茨城県とadingo、検索サービスおよびリスティング広告に関して業務提携~adignoが提供する検索エンジンを利用し、都道府県庁サイトにおいて初めて オーバーチュアのリスティング広告を導入~
A business alliance concerning retrieval service of info and a listing advertisement between Ibaraki Prefecture and adingo.This is the first introduction on all the municipal government sites of an overturing listing ad. on the search engine offered by adigno.
<警告>この標識は研ぎ立ての刃で縁取られてます うっかり触るとバッサリやられます
special thanks
特別な感謝 / とっておきの謝意
a closer relationship between the ways certain energies work than might otherwise be apparent
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By the early 1900s, the Coffs Harbour area had become an important timber production centre.
The fever is actually a helpful reaction that kills the virus,even though we are not so happy to feel so miserable.This shows us that our bodies have natural defenses,and that taking medicine to reduce symptoms is not always the best solution because it interferes with the body's natural defense system.
It is not so much from curiosity as out of a kind of affection.
We all know that nerves and tension can cause bad movements and errors
Feel sad. Got drunk. Still sad.
you tend to regard the significant people in your life much the same way as you do your possessions
be sure to allow others who are close to you the similar right to "be themselves."
I am a student.
Townsville city was surrounded by rural land, organised into the Thuringowa Shire.
Thuringowa郡に併合されたTownsville cityの周囲には田園地帯が広がっていた。
Member 1 incurs expenses totaling $2,250. $2,000 would be used to satisfy the member's individual deductible and $250 would be paid at 100%.
I realize everyone is busy…so am I.
Paslow admitted seven counts of benefit fraud and was sentenced in April to 200 hours community service. However, the security guard returned to Canterbury magistrates' court this week claiming he could not complete the unpaid work owing to ill-health.
Paslow は金銭詐取罪の7件の起訴事実を認め、4月に判決が下り200時間の社会奉仕活動義務が課せられた。しかし、監視官は今週カンタベリー管轄区裁判所に、体調不良の理由で彼に課せられた全奉仕活動の履行は不可能だという申し立てを行った。
One study has found that by eating local foods a typical Japanese family can reduce their CO2 emissions by 300 kilograms annually.
What are food miles? It is common in many countries for food to travel a long distance before reaching the consumer. For example, it is estimated that in the United States, fresh fruits and vegetables travel over 1500 miles on average before reaching the consumer, and in the UK, half of the vegetables come from abroad. Food miles are calculated on the basis of both weight and distance because transporting a heavy load produces more CO2 than a light load.
He was all wrinkles with a black tongue, a dog no self-respecting person who would take out in public.