freckles 翻訳実績

英語 日本語 (ネイティブ)
freckles 英語 → 日本語

The quantities of socks that you mentioned in your order are wrong? In the order sheet you have to put the no of box that you need and not the pairs.
1 box includes 3prs in the coloration described in the price list.For this style 096050 scarf allover skull the colors available are 335 – GREY/BLUE NAVY - 333 – BLACK/SKY BLUE. Kindly note that the colors in men’s order are not mentioned, please inform us about the colors asap.
The price list sent to you of jewels was temporary. Here below the correct price list. The jewels buckles are been cancelled. If you need this buckles kindly note that you can order them but there il will be a surcharge of 2% on the price;


1箱には価格表に記載された色のソックスが3足入っています。このスタイル096050 scarf all over skull(オールオーバースカーフ)ですが、色は335 – GREY/BLUE NAVY(グレー/ブルーネービー) - 333 – BLACK/SKY BLUE(ブラック/スカイブルー)となります。メンズのオーダーに色の指定がされていません。色の指定を取り急ぎご連絡ください。

freckles 英語 → 日本語

There was a patent foramen ovale and trace mitral,
tricuspid, and pulmonary insufficiency. Tests
for hypercoagulability (including a test for lupus
anticoagulant; functional tests for antithrombin
III, protein C, and protein S; and an assay for
resistance to activated protein C) were normal,
with no evidence of a factor V Leiden mutation
or lupus anticoagulant.

Constipation, with
bloating and abdominal cramping, and hypoactive
bowel sounds developed.

●The two-chamber
view from the same sequence, obtained during
systole, shows increased ballooning of the
left ventricular apical aneurysm that is markedly
abnormal as compared with the remainder of the
left ventricular myocardium (Fig. 3B).


卵円孔開存、僧帽弁および三尖弁閉鎖不全症、また肺機能不完全症の痕跡が見られた。凝固性亢進の試験(ループス抗凝固因子、アンチトロンビンIII、プロテインC およびプロテインS 、活性型プロテインC抵抗性の検査を含む)は正常であり、第V因子ライデン変異 およびループス抗凝固因子の存在は証明されなかった。

