zhizi Translations

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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
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The teams emphasizes that it’s open to feedback from overseas users too, and the WeChat crew listens tofeedback via email, the Facebook fan page, and various app store comments.

Gaming and monetization?

Rivals like Line and Kakaotalk are pushing monetization hard with things like sticker stores and social gaming integration. And Whatsapp has its faintly ludicrous annual subscription fee. As for WeChat, Justin says that Tencent is not thinking of monetization and “it’s not important” right now. He points to the birth of the company’s huge IM service, QQ, which grew by user acquisition for many years before it then got monetized with everything from virtual currencies to social games.





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SparxUp show takeaways: Indonesia is not only Jakarta

SparxUp in Jakarta has concluded, and our Indonesia-based correspondent has a wrap-up of the afternoon sessions.

The afternoon session at SparxUp was keynoted by Zane Adam, Microsoft’s senior director for Cloud and Platform Strategy. He highlighted the importance of cloud computing for startups. By deploying through Platform as a Service (PaaS), businesses can save on technology and infrastructure costs, and can therefore concentrate more on their growth. Zane believes that platforms like Azure can help a lot of startups deploy any application in any platform they want.




SparxUpの午後のセッションでは、Microsoft Cloud & Platform StrategyのシニアディレクターZane Adam氏が基調講演を行った。同氏はスタートアップにとってクラウドコンピューティングがいかに重要であるかを強調した。パース(Platform as a Service、もしくはPaaS)を使えば、企業はテクノロジーおよびインフラのコストを節約することができので、企業成長にもっと力を入れることができる。Azureなどのプラットフォームは、あらゆるアプリケーデョンをあらゆるプラットフォームで展開できるので、多くのスタートアップする支援をすることができる、とZane氏は考えている。

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Emerging Market Expansion

The next panel discussed “Emerging Market Expansion,” and brought together Zane, Akshay Patil of Foursquare, Norita Kobayashi of GREE, Willix Halim, and Troy Malone of Evernote. The panel was moderated by Veritrans Indonesia CEO Ryu Kawano Suliawan, and focused on growth and how companies can go about with their expansion.

For GREE, localized language was somewhat important, but finding heavy and loyal users in the country where they have their presence in was far more important. “We are currently looking for developers in Bandung and Jakarta,” Norita says. He admits that they were still struggling to search for the best strategy to develop the local market.


次のパネルディスカッションでは、「新興市場の拡大」について議論された。Zane氏とともに、FoursquareのAkshay Patil氏、GREEのコバヤシノリタ氏、Willix Halim氏、EvernoteのTroy Malone氏が参加。司会はVeritrans IndonesiaのCEOであるRyu Kawano Suliawa氏がつとめ、「成長」と「企業は事業拡大にどう取り組むことができるか」をテーマに討論が行われた。


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In Asia, China, Japan and India are Microsoft’s biggest markets. The company has had a presencein Indonesia for more than two decades. Localization is country-specific, and done with cooperation from local developers and strengthened relationships with homegrown partners. Microsoft is confident they can strengthen their foothold in this market through cloud-computing offerings.

Meanwhile, Freelancer has 150 employees spread across four offices in Buenos Aires, London, Manila and Sydney. The company realizes the importance of the Indonesian market and has decided to appoint a country manager for Indonesia as a key figure to manage whole operation, tactically and strategically.




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CyberAgent successfully survived from their 1998 crisis and became a very popular game developer and publishing company since then. What we can learn from DeNA, another Japanese giant player in mobile publishing that dominates the market with e-travel, e-commerce, and payment gateway services is this: “Do and lead local while keep thinking global then go outside the country and localize.”

His keywords are “Time Machine” and “Local.” He first discussed internet business history and pointed out lessons from the success stories. Rakuten, CyberAgent and DeNA started from one core business as the only driver, and were able to expand their businesses into other playing fields after approximately seven years.




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Women who spot the dress will be able to also swap the item with their own instead of buying it with cash. The swap feature will be unleashed by the end of October.

Think of Fashfix as a peer-to-peer rental and retail platform where instead of borrowing a tog or top from a shop, the item gets recirculated within the community. The startup takes a $1 cut out of every transaction to sustain itself.

Fashfix is similar to services like 99dresses and Threadflip. Its user interface bears some resemblance to Threadflip, in that it features items from tastemakers — fashion stylists, lifestyle bloggers, successful women — front and center.





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Chinese Hotel Booking App Bingdian Grabbed Series A Round

Shanghai Didatour International Travel Service Co., Ltd, maker of several popular travel booking apps told TechNode that the startup has just completed its Series A round of financing invested by BlueRun Ventures. The money would go towards technology development and hotel partnership scheme.

The company has launched two well-received apps including “BingDian Jiudiankong (Hotel Master)” and “Jiudian Bingdianjia (Hotel Discounts)”. Hotel Master, once the startup’s flagship product totaled 500k downloads in the first 150 days after its debut in late March of this year. It also topped the travel chart of Apple’s China App Store for one week or so.



人気のある旅行予約アプリをいくつか制作するShanghai Didatour International Travel Service Co., Ltdが、BlueRun Venturesの出資するシリーズAの資金調達を完了したことをTechNodeに伝えた。調達した資金は、テクノロジー開発とホテル提携に活用される。

同社は、「BingDian Jiudiankong(Hotel Mater)」と「Jiudian Bingdianjia(Hotel Discounts)」という2つの人気アプリをローンチしている。Hotel Masterは、同スタートアップの旗艦プロダクトで今年の3月末にローンチから最初の150日間で50万回のダウンロードを記録した。また、AppleのChina App Storeの旅行アプリチャートでも1週間ほどトップの座についている。

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App DuDuJiaoChe Aims At Solving Taxi-Riddle in China

For people live in giant Chinese cities – say Beijing, hailing a taxi in the busy streets could be a desperate experience. DuDuJiaoche, a mobile app is aiming at solving the taxi-riddle in Chinese metropolis.

Out of the three major types of car-centered startups in China currently, namely focusing on either taxi or private cars or car rental business, DuDuJiaoChe chose to partner with car rental companies as the sector is relatively more mature, and most importantly, without too much regulation concerns as carpooling business does.



中国の大都市 — 例えば、北京 —に住んでいる人にとって、交通量の激しい道路でタクシーを呼び止めることは至難の技となりうることがある。モバイルアプリのDuDuJIaocheは中国の大都市にあるタクシー問題を解決することを目指している。

現在、車に注目した中国のスタートアップには主に3タイプ — タクシー、私用車、そしてレンタカー事業 — があるが、DuDuJiaCheはレンタカー企業と提携することを選んだ。それは、レンタカー業界が比較的成熟しているからだが、最も重要なことは、同業界ではカープール業界にあるようなたくさんの規制をあまり心配しなくてもいいからだ。