■LINE BLOG 庄司芽生http://lineblog.me/tokyogirlsstyle/archives/cat_106677.html■【旧ブログ(~2016.3.30)Official Blog "...Mei blo..."http://ameblo.jp/mei-tokyogirlsstyle/
■LINE BLOG Mei Shoiihttp://lineblog.me/tokyogirlsstyle/archives/cat_106677.html■【Former Blog (~2016.3.30)Official Blog "...Mei blo..."http://ameblo.jp/mei-tokyogirlsstyle/
■LINE BLOG 中江友梨http://lineblog.me/tokyogirlsstyle/archives/cat_106676.html■【旧ブログ(~2016.3.30)Official Blog "yuri's crazy blog"http://ameblo.jp/yuri-tokyogirlsstyle/
■LINE BLOG Yuri Nakaehttp://lineblog.me/tokyogirlsstyle/archives/cat_106676.html■【Former Blog (~2016.3.30)Official Blog "yuri's crazy blog"http://ameblo.jp/yuri-tokyogirlsstyle/
■LINE BLOG 新井ひとみhttp://lineblog.me/tokyogirlsstyle/archives/cat_106675.html■【旧ブロク(~2016.3.30)Official Blog "ひとみのひとみごと"http://ameblo.jp/hitomi-tokyogirlsstyle/
■LINE BLOG Hitomi Araihttp://lineblog.me/tokyogirlsstyle/archives/cat_106675.html■【Former Blog (~2016.3.30)Official Blog "Hitomi no Hitomigoto"http://ameblo.jp/hitomi-tokyogirlsstyle/
2016年は、4月13日に5th Single「Landscape」をリリース、4月17日にはSOLIDEMO 2nd ANNIVERSARY LIVEをZepp Divercityで開催し成功を収めた。そして、以降「SOLIDEMOルンルンキャンペーン」と題し、日本全国のファンにSOLIDEMO自ら会いに行くことを宣言。日本中にSOLIDEMOの輪を広げていく。
SOLIDEMO released the 5th Single "Landscape" on April 13, 2016and held the SOLIDEMO 2nd ANNIVERSARY LIVE in Zepp Divercitywith a huge success. And SOLIDEMO has declared that the artist will go to see Japanese fans as the "SOLIDEMO RanRan Campaign" andhave a larger circle of SOLIDEMO in Japan.
⇒ 4月末~5月末までの有効期限方が対象⇒5月末~6月末までの有効期限の方が対象
⇒Intended for those who expire between late April and late May.⇒Intended for those who expire between late May and late June.
I directly contacted FedEx regarding the tracking number 477 you mentioned.I learned that the sender had been designated as the one to receive the bills for thetarrifs and consumption taxes by mistake when the shipment for the tracking number was distapched.I also learned that the Fedex account number I had designated was not activated, either.As I had a procedure for a new application , we will receive the bill.We will directly pay the bill.So please do not pay the amount of the bill to FedEx this time.Please inform the person in charge of the content of this e-mail.Thank you.
I've reviewed your email and understand that you are concerned about the ASIN: B01D3HMGTY. I'm glad to help you. However, I'm not sure which you have referring as the "Subject" in your correspondence and I'm sorry for the inconvenience caused in this regard. We would appreciate if you can elaborate your inquiry and provide more specific information to help us to serve you better.I'm sorry for making you take an additional step regarding this issue, it's just to ensure we provide you a clear resolution to avoid any discrepancy.Your understanding and co-operation on this issue is appreciated. When we get back from you, we are able to clarify you further.
