昨日、私達の代理人があなたに電話しました。「Wixey WR300 Type 2」を20個購入の場合、単価は$17.25、オレゴンまでの送料が$11.31になると代理人から報告を受けました。私達は20個購入したいです。PayPalかクレジットカードで決済したいです。PayPalで決済できる場合は下記メールアドレスが請求先になるので、PayPalの請求書を送付してください。この取引が上手く行けば、今後、私達はあなたの店から他の商品も購入したいです。よろしくお願いいたします。
Yesterday our agent called you. The agent reported us that the unit price will be $ 17.25 and the shipping cost to Oregon will be $ 11.31, if we buy "Wixey WR300 Type 2" for 20 pieces. We would like to purchase 20 pieces. We would like to use PayPal or credit card for payment. If you support PayPal, please send the PayPal invoice to following e-mail address as it will be the billing email address. If this transaction goes well, we are considering to purchase other items from your store. Thank you.
この商品はフロリダにあります転送会社へ配送をしていただきました。私は注文したときの配送先住所として、下記の住所を入力しました。しかし、そちらから商品が発送がされるとき住所に一部誤りがあり、荷受けに時間がかかってしまい余分に手数料(5ドル × 3)を請求されてしまいました。次回以降は配送先住所を誤りなく、正しく記載して発送をしてください。
I used transportation service in Florida for the delivery of this product. Although I entered below as the ship-to address in my order, there was error on your end for the address and I was charged extra fee ($5 x 3) due to the delayed item receipt. Next time, please don't make mistake and put correct address for shipment.
Blockchains for Business: Why Decentralization is Still a FactorA lot of people know blockchain as an innovative technology introduced together with its first use case – Bitcoin, a decentralized peer-to-peer cryptocurrency. However, blockchain technology has since also been used for business and organizational purposes, either with a cryptocurrency of its own as a public blockchain, or without one as a private blockchain. While aspects of the technology are seen as something that could be useful for such purposes, there are some concerns as to why a business would want decentralization at all, leading some to, incorrectly, dismiss blockchain technology as a hyped-up trend and nothing more.
Below are a few business benefits we’re seeing attributed to decentralization with blockchain:Security – Since records are distributed across multiple areas and are updated as each block is created, there is always a high level of availability for the data. So, even if a large number of nodes fail or are shut down by an attack, the data is still available for people to access. In addition, since the system is regularly updated with the latest block, accessing any of the active nodes means acquiring the latest data, even in the event of a DDoS attack – a highly-desirable trait for network security.
ブロックチェーンを活用した分散化によるビジネス上のメリットを何点か以下にあげます。セキュリティ ー レコードが複数エリアに分散され、各ブロックが作成される時点で更新されるため、常に高いデータ可用性が確保されます。そのため、たとえ多数のノードで障害が発生した場合や攻撃を受けてシャットダウンした場合でも、データは引き続きユーザーによるアクセスが可能です。さらに、システムは定期的に最新のブロックで更新されるため、たとえDDoS攻撃が発生しても、アクティブなノードのいずれかに対するアクセスは最新データを取得を意味し、ネットワークセキュリティ上、非常に望ましいと言えます。
Partnerships and Consortiums – While partnerships and consortiums are usually created with the best intentions and with all of the necessary legal agreements in an attempt to protect all parties involved, there still lingers the concern of trust, especially in cases when the parties involved are in competition in other areas. Because of the decentralized nature of blockchain, the issue is significantly mitigated as trust is not needed in terms of processing data as well as storing it. Verifying that one has the same information that another party has is relatively easy to do without the need for additional trust among the parties involved.
パートナーシップとコンソーシアム - パートナーシップとコンソーシアムは通常、関係するすべての当事者を保護する目的で最善の意図と必要な法的合意をもって結成されますが、特に関係者同士がその他の分野で競合している場合、信頼性に関する懸念が残ります。この問題は分散化というブロックチェーンの性質により大幅に軽減することができます。何故ならば、データの処理と格納の観点で信頼が必要とされないからです。ある当事者が保有する情報が他者と同じであることの確認は、関連当事者間で追加の信頼関係を必要とせず、比較的簡単に確認できます。
I'm unsure as to why you need our billing email address. So that we can refund you please advise if you would like to receive your refund by card or PayPal?If by card could you please confirm your phone number including any area codes we may need to use, your time zone and time to call you so that we can take your card details?Alternatively, if you choose PayPal can you please confirm your PayPal email address.I look forward to your response.
