Thank you always for everything.The reservation of the parcel by the parcel force is probably because the additional tax in England named as "VAT" is charged.I'm sincerely sorry for my lack of confirmation.The tracking number of the parcel force is EC004365253GB.I'm sorry for bothering you but would you pay the money in advance using the deposit of the parcel force?Of course, I'll be sure to refund the addtional amount you'll pay.If you need some documents such as invoice, I'll prepare immediately and send the attachment of them.
but EMS from USA very expensive,$52.if i ship from Hong Kong only need $30,but need ship on Dec-10.how you want me to ship back.beside i won another one,ebay no 281517512062.can you double check glass condition.you don't need refund to me,just exchange this one to me is fine.please advise.rick
しかし米国からのEMSは52米ドルと、とても高いです。もし私が香港から出荷すれば30米ドルしかかかりません、ただし12月10日に出荷する必要があります。どういった形で私が返送するのがお望みですか?そのほかに、私はebayで商品番号 2815175112062を落札しました。ガラスのコンディションをダブルチェックしてもらえますか?私に返金をする必要はありません。私にしてみれば、ただこちらに交換してもらえればかまいません。アドバイスをお願いします。rick
In short, how can I refund the item?Will your Warehouse ask the shipping company to collect my item?If so, what kind of directions should I give to my warehouse?Please tell me the concrete steps to refund this item.Thank you for your cooperation.
Thank you for your contact.I was concerned about you and am contacting with you because it seems this is your first deal.Recently there are some new buyers not contacting or not paying for the item.....I am waiting for your payment.Please contact with me again if you have any problems.Have a nice day.
I wonder if you have read the message, because you don't reply to my message.My only wish is to get a exact and clear file ot COA (Certificate of origin) or other document that certifies the origin of this product is from EU.Please scan, or take a high resolution pic of Certificate and send it to my e-mail ( **)I cannot exactly designate my e-mail because e-Bay doesn't allow share e-mails in the messages.you know (A) means special letter used in e-mail, and please ignore all the spaces.Your previous pic was so low in quality so they cannot understand what it was.Please reply to my message.I'll depart to USA tomorrow and I have little time.
私のメッセージにお返事をいただけないので、あなたがメッセージを読んだのかどうかと思っています。私の希望は、COA (原産地証明書)もしくは、この製品がEU産であることを証明するその他の書類の正確でクリアなファイルをいただきたい、ということだけです。証明書をスキャンするかもしくは高解析度の写真を撮って私のe-mailに送ってください。e-Bayはメッセージ上でe-mailを共有することを禁じているため、正確にe-mailを指定することはできません。おわかりのように、(A)は、e-mailの中で使用される特別な文字ですので、スペースはすべて無視してください。あなたが前回送ってくれた写真はあまりに解析度が低く何が書かれているかわかりませんでした。どうぞ私のメッセージに返信をください。私は明日米国に発つためほとんど時間がありません。
Hello,OOThank you for your news.The answer to your question is C.This is because I intend to eliminate all the entries other than FBA and register new range of the items again.So I have already eliminated the other entries keeping FBA available.If the Bulk Deletion I operated makes FBA deleted, too, it is my fault.If so, please let me know.I want to do my best as a healty seller.Thank you for your support in advance.
As OOsan told you,I would like to meet and talk with you once.In principle, I want to arrange the meeting immediately, but unfortunately I have been on a business trip from yesterday to Friday.So I'll consult with your secretary about the meeting schedule after the beginning of the next week.(主語が入ります) cooperated with customer sales group , carried out analysis by marketing method, engagement, creationof the opportunities , the process design until closing.As the concrete examples of the activities, (主語) created the opportunities by reaching customers through maketing such as creating customer targets
お問い合わせありがとうございます。スペアのパーツは持っていません。現時点で正常に動作しています。お探しのレンズは今週入荷します。出品しましたら貴方にお知らせします。"Mamiya 645 pro TL" 以外にも"645 pro"や"645 super" も出品していますのでよろしければご検討下さい。よろしくお願い致します。
Thank you for your inquiry.I don't have the spare parts . It works nomally at this time.The lense you are looking for will arrive this week.If I entry it, I'll let you know.Apart from "Mamiya 645 pro TL" , "645 pro" and"645 super" are also being entried now.Please check it if you want.Thank you for your concern.
In conclusion, she also agrees with your feeling about them.Why are you doing such a thing under circumstance, where evreyone feels anxiety and can't tell which is true and which is false?Can you consider it as one of the opnions?She is saying like that, it is not because she hates them, but because she is analyzing this case dispassionately and judging it.As for this matter, I agree with her.How much bashing has she suffered about this matter?If she got hurt, I also feel sad.Please do not do such a thing to my friend.
I liked her sight, ways of thinking and the edits she creates.When something happened to them, I was curious about her feeling about it.When their law case was proposed this time, I went to read her tumblr.As I agreed with her partly, I read it with interest.I don't know what she wrote in Twitter, but I think she is thinking we should not believe all of the contents written in the (news)papers.She also hopes that they will spend in a better circumstance.
