarasota, Florida safely.Thank you.
It was a lesson that I took at the other school before. Students present improvised speech of some topics for about 3 minutes. A teacher will dictate it and revise it to the correct paragraph. They will have a discussion to improve students' grammar and help improving their English to become more natural. I really liked this lesson, but it was really expensive. Do you know anybody who does similar lessons like that?
I can get the A stuff. And possibly the B I will check on the other stuff
A は入手できますよ。Bも入手出来るかもしれません。他の物もチェックしてみます。
Nagra S.M.Rに接続するマイクは入手できますか?
Are you able to get a mic that can connect to the Nagra S.M.R?
Thank you so much for accepting our offer.We will include $10 Amazon Gift Card with (A) as we offered.We will contact you again once we ship your order. Thank you for your business.Since we did not hear back from you about our offer, we are going to cancel this order. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
Out of the items you requested we have the below in stock:
連絡が遅くなりすみません。抹茶は夏の限定商品でもう数がありません。10個なら用意できると思います。ただ価格が上がっていて、一個4ドルです。10個で送料込み30ドルでいいです。あと、パンプキン味も見つけました。これは一個5ドルです10個以上まとめて買うなら4ドルと送料無料です。ストロベリー味ブルーベリー味グレープフルーツ味黒ゴマ味カルピス味上の5つはその味のゼリーが中に入っています。容量は80gで20~25個程入っています。ストロベリーチョコクリーム味 15ドル (80個入)
Sorry for the delay in responding.We have only few green tea flavors left since it's a limited flavor for summer.We probably be able to accommodate 10 for you.However, the price has been increased and it's $4 each.We can get 10 of those for $30 shipped.Also, we've found a pumpkin flavor.These are $5 each, and we can offer you $4 each with free shipping if you can purchase more than 10 of those.Strawberry flavorBlueberry flavor,Grapefruit flavorBlack sesame flavor,Calpico flavorFlavors listed above contains jerry of its flavor.The volume is 80g, and each pack contains between 20 and 25 pieces.Strawberry chocolate cream flavor $15 (80 pieces)
Hello,Please give me some information about the shipping.The 30% discount should have been applied to my account.I had 30% discount on everything before, so it is not right I'm not getting a discount this time.
Regarding the order 2604 and 2611, I was charged the amount with VAT.I believe it's a mistake, so please revise it and refund me the difference.Please be advised and careful that if the total payment amount increases, the custom bill in Japan will be increased.
That's a problem.I understand the situation.We can supply an adapter with PSE mark on, but the one with 8.4V, 2A standardized one is not common, so we can't supply it.I did some research on alibaba.com, but there were companies that ask for 100 MOQ.How would you like it? We can purchase them ahead if around 100 of those works for you.
こんにちは、このたびは購入ありがとう。そして迅速な入金ありがとうございます。残念ながら、赤のポロシャツのSize Mは売り切れてしまいました。大変申し訳ありませんしかし同じ赤のSize SもしくはLなら少し在庫があります。ホワイトとブラックは Size Mは在庫があります。もちろんお金は返却することもできます。もし商品発送したら、あなたに追跡番号をおくりますのでご安心ください。どうされますか?あなたからのご連絡をおまちしています。
Hello,Thank you for your purchase and prompt payment.Unfortunately, the medium red polo shirts s sold out.I sincerely apologize it.However, we have S or L of the same red polo shirts in stock.We have mediums in white and black though.Of course we can give you a refund too.We will give you a tracking number once we ship the order, so please don't worry about it.What would you like to do?I look forward to hearing from you.