メールを拝見しましたが、 ASIN: B01D3HMGTYの件で懸念されていらっしゃるようですね。お役に立てて嬉しいです。 しかし、私には文面でどの件を「件名」で触れているのか分からないので、この件に関しては不明なのです。問い合わせ事項を明らかにしていただき、より詳しい情報を提供していただくようお願いいたします。この件に関して、お手間を取らせてしまい申し訳ございませんが、矛盾を避けるためにも当社は明確な回答をしたいのです。この問題に関する御社のご理解とご協力には感謝しております。御社からの返答があり次第、詳細をはっきりされることができます。
I have contacted you to have a consult. My Japanese acquaintant wants to remit 100,000 Eurosfrom Johannesburg to Germany, but could it be possible that you introduce somebody in charge ofthe remittance to him? While the receiver has a personal account, an invoice is issued to the sender from the receiver's company.A Japanese in Johannesburg goes to the bank and hand the cash.While the cash is in USD, it will be remitted as Euros. Though I am not sureabout the reward but how about paying 1,000 Euros?
オフィシャルファンクラブ“倖田組”会員限定 ハワイツアーイベント決定!2016年10月、オフィシャルファンクラブ“倖田組”限定ファンクラブイベントの開催が決定しました!■ツアー日程(3泊5日)出国日:2016年10月12日(水)帰国日:2016年10月16日(日)※成田空港・関西国際空港発着!なんと今回は初のハワイツアー!スペシャルライブやプレミアムイベントなどを計画中!倖田來未と一緒にハワイで心に残る素敵な時間を過ごしましょう!
A Hawaiian Tour Event for the Official Fan Club "Kodagumi" Members Is Here!It has been officially announced that an event for the members of KUMI KODA Fan Club willtake place in October 2016!■The Itinerary (Five Days Including Three Stays)Departure Day: Wednesday, October 12, 2016Returning Day: Sunday, October 16, 2016 ※Departing from and arriving in Narita Airport and Kansai International Airport!This is the very first tour to Hawaii!We are planning special live performances and premium events!Have a wonderful time with KUMI KODA in Hawaii!
日程表、旅行代金、お申し込み方法などの詳細は後日ファンクラブサイトで発表致します。お楽しみに!※お伝えしておりました発着空港におきまして誤りがありました。申し訳ございません。 正しくは以下の通りです。 (誤)羽田空港・関西国際空港発着(正)成田空港・関西国際空港発着■倖田組ファンクラブサイト http://fc.avex.jp/koda/
We will announce the itinerary, charges and method for application later in the official website.Please remain excited about the announcement!※There was an error in the message regarding the departure and arrival airport. We are sorry.The following is the correct information: (Wrong) Haneda Airport ・Kansai International Airport(Correct) Narita Airport・Kansai International Airport■Kodagumi Official Fan Club Website http://fc.avex.jp/koda/
------------------------------会場:渋谷パルコ PART1・7F THE GUEST cafe&diner期間:5月12日(木)~7月3日(日)※OPEN 11:00 / フードL.O22:00 ドリンクL.O22:30※本カフェは入れ替え制ではございません。ただし、混雑時にはお席のご利用時間を60分間とさせていただく場合がございます。あらかじめご了承ください。お問い合わせ:03-3477-5773 (THE GUEST cafe&diner)
------------------------------Site: 1st and 7th Floors at Shibuya Parco Part 1 THE GUEST cafe&dinerPeriod: Thursday, May 12 to Sunday, July 3※OPEN 11:00 AM/ Food Last Order at 10:00 PM and Drink Last Order at 10:30 PM※This café does not operate on a switching system.But we may ask each customer to stay in the store for 60 minutes at maximum when the store is crowdedPlease keep in mind in advance.Inquiry: 03-3477-5773 (THE GUEST cafe&diner)
入場整理券:432円(税込) ★オリジナルタブレットケース付き※ローソンチケットにて事前販売いたします。※入場整理券は、カフェ来店時に限定ステッカーとお引き換ええいたします。※小学生以上有料 ※未就学児童、保護者同伴に限り入場可※今回は、2016年5月12日(木)~5月31日(火)までの期間の カフェ入場チケットを販売いたします。 6月1日(水)以降のご入店につきましては後日、 公式サイトにて詳細をお知らせいたします。
Admission Ticket: 432 JPY (Tax Included) ★ With the original tablet case※We sell tickets at the Lawson Ticket in advance. ※We exchange your admission ticket with the original sticker when you visit the café.※Children older than elementary school students are required for charges※Pre-school children can enter only when they are accompanied by adults.※We sell entrance tickets to café that are valid between Thursday, May 12, 2016 to Tuesday, May 31, 2016.We will announce the schedule after June 1 on our official website.