xxxを専門に扱う企業として先駆けであるA社にて,主にxxxの導入やxxxのカスタマイズのコンサルティングを行う.B,Cを専門とし,xxxの日本語処理の機能を強化する業務に従事 ※1xxxで日本語を扱う時のポイント ※2日本には日本語で書かれた大量の情報が存在します.その中には有用な情報も数多く含まれていますが中には日本語のみで書かれているため,残念ながら世界からは孤立した情報になっているものもあります.※3
Consultation of introduction and customization of xxx will be provided by A who is leading company specialized in xxx. Their expertise is in B and C, and dedicated in enhancement of Japanese processing functionality of xxx. The point when handling xxx in Japanese ※ 2In Japan, there are lot of information only available in Japanese. There are a lot of useful information but some are only written in Japanese and it is not referenced much from the rest of the world. (it is still searchable on the web and transliteration could allow a functionality that you may call as Cross-language information retrieval in some cases) ※3
もし query は英語のままで,日本語の情報を検索できたら素晴らしいと思いませんか?※4本セッションでは,まずxxxで日本語を扱うポイントや,PLMを使ったTransliteration手法について言及します.最後に,Transliterationを使った簡易的な Cross-language information retrieval を実現する方法を皆さんにご紹介します.※5
Don't you think it is great if you can search information written in Japanese, by just run queries written in English? In this session, we will first review points to handle Japanese with xxx, and Transliteration techniques using PLM. In the end, we will introduce Transliteration techniques to achieve simple Cross-language information retrieval. ※5
Hello, please ship it with this label.
Can you please wait for a couple of days until settlement on paypal??
私はxlsに希望商品等を入力して、購入の手続きを進めるのだと思っていましたが、違う様ですね。お伝えしたように私のサイトは外部アフィリエイトや外部プログラムを設置する事はサーバー管理者から禁止されているので、対応不可能なのです。何か別の方法はありませんか? 私と同じ様な他のユーザーには、どのように対応されていますか? 私の一番の希望は、お知らせ頂いた条件(割引率)と同じ内容のクーポンコードを、私に発行してもらいたいのです。どうにかならないでしょうか? 何卒ご検討お願い致します。
I thought that I am supposed to input products that I want into xls, so proceeding the purchasing process, but it seems like not the case. As I informed you, server administrator for my site prohibits hosting external affiliates or programs, so I cannot host them. Is there any other way? What do you do for other users like I am? My number one preference is for you to issue a coupon code for me with the same conditions (discount rate) as you advised. Can you please accommodate? Thank you in advance for your consideration.
Are you aware that A will open a sales office in Taiwan and expatriate Japanese stuff from this coming spring?If you anticipate the challenge moving forward, please use us. We are going to offer many non A's products. Let's keep dealing with products which let both of us making money.
何度もメールしてしまって申し訳ないです。Fender USAとTakamineのカタログができましたので、取り急ぎご提出致します。MartinとTaylorも現在作成中ですので、出来次第すぐにご提出致します。是非ご検討ください。---は入れ違いで売れてしまいました。申し訳ございません。~~は手に入れることは可能ですが、ESPに直接オーダーするため少々お時間を頂くことになります。中古品は現在在庫がありません。いかがいたしますか?
Sorry that I am emailing you multiple times. The catalogs for Fender USA and Takamine are ready so let me share them with you. The one for Martin and Taylor are also under preparation. I will share them with you as soon as they are ready. Appreciate in advance for your review. --- was just sold out as you inquire. Sorry for inconvenience. -- can be arranged but it may take some time because we have to order directly to ESP. There is no pre-owned item in stock. What would you like us to do?
It has been around two month since we started selling on Amazon Japan, but we've sold 19 pieces. Unfortunately, the sales is not much yet. Both sessions and page views have been increasing, but it has not yet been listed on A. We've got 3 star review from a customer. His feedback says "if only the height is a little bit lower". On Rakuten, BBR started selling the item since the last week. The only concern is their pricing is a little bit high, but they are a store with the large sales, so they should be able to grow the sales.
