In order to avoid delays:* Be sure to include the user ID and email address of the suspended account on all documents.* Do not Photoshop your user ID onto any documents.* Be sure your submitted documents are current, valid, and legible.Once you've faxed your information we should be able to get back to you within a maximum of 7-10 days, we appreciate your patience while we get this done.I hope that this resolves this issue for you.
The contact information on the documents you send us needs to match the information on your eBay account. If it doesn't, you'll need to let us know in writing why there are differences. If your address on eBay is your work address, you'll need to send us proof in writing so we can confirm that.Be sure to include the user ID and email address of the account that is being appealed on the submitted documents. If the fax doesn't contain this information, we won't be able to process it.Please submit the following documents:One identity proof document* Driver License (copy of both front and back)* Passport* Military ID* National/Federal ID card
Yes sir, shipped today. Thanks for the business. I also threw in a couple of free R11 tour tips for you. Let me know how these sell. I honestly think they are one of the best fairways ever... Sounds good, just sent the invoice. These are the RBZ tour or P model.Great fairway woods, only thing is they are almost too long and theylaunch a little low. Your customers should really like them.Would you be interested in another 5 RBZ fairways for 1000 more? If so I will throw in some gifts for you.I threw in extra weights for you too. Also some ferrules.I only had 1-RBZ 9, for the other on I threw in an R11s 8*, which is more expensive as well as a free tour TM hybrid head. Sorry for the mixup and the delay.
了解しました。今日送りました。お買い上げありがとうございます。R11ツアーティプを2,3本無料で入れておきました。この品の売れ行きを教えてください。本当に最高のフェアウェイの1本と思います。2つ目の品は、インボイスを今送ったところです。RBZツアーかPモデルがあります。すごくいいフェアウェイ・ウッドなのですが、少し長すぎて、少し低めに飛びます。あなたの顧客はとても気に入るでしょう。RBZフェアウエイを5本で1000あるいはそれ以上でいかがでしょうか?興味が有るようでしたら何本かギフトとしてあなたに送ります。予備のウエートもあなたに送ります。ソケットもいくつか入れます。1-RBZ 9しかありません。他の物ですが、より高価なR11s 8*と無料のツアーTMハイブリッドヘッも入れました。混乱や遅れについてお詫び申し上げます。
Hi Masahiro,My name is Anuj Agarwal. I saw your profile on Github.I am working on a rss reader project for a while and i have justcompleted the first working version.I'd like to invite you to have a look. Do you mind if i share with you.Thanks,Anuj---------------------Born developer
マサヒト様私の名前はAnuj Agarwalです。 Githubであなたのプロファイルを見ました。私はRSSリーダーのプロジェクトにしばらく携わっています。最初のバージョンが完成しました。是非ご覧ください。あなも参加していただけますでしょうか?よろしく御願いします。AnujBorn developer
I can send you a PayPal invoice tomorrow if that works for you?
Right now ii can only do 10 Empire State Buildings for $20 each10 Statue of Liberty for $20 each5 White house for $30 each and I will ship the entire order for free.I will be getting in another shipment in 10 days though and I will try to order the ones on your list.Thanks,David
Hi, how are you doing? I got your message, unfortunately, I sold mine to someone else already. What I do have is some Hi-MD mini discs that I will put on ebay at some point. If you are interested in them I can let you know how many I have and we can figure out a price for them. They will be all brand new of course since I have decided to clean out my mini stock that I had since sony quit making the minidisc players
こんにちは。お元気ですか? メッセージありがとうございます。残念ならがら私の品はすでに他の人に売ってしまいました。私はHi-MDディスクを何枚か持っていますが、いつかebayで売りたいと思っています。もしあなたが興味があるようでしたら、私が持っている枚数と、価格を連絡します。ソニーがミニディスクプレヤーを作るのを止めたので、ミニディスクの在庫品を整理したいと思いましたので、それらはもちろんすべて新品です。
the priority shipping cost of 29.99 is priority to Japan for one jacket. To ship 3 is going to cost 49.99. Do you want to paypal me the difference?
Our designers have been working hard and are now finalizing the layout for Art Takes Miami. After collating your images and the details you submitted, the publication has almost reached the printing stage. We have now contacted those from whom we required higher resolution images.We are aiming to ship all pre-orders by February.
ただ今私どもの設計者は一生懸命Art Takes Miamiのためのレイアウトをまとめています。あなたのイメージと提出していただいた詳細と調整が終わり、出版作業は印刷する段階まで来ています。現在より高解像度のイメージが必要な方々に連絡をしています。2月までにはすべての事前注文を出荷する見込みです。
When docu ment is seizedby the machine,please press thebutton" START" to copy.1. The issue of the thermal copier and its correction1 )No light in the indicator:The power plug might not beconnected or the switch might not turn on.2)Pressing the'Copy'Key but no working:lnspect whctherthe manuscript is installed in the right direetion.3)The thermal paper turns out without images.The thermal paper might not inserted in correct direction(It must be put towards the thermal printer and the blankpaper shall be put upwards)plus check the cover is closedin the correct position of not.