■ A Rainbow Pancake with Light Whipped Cream ~※With a Mug Cup AvailablePlease confirm other collaboration menus and special goods!http://www.parco-art.com/web/other/exhibition.php?id=936
I am interested in books featuring a spiritual world. It is not strictly psychology butI am interested in achieving a mood of sensing.Do you have any knowledge of this genre?I have talked about something so serious from the beginning.Have you been to the polls as we hear a lot about the electionin your country?I am afraid I have some difficulty in hearing you as I think it is due tothe connection problem. Can I hear it again? As I am engaged in a service offering news on the Internet and cover topicsof politics and economy, I have learned to read many books of politics.
Though I think it a kind of mistake, this is a feedback that should be deletedin accordance with the feedback policy.This order was on the FBA and the customer seems to be dissatisfiedwith the Customer Service; I am not to blame for anything.This kind of feedback has been deleted in the past, and I wonder why thisstill exists. Please confirm it right away.
ご連絡,お心遣いありがとうございます。また諸々ご迷惑をおかけし申し訳ありません。アパートの契約書の署名ですが,⑴ PDFに直接電子署名をしたもの,(2) 一度プリントアウトし,署名後,スキャンしたものの2種類を本メールに添付致しました。契約書に直筆で署名しておりませんが,問題はないでしょうか?ご確認いただければ幸いです。どうぞ宜しくお願い致します。
Thank you for your contact and concern about me. I apologize for all the troubles I have caused. Regarding the signature on the contract of the apartment, I have attached two signatures: (1)The one directly e-signed on the PDF file (2) The one on a printed out sheet and scanned. Though I have not directly signed on the contract, are they all right?I hope you will confirm each. Thank you.
We understand that. We will pay 1,500 USD first.We transmitted to your bank account today. Please confirm the attached transmit certificate.We have a question. Could it be possible that you attach the PSE mark only on the products shipped to Japan?
While your request is that you would like three spotlights in addition to a package plan with a 1KW electricity capacity, do you use electricity besides the light?Could it be all right that you can utilize only the 400w electricity if we substract the electricity capacity from 1KW?
発送の前にお客様に確認させて頂きたい点がありご連絡しました。ご注文頂いた商品なのですが、普通のサイレンサーではなくストロボにより弾を発光させます。なので、主に夜間などに使用するものです。承知の上でのご購入でしょうか?※○○様がこの商品を消音目的のみでご購入されている場合は、トラブルになってしまうと思ったので確認させて下さい。今一度、出品ページをご確認頂けると幸いです。また、このサイレンサー専用の発光BB弾がございます。そちらはお持ちでしょうか? ※画像を添付します。
I am contacting you as we have something for you to confirm before we dispatch the product.The product you ordered is not an ordinary silencer but it emits the light by strobe.So it is what you should use during nighttime. Would you like to order it with your understanding?※Please let us confirm that in case you purchase this product only for the purpose of silencing the sound.We are delighted if you have another look at the website where the product is listed.And there are BB bullets for this silencer. Do you have them?We attach an image herewith.
モデルナンバーは「PACIFICA CUSTOM」です。お客様はモデル名といえばPAC812やPAC912のようなモデル名を想像されているかと思いますが、このギターはモデル名が「PACIFICA CUSTOM」となります。このCUSTOMというワードは何か既存のモデルをカスタムしたという意味ではなく、オリジナルのモデルとして存在しています。当時のカタログのURLを添付しますのでご確認下さい。現在では製造中止になったモデルで、クオリティーが高く非常にお勧めです。
The model number is “PACIFICA CUSTOM.”Though you may imagine the model name such as AC812 or PAC912, the model name of this guitar is “PACIFICA CUSTOM.”This word CUSTOM does not mean that an existing model has been customized; it exists as the original model.Please click the following URL and confirm the content.This model is longer manufactured and its quality is very high.