[日本語から英語への翻訳依頼] 金融をコア事業とし、マーケティングの新しい提案を、様々な分野に提供しています 毎朝、報道されるテレビや新聞の「必携ニュース」を、10数問の3択のクイズ形...

この日本語から英語への翻訳依頼は "ビジネス" のトピックと関連があります。 transcontinents さん 12ninki_chan さん naokey1113 さん tatsuoishimura さん [削除済みユーザ] さん yukes さんの 6人の翻訳者によって翻訳され、合計 10件の翻訳が投稿されました。 依頼の原文の文字数は 1127文字 で、翻訳完了までにかかった時間は 6時間 36分 です。

matsukawa1133による依頼 2012/12/05 11:55:20 閲覧 2310回
残り時間: 終了






評価 44
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/12/05 12:07:28に投稿されました
Core business and finance and offers new ideas on marketing in a variety of fields

In the form of 10 3 multiple choice quiz question, the "must-have news" of TV and newspapers every morning, is reported, providing content from 7:30 am Monday through Friday (excluding holidays)

We have been providing our company to operate the system, such as "@ Fund" mail delivery as the basis of the mutual fund

Autograph column
, 2006/3-10
Modern Sales
How to make a "develop investment-type financial products over-the-counter system"

· 2005/05-10
Perspective information trusts day shift
Plan "1000 times over-the-counter sales"

評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/12/05 17:56:59に投稿されました
We provide financial service as our core business and make new proposal for marketing in various fields.

At 7:30 am from Monday to Friday (excluding holiday) we provide contents in which you can learn "must know news" in daily TV news and newspapers with 10 sets of three-choice-quizes.

We provide "@ Fund", a delivery system of mails which tells standard price of mutual fund, to asset management companies.

My own column
Modern Sales
How to create "shop front sales" to increase sales of investment style financial goods.

Nikkin information of mutual funds and pension
"Plan to achieve thousandfold sales on shop front"
評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/12/05 18:20:08に投稿されました
WeI assume finance our core business and offer new suggestions in marketing to the clients of various fields .

WeI select "indispensable news" from reports on TV and newspaper, put them into quiz form with 3 answer candidates and offer such content every morning at 7:30 a.m. from Monday through Friday (except on holidays)

We offer "@ fund", the investment trust standard value mail delivery system, to the asset mnagement companies,etc.

Jihitsu (autograph) column:

Kindai (Modern Age) sales
How to build a "store systems" to boost investment type of financial products

Nikkin investment trust En-kin (bifocal) information
"1,000 times store sales plan"
tatsuoishimura- 12年弱前



評価 44
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/12/05 12:15:23に投稿されました
Production and development projects
Major publishing companies and production companies, etc., provides one-stop for all services, such as Mobile Smartphone Tablet PC, planning, design, system development, operation and maintenance

Thank you for accessing the home page of the mobile support. Founded in 2004, we are engaged in planning applications and smartphones WEB site, for tablet devices, development, contract, the deployment of their services especially in the financial industry, such as customers and major publishing company.
評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/12/05 18:08:47に投稿されました
Creation and development business
We provide one-stop services of planning, design, system development, operation and maintenance for PC, smartphone and tablet to corporate cliente such as a large publishing compnay and an asset management company.

Thank you very much for your access to a webpage of Mobile Support Ltd. Our company started business in 2004 and provide own or contracted services of planning and development of applications for website, smartphone and tablet PC mainly for large publishing companies and financial industry.

河合 行宏(かわい ゆきひろ)

iPad、iPhone、Androidスマートフォン 、Androidタブレットのアプリ開発、システム開発を行っています

評価 44
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/12/05 12:32:34に投稿されました
In the future, customers, face our users sincerely, and , in order to provide a valuable solution, we spare no "sweat!", with this effort.
We look forward for your continued support and your further understanding.
(Yukihiro Kawai) Yukihiro Kawai
Started Mobile support entrepreneurship in August 2004, through Chiba Bank, Ltd.
Graduated from Chuo University, Faculty of Science and Technology, 1992

Application development
We have been developing the system development for iPad, iPhone, Android smartphone, and Android tablet apps .
評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/12/05 14:03:29に投稿されました
We promise we will never spare any effort to realize well-made solutions valuable enough in order to respond the needs of our users and potential customers.
I'd like to appreciate your understanding and support in advance.

Chief Executive Officer
Yukihiro Kawai

Had worked at Chiba Bank, and then launched Mobile Support in Aug of 2004
Graduated from Chuo University in 1998 with a bachelor of engineering

Now developing
Applications for iPad, iPhone, Android-based smartphones, Android-based tablets, and working on
System Development as well

漆間 誠一 (うるま せいいち)
東京大学教育学部卒業後、1974年より日本銀行。ニューヨーク事務所次長、人事局人事課長、熊本支店長を歴任。エレクトロニック・データ・システムズ(株)、(株)ドットウエル ビーエムエス、SG信託銀行などの取締役を歴任。2006年よりモバイルサポート顧問就任

松田 純司 (まつだ じゅんじ)

評価 44
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/12/05 12:43:46に投稿されました
Part-time adviser
(Seiichi Uruma) Seiichi Uruma
Graduated from the University of Tokyo, Education Department's Bank of Japan since 1974. He served as the Deputy Director, New York Office, human resources Division, HR, Kumamoto Branch Manager. Served as Director of Electronic Data Systems Corporation, Dotwells BMS(Ltd.), and SG Private Banking Japan. Appointed as adviser mobile support Advisor in 2006

Junji Matsuda (Junji Matsuda)
Tohoku University School of Law graduate, worked from 1964 Mitsubishi Corporation. Managing Director, Diamond Computer Service Co., Ltd.. Appointment of Auditors mobile support in 2005
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/12/05 15:52:17に投稿されました
An Outside Adviser
Seiichi Uruma
Graduated from a faculty of education in University of Tokyo in 1974, and entered The Bank of Japan. He was consecutively an assistant director of New York office, a chief of a personnel affair section, a manager of the Kumamoto branch office. Also he was a director of Electronic Data Systems Inc., Dod Well BMS Inc., SG Private Banking Ltd. He was inaugurated as a mobile support adviser in 2006.

An Auditor
Jyunji Matsuda
Graduated from faculty of law in University of Tohoku in 1964, and entered The Bank of Mitsubishi Ltd. He is a managing director of Mitsubushi Research Institute DCS Co., Ltd. He was inaugurated as a mobile support adviser in 2005.


金融機関向け基準価額メール配信サービス「JIJI FUND MAIL」

評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/12/05 18:31:03に投稿されました
WEB creation/development
We provide one-stop service covering all of planning, design, system development, management and maintenance etc. for PC, mobile, smartphone and tablet.

ASP service
We provide our original ASP service for financial industry.
Basic price email distribution service "@fund" for fund management firms
Basic price email distritubion service "JIJI FUND MAIL" for financial institutions
Media service
We provide website for Every day for 5 minutes! Econimic News class.
評価 44
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/12/05 12:57:04に投稿されました
WEB production / development
We Provide one-stop for all services, such as Mobile Smartphone Tablet PC, planning, design, system development, operation and maintenance

ASP services
For the financial industry, it offers its own ASP service.
Production company for standard price mail delivery service "@ Fund"
Mail delivery NAV service "JIJI FUND MAIL" for financial institutions
Media Services
We offer economics school news site 5am daily!





  • Word、Excel、PowerPointなど様々なファイル形式に対応
  • 文字数の上限がなく、素早い納品
  • よりスキルの高い翻訳者が担当