Sorry for my late answer. There is al lot of stress in the Company before christmas. But now i am for 2 Week in holiday! Great....You want to sell your Rollcage??? Do you know, at this time, how many the cage costs???? I am very interested at this thing!When would you build your new cage? This year?? :DDo you sell your Steel or Aluminium Body too? Is it steel or alu?I think ist not easy to make a body in steel or Alu. So if there is any chance to get yours please mail me the price.I wish you a wonderful Christmas! Have a great time with your family.Greetings Dieter
That is fantastic... thank you very much! I will help you in anyway I can with the build.... don't be afraid to ask.I would be glad to send any pictures or information you need. If you come to LA and have some extra time, I will come get you and show you our shop in San Diego. You would need a full day because travel to a from LA is slow. My Japanese is Zero!!... so you have me beat on the language barrier! Merry ChristmasMike
最高です。本当にありがとう。作るのを手伝うので、遠慮なく頼んでください。必要な喜んで写真や情報を送ります。ロサンゼルスに来て時間があったら、迎えに行くので、そしたらサンディエゴの店をお見せします。ロサンゼルスから a までの移動は時間がかかるのでまるまる1日は必要です。私は日本語はまるでわかりません。言葉の壁を乗り越えましょう。メリークリスマスMike
I TRIED airmail. The post office says they can't. I get this from them all the time, then I have to ship Priority. Laurie
We know there are many online retailers to choose from – we are honored by your business and value your decision to shop Adorama.To better serve you, we're making some technical upgrades at Adorama and changing the address that we send emails from. Please add our new email address, to your address book or white list to guarantee our emails hit your inbox every time.Don't miss a single deal, tip, or exclusive offer - add to your safe sender list now! If you need help on how to add to your contacts, check out some tips below.
オンラインショップはたくさんありますが、我々Adoramaでお買い物をしていただき頂きまことにありがとうございます。さらにお客様のお役に立てるよう、Adorama では技術的な改良を行なっており、電子メールを送るのに使用しているアドレスを変更しています。我々の新しい電子メールアドレス をお客様のアドレス帳に追加くださるか、あるいは毎回受信ボックスに我々のメールが届くようにホワイトリスト(*)に入れてしてください。掘り出し物や、お知らせ、特別販売を逃さないよう、adorama@email.adorama.comを安全な送り先として登録してください。adorama@email.adorama.comを連絡先として登録する方法についてわからないことがありましたら、下の情報を御覧ください。(*)スパムメール扱いにならないようにすること
Thank you for your nice note. I will be happy to send the Royal Copenhagen Faun to you in Japan. I am a bit confused as your information states that you are in California. If you would like it sent to Japan the cost for International 1st class with insurance will be $32.00 U.S. and Priority International with insurance will be $46.00. Thank you again! I hope you decide to purchase it.Sincerely, Linda
thank you for the mail. Due X-Mas DHL takes more time to bring you that parcel, please keep an eye on that Tracking ID , if it would not be in japan on Thuesday please let me know..
メールありがとうございます。Due X-Mas DHLにて配送していますが、もう少し時間がかかるようです。トラッキングIDでご確認ください。火曜日までに日本に到着しない場合は、私に連絡ください。
Hello, I'm sorry about the delay, Japan shipping is slower around the holidays. The oh so Hollywood how now brown was shipped 1 day earlier than campfire so it could arrive today or tomorrow. I have had this happen before where shipments come in at different times. I talked with the post office and they said a delay is normal around Christmas. Express shipping is $38.00 and would still take -around 5 days? I know you need to move so let me know what you want to do. Thank you for your patience.
こんにちは。到着が遅れていて申し訳有りません。日本向け輸送は休日が近いため時間がかかっています。oh so Hollywood how now brownはcampfire より1日早く出荷しましたので、今日か明日には到着するはずです。以前にもこのような事があり、その時は別々の時期に入荷しました。郵便局い聞いたところ、クリスマス時期にはこのような事は起こるとのことです。速達便は$38.00となり、それでも5日ほどでかかると思います。あなたが引っ越さなければならないことは承知していますので、どのようにしたらよいか教えて下さい。ご協力感謝いたします。
I am able to sell you 50 Sensu at $30 per item. We can offer FREE ground shipping to Florida for this order because it is over $200. Your total is $1500. We would need payment via Paypal. Our account to send funds via Paypal to is A. Please let me know if you would like to go ahead and I will start packaging your order.
Sensu(扇子? )50個を単価30ドルで販売します。200ドルを超える注文ですのでフロリダまでの輸送費(陸送)は無料とさせていただきます。合計金額は1500ドルとなります。Paypalでお支払いください。Paypalでお支払いいただく私たちのアカウントは、Aです。先に連絡くだされば、あなたの注文の梱包作業を開始します。
Pack your item carefully to ensure it won't be damaged in shipmentIf you and the seller do not reach a resolution after seven days, you can click "escalate" in your case in the Resolution Center and eBay will make a final decision. After escalating, a Customer Support agent will review your case and contact you within 72 hours. If you do not escalate, your case will automatically close 30 days from when it was filed.
輸送中に破損しないように注意して梱包してください。あなたと販売者が7日以内に問題を解決できない場合は、解決センターのケースの所にある”エスカレート”をクリックしてください。 eBayが最終判断をいたします。エスカレートした後は、顧客サポート係が本件を検証し72時間以内にあなたに連絡いたします。エスカレートしていない場合は、申し出があってから30日以内に自動的に本件は終了となります。
A/Bingo is the closest. The good news is that it’s pretty simple to get your own very basic A/B testing system up and running, and it’s easy to build up functionality over time. Here’s the bare minimum: Reporting (SQL) I’m assuming you have a USER_ACTIVITY table that records different types of activity, with user, time, and activity type. A table like that makes A/B test reporting a whole lot easier.