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"This new partnership accelerates Konami’s continued success as a top global social games developer and underscores our commitment to provide high quality gaming experiences to the ever-growing social space. We look forward to working hand-in-hand with Zynga to create the best environment possible for playing social games."

For Konami, who claimed about 15 million registered social games users, at the end of 2011, the partnership with Zynga means it will be able to further extend its reach, marketing its games to to Zynga’s 240 million monthly users.

CHART: Konami social games, registered members (millions)





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One famous example he cited was Google China, which ultimately came down to – quite apart from the hacking controversy that so soured relations between it and authorities – a very different view of how to let people access the web. Unfortunately, this has resulted in Google losing its market share in China and it is currently struggling to fight for its online mapping license in the country.

Similar cases do happen to other Internet giants such as eBay, Amazon, Yahoo, MySpace, and Groupon. So what are the various factors that contribute to all their failures? Mr. Hua, in his talk, identified these seven areas:

Government and Policies Makes Foreign Entry Impossible





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PAGE 114-1
A key element of Microsoft's success is its ability to manage a large number of projects simultaneously. Gates was considered the original multitasking man, and is said to be able to hold several different technical conversations simultaneously.

He refers to unused mental capacity as 'unused bandwidth', and has deployed a number of techniques to ensure that his own is kept to a minimum. These have included posting maps on ceilings and taking copies of The Economist and scientific journals to read when he meets friends for lunch. His ability to juggle a number of different threads of conversation simultaneously led to him being described by Microsoft insiders as 'massively parallel?




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Attention, Chinese Internet Music Services Now Pried Open for Foreign Investment by WTO Lawsuit

[this post was written by T.K. Chang (tchang@ivylawgrp.com) of Ivy Law Group, a lawyer currently advising a U.S. company preparing to establish an online music service in China.]

Chinese Internet music services will now be open to foreign investment for the first time, as a direct result of the victory at the WTO in the case brought by the U.S. against China. Under the new Foreign Investment Industrial Guidance Catalogue issued just before New Year’s Day, Internet music services, which previously had been an Internet sector prohibited for foreign investment, will now be open for foreign investment.



[記事執筆:T.K.Chang <tchang@ivylawgrp.com> Ivy 法律事務所グループ弁護士。中国におけるオンライン音楽サービスの立ち上げ準備中米国企業に対し助言している。]


butaman 英語 → 日本語

The U.S. government (in other words: the major U.S. media companies) has been trying for years to pry open China’s music market for CD’s, DVD’s and online music. The U.S. brought a case against China at the WTO back in 2007, accusing China of discriminating against U.S. media companies in violation of China’s WTO promises. The case would wind torturously through the WTO bureaucracy for years, until finally in January 2010, after China had exhausted all appeals and conceded defeat, the WTO ruled definitively in favor of the U.S. If you run out of things to read on the beach during Lunar New Year vacation and are in a masochistic mood, you may want to try the WTO ruling, which altogether runs over 600 pages.