話が伝わっておらず申し訳ございません集荷手配をFedexサイト上で行いましたシッピングラベルは私が持っているのですが御社にメールで送ればいいですか?毎回手続きの流れが異なっているため弊社も困っています私達の商品ピックアップの流れとしては1Fedexサイトからシッピングラベル作成2 Fedexに集荷の依頼3御社にシッピングラベルをメールで送信この流れで今後は大丈夫でしょうか?Fedex集荷依頼の際、シッピングラベルを登録する項目がないためドライバーにラベルを渡すことができません
Our apologies that is was not well communicated. Picking arrangement was ordered on Fedex website. I have shipping label, shall I send it to you via mail? It is challenging on our end too since arrangement procedure is different every time. The process flow for our product pickup is; 1. Generate shipping label on Fedex site2. Request pickup to Fedex3. Send shipping labels via mail to youWould this flow work for you for the next time and in the future?We cannot hand label to driver, because there is no entry for shipping label registration when requesting Fedex pickup.
The malfunctioned ER is still in the customer's hand. I will test it with multimeter upon receipt. Most likely, it needs some parts replacements. The problem happened on this ER within a month after start of use. If it has to be sent to your repair factory, are you going to take the shipping charge to Japan, aren't you? Thank you for your partial refund. Has the shipping date of the item by the vendor got finalized? Would it be shipped out by December 3rd? If the shipping date of the item will be after December 4th, I would like the delivery address to be changed as below.
We suppose there must have been a misunderstanding. We did not receive a third payment for the second set of models, that you ordered. Please check if you send the due amount of 117,56 EUR for the invoice 150000. If there has been a misunderstanding that you only want one model each, then your payments are fine. Please give us short notice, so that we can send you your models.
誤解があるように存じます。ご注文戴いた2組目のモデルの分の3回目のお支払いを受け取っておりません。請求書番号150000の117,56 EURをお支払い戴いたかご確認の程お願い申し上げます。もし勘違いで必要なのは1モデルにつき1体ずつということであれば、お支払い戴いた金額の通りとなります。簡単で結構ですのでご連絡戴けますようお願い致します。ご連絡を戴けないと商品が発送できません。
発送して頂き、ありがとうございます。そして、追跡番号を教えて頂き感謝します。送料が£8.70かかったということですが、出品されていた時に「Royal Mail International Signed」3.99 ポンドと記載されていました。そのため、記載された送料を含めた予算を考えて入札し、落札しました。もし、あなたが差額の送料を請求する場合、PAYPALのアドレスを教えて下さい。また、差額は4.71ポンドですが、4ポンドにしてほしいです。
Thank you for shipping. And, thank you for letting me know the tracking number. Regarding the shipping charge of £8.70, the listing said "Royal Mail International Signed" at £3.99. When I bid, this shipping charge was a part of my budget. If you request me for the discrepancy, please advise your paypal address. Also, I would like the amount to be £4, although the exact difference is £4.71.
This is as per ebay's system. This is not what I did. Also, if you tell me the item you are looking for with your budget, I could arrange the item at anytime, so please let me know when you are ready! Thank you for your contact. First of all, the service history is not clear because a card etc were missing when we received the item. Also, regarding when it was opened, an authenticator opened it within the last 2 weeks as the item was just received recently. Please consider. Also a partial refund is possible. How much would you like?Thank you for your suggestion.
The company said it will use the new funds to hire the engineers needed to expand its delivery channels beyond email, mobile, and web, saying it intends to allow for “full-circle recommendations across all channels and optimize the entire audience journey.”Boomtrain currently has more than 100 customers using its platform, including CBS Interactive, The Guardian, and Thrillist Media Group. For instance, CBS Interactive uses the platform to tailor-fit the content of its newsletters to individual readers in different regions.
同社はこの新規資金をエンジニアの採用に充て、デリバリーチャネルをeメール、モバイル、ウェブから拡大し、「全チャネルにまたがって全方位で使えるものとし、ユーザー体験の最適化」を目指すと述べている。Boomtrainは現在CBS Interactive、The Guardian、Thrillist Media Groupを含め100社を超える顧客がおり、同社プラットフォームを利用している。例えば、CBS Interactiveは同社プラットフォームを利用して、ニュースレターの内容をいろいろな地域にいる個々の読者にあわせてカスタマイズしている。