zhizi Translations

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Over 14 years ago
Japanese (Native) English Chinese (Simplified)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

Right now, I think entrepreneurs under 25 years of age have a strong entrepreneurial spirit. 20 years ago I was a student, when banks and securities companies were bankrupt – so my generation didn’t believe so much in big companies. Right now the young generation are in the same situation, as mega electronics companies are going down. Of course many students prefer big companies, but more aggressive young people prefer to try their own companies. Some people like that do their own thing.

He qualifies that while it would be hard to compare what’s happening in Japan to Silicon Valley, the small ecosystem in Tokyo gives him cause for optimism.




zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

Why Weibo technology will change China

Editor’s Note: The piece originally appears on LinkedIn, we reproduced it here under Kaifu Lee’s authorization. Kaifu is the founder of Chinese incubator Innovation Works , he also served as Google and Microsoft VP.

Over the past three years, “weibo” has taken China by storm. ”Weibo” literally means “micro-blog”, and some have called weibo “the Chinese Twitter”. But more accurately, weibo is a 500-character Twitter with Facebook look-and-feel, in a country with very few high-quality traditional media. Weibo is offered by several companies, with Sina having a leadership position.



編集ノート:これはもともとLinkedInに掲載されたものだが、李開復氏の許可を得てTechnodeで再掲載した。李氏は、中国のインキュベーターInnovation Worksの創設者で、過去にGoogleとMicrosoftのバイスプレジデントを務めた経歴を持つ。


zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

A Reader App From China Thinks It Knows What You Want to Read

One of China’s most innovative reading apps, Wumii Reader has just upgraded its Android app to version 2.0. In contrast to many other apps that demand you add in lots of subscriptions or preferred sites – which can be quite laborious – Wumii Reader instead uses its own clever algorithm to offer up what it thinks you might want to read.

One new feature that takes advantage of that is the “shake to read” that causes the Wumii app to freshen up your suggested list of relevant articles. Also new in this v2.0 beta is a reading network where you can follow and interact with other Wumii Reader users – and read some of their articles too.



中国で最も画期的なリーダーアプリの1つWumii ReaderがAndroid版アプリをバージョン2にアップグレードした。購読やお気に入りのサイトを加えるよう(この作業はかなり手間のかかることもある)要求するその他の多くのアプリとは対照的に、Wumii Readerは独自の賢いアルゴリズムを使ってユーザーが読みたいと思うようなものを表示してくれる。

それを活かした新しい特徴の1つが「shake to read」で、デバイスを振ることでWumiiアプリにユーザーへ提案する関連記事リストを更新させるものだ。このバージョン2でもう1つ新しいことは、リーディング・ネットワークで、ユーザーは他のWumii Readerのユーザーをフォローしたり、交流したりでき、彼らの持っている記事を読むこともできる。

zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

But don’t get too caught up in the savings, or you’ll expose yourself to a world of risk. What companies gain in convenience and extra cash can be lost in poor control and flimsy policy. The unknown elements that can happen with a BYOD policy have led critics to call it “Bring Your Own Disaster,” and it’s easy to see how even the best intentions can lead to a serious security breach or aggravating compatibility problems.

Thinking of switching to BYOD? Here are four things to keep in mind when crafting and enforcing your policy. It’s important to note that the preferences and cultures of each company are different, so use your own needs as a guideline to developing a BYOD system that works for you.


だが、経費の節約にあまり捕われすぎない方がいい。捕われすぎると、リスクに身をさらすことになるからだ。BYODの便利さと余剰金から企業が得るものは、まずい管理やもろい制度によって消えてしまうこともある。BYOD制度に起こりうる未知の要素に、批判家はBYODを「Bring Your Own Disaster(大失敗、各自持参)」と言うようになっている。そして、最善の策と思って行ったことでも深刻なセキュリティー侵害を引き起こしたり、互換性の問題を悪化させてしまうかもしれない。


zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

The social invite mechanic should be native to the underlying platform

This is where Asian gaming platforms are fundamentally different. A characteristic that differentiates some Asian gaming networks like GREE (TYO:3632) and DeNA (TYO:2432) from other social gaming companies is the fact that their user acquisition and cross-promotion is built on a native gaming platform. Users often have an avatar-based gaming identity rather than their real identity. With gaming being the core function of the platform, the risk of spam gets mitigated. And since people aren’t their real selves on the platform, the propensity to mass-invite will be that much higher.




zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

2. Mobile has a history of unbundling horizontal platforms into vertical services. Facebook.com is a single web destination for multiple use cases (communication, hosting pictures, sharing stuff, playing games etc.). But Facebook itself has multiple mobile apps for communication, photos, etc., and faces stiff competition from services like Instagram (pre-acquisition) which would not have been a direct competitor in a desktop/web-only world. This unbundling could also raise challenges for social games which depend heavily on cross-promotion and could come in the way of porting users from one game to another.