Sorry for the late response.Because your mail was sent into the spam mail folder by mail filter, I was late for noticeing your e-mail.You can purchase the item you are asking about.It in now on sale, so I recommend you consider buying.Olease feel free to ask any question if you have.Thank you for your concern.
t's defective or doesn't workreceived 2 zunow 38/1.1,but this one with optic problem,coating wear on rear element and haze inside.request return for refund,i will go to hong kong on 10th,will ship from there because cheaper shipping cost. rickHi there, what is the lowest you're willing to go down to for the omega watch please?
商品に欠陥があるか、もしくは作動しません。 2つの zunow 38/1.1を受領しましたが、こちらは光学的な問題があり、後部エレメントにコーティングがあり、内部が曇ります。返金のための返品を要求します。10日に香港に行きますのでそこから送ります、送料がそのほうが安くなりますので。rickこんにちは。オメガの時計に関してあなたが提示できる最安値はいくらになりますか?
it's possible to pay directly the TAX?When I bought material from US I can pay it directly, I think is a service of courier.Could you send me a detailed foto of item? and an a picture of:"There is a lump of thin dust in the corner in the lens.It does not have any problem with the photographing."could you expleain me whad does it means:"Of the middle ring fit in, and a sound does not sound.It is fixed well."I found a negative feedback about this lens to you:Item not as described. Returned to seller but seller has not refunded money!!!!I followed up with mints_house but he has not refunded yet. Dishonest!
In addition to the reform measure which I submitted before, I decided the improvement plans about the mistakes on the merchandise registration and initial defects which you suggested. I report as belows.When the merchandises are registered, we do the following things thoroughly.1Confirmation by photos2 Confirmation by the UPC code3Confirmation by the ASIN code4Confirmation about initial defectsWe intend to prevent from registering the wrong item by mistake and sending the defective items by doing these things.
Then I do a final confirmation. Sorry for bothering you many times.1.I refund 200USD via PayPal, not 300USD.2.You change the negative feedback into positive one.Are they OK?Please contact me if you have any further requests.If you don't and reply to me "OK", I'll refund you today.
あなたに確認したいことが2個あります。1.あなたは注文した商品と違う商品を送ってきたのだから、返送料はあなたが負担してくれますよね? 返送用ラベルがダウンロードできるURLを教えてください。2・私はリストッキングフィーを払う必要はありませんよね?回答をお待ちしております。
I have two things to confirm of you.1.As you shipped the wrong item, you'll pay for the shipping fee, is that all right?Please tell me the URL in which I can download the label for returning items.2.I need not pay for the restocking fee, is that all right?I am waiting for your reply.
Dear Seller,Upon review of your account we understand that you may not be a registered business, however our understanding is that a Japanese Sole Proprietor does not need to register their activity with the authorities. For the purposes of your Amazon Payments Account we nevertheless request that you select the Seller Category in "Business and Contact Info" as Business (including partnerships) and provide the most recent tax payment for your commercial activity. The other information such as date of registration and company number do not need to have accurate information added if this is not available to you.Thank you for your co-operation.
親愛なるセラー 様あなたのアカウントを確認した結果、あなたが登録事業者でない可能性があると判断しました。しかし、私どもは、日本の個人事業者はその活動を当局に登録する必要がないと理解しております。しかしそうであっても、Amazon Payments Account の目的上、"Business and Contact Info"(ビジネス及び連絡先情報)内のSeller Category をBusuness(ビジネス)(パートナーシップを含む)を選択して、あなたの商業活動に対する直近の税金支払額を入力していただくようお願いします。登録日や会社番号といったその他の情報は、もし入手できないのであれば、正確な情報を追加していただく必要はございません。ご協力をよろしくお願いいたします。
I want to sell cameras.I have some questions for that.I am a Japanese and purchase cameras from Japanese manufacturer.The cameras I purchase are for selling domestically in Japan.The outer cases and descriptions are written in Japanese.1 Will it be permitted to register the items for domestic sales into the Asin for selling in the US?2There is no warranty because they are for the domestic sales, is there no problem?3 Are the products made by Japanese maker such as Canon、Nicon、Fujifilm limited to exhibit?4The unit price of the products is about 250UD, is there any restriction about the unit price?
ヒートポンプ電源供給システム 農地、ビニールハウス、水耕栽培やインフラ整備の行き届いていない地域での発電を可能とするシステム 水で発電しCO2を一切放出しない新たな自然エネルギーです。酸水素ガス発電機電力供給ヒートポンプRO水供給テクニカル電子様のRO水供給システムを活用
Heat pump power supply systemThis system can generate electricity in a farm, a plastic greenhouse and the places where tank faming takes place or the infrastructure facilities are not enough.It is a new natural energy which generates electricity using water wihout emitting CO2.oxyhydrogengeneratorpower supplyheat pumpthe supply of RO (Reverse Osmosis) waterThe RO (Reverse Osmosis) water of the Technical Electronusing the supply system
We are very sorry that we shipped the item containing 60pieces by mistake.We have already shipped the item containing 120pieces today.As it was our mistake, please use the one containing 60pieces.We sincerely apologize for sending wrong item.The item was shipped on Oct. 27th already.I think it will arrive soon, please be assured.Because it is during the holiday season now, it seems to be very crowded.Even if they were shipped on the same day, they could arrive on different day.At any rate, we intend to handle appropriately to the end.Please feel free to contact us when you have any questions.