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Facebook Fights Back, Countersues Yahoo For Patent Infringement

In response to being sued by Yahoo for patent infringement last month, Facebook today filed counter-claims against Yahoo for infringing 10 of its own patents. Facebook says the following Yahoo features and properties violate its intellectual property: Yahoo Home Page, Yahoo’s Content Optimization and Relevance Engine (“C.O.R.E.”), the Yahoo Flickr photo sharing service, and advertisements displayed throughout Yahoo. Facebook also denied the original claims against it from Yahoo, seeks damages for Yahoo’s infringement, and requests a trial by jury.

The two lawsuits could effectively end up causing a stalemate between the companies




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that could prevent Facebook from having to pay exorbitant patent licensing fees to Yahoo or having to shut down some of its services. Facebook’s legal response and full counter-claim can be seen here and below.

Facebook shared a statement from its General Counsel Ted Ullyot explaining, “From the outset, we said we would defend ourselves vigorously against Yahoo’s lawsuit, and today we filed our answer as well as counter-claims against Yahoo for infringing ten of Facebook’s patents. While we are asserting patent claims of our own, we do so in response to Yahoo’s short-sighted decision to attack one of its partners and prioritize litigation over innovation.”



フェイスブックは顧問弁護士のTed Ullyot氏から説明を受け、次のように述べている:「まず、我々はヤフーからの提訴に対して強く防衛することができると思うし、今日我々は回答を出しヤフーがフェイスブックの10件の特許を侵害している旨の反訴状をヤフーに対して提出した。我々は自社の特許を主張するとともに、ヤフーが短絡的にパートナーの1社に対して攻撃を行い、改革よりも訴訟を優先するという決定をしたことに対する反撃として、これを行う。」

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we will commence with the shipment verification process of about 5-7 business days so as  to enable us transfer your total payment order to you onetime.With all due respect,we are appealing to you to get the merchandise sent to your perspective buyer immediately and mail back to us the shipment Tracking Number for us to commence with the shipment verification processes which is one of our outstanding policies before the transfer of any fund is made.We are very sorry for any inconveniences this might have caused you,but we are assuring you that this is to secure bot h the buyer and sellers' interest against any occurrence of fraudulent practices among both parties.



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This will be a custom installed Fujikura Speeder Tour Spec shaft of your choice. The Tour Spec is picking up popularity on tour. Its the lower torque, lower launching, slightly heavier version of the already popular Speeder VC Series. A bunch of pros are playing these including Mickelson, Michael Bradley, and several others. Included in the auction is the install of this shaft in your club with a free grip. Or we can install it in a tip of your choice. We have all of the tips in stock, 910, Razr Fit, R11S, RBZ, Nike VRS, all of them! This wil include the labor and a free grip. We are an authroized Fujikura dealer, every shaft we sell is custom fit for you and comes with a full warranty.


これはあなたが選んだカスタムインストールのフジクラスピーダーツアースペックシャフトです。ツアースペックはツアーでよく選ばれています。これはトルクが低め、ローンチも低めで、既に人気のスピーダーVCシリーズのバージョンよりやや重くなっています。MickelsonやMichael Bradleyなどの多くのプロがこれでプレーしています。オークションにはこのフリーグリップ付きのあなたのクラブにインストールするシャフトが含まれています。あるいはお好きなチップにインストールすることもできます。当社には910、Razr Fit、R11S、RBZ、Nike VRSの全てのチップが在庫としてあります!これにはレイバーとフリーグリップが含まれています。当社はフジクラの正規ディーラーですので、当社が販売する全てのシャフトは全て保証付きです。