zhizi Translations

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Over 14 years ago
Japanese (Native) English Chinese (Simplified)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
zhizi English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Pre-Naming Preparation

Part of the secret to creating a good name is laying the right groundwork. Before you start naming your company, follow the steps below.

Set a goal and deadline. Your goal should be finding a name that is solid and presentable, rather than something perfect. Your deadline may vary, but always have one, otherwise the process will drag on indefinitely and there won’t be any urgency to finish. A few weeks of organized effort should be enough time to develop a name and gain consensus among your co-founders, but if you’re on a tight schedule, it’s also possible to do in just a few days.





zhizi English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

The idea behind RealLifeConnect is that it links real-world spaces with digital networks, forming what CEO Michael Ionita-Ganea calls “offline social media.” The two other founders are Christoph Wagner (CFO), and Juergen Hoebarth (CVO). Juergen tells us that its Asia operations are run out of Hong Kong, and that the company is now working with partners in China to develop “solutions for certain consumer brands” – to be revealed at a later date. With Sina Weibo now added to the line-up, the startup can tout access to the Twitter-like Chinese site and its 300+ million registered users.


同サービスのアイデアは、現実の世界をデジタルネットワークにリンクさせることで、CEOのMichael Ionit-Ganeaが「オフライン・ソーシャルネットワーク」と呼ぶものを形成している。共同設立者には他に、Christoph Wagner氏(最高財務責任者)とJuergen Hoebarth氏(最高ビジョン策定責任者)の2人がいる。Juergenは、アジアでの業務は香港から行い、同社が今中国のパートナーと協業し「特定顧客ブランドのためのソリューション(後日発表)」を開発していると言う。SinaWeiboがラインアップに加わった今、同スタートアップはTwitter似のSinaWeiboそして3億人を超える登録ユーザーにアクセス可能なことを宣伝できる。

zhizi English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Michael was at this time already involved and made a major contribution with his knowledge around Facebook’s API and its possibilities. Both me and Michael presented the concept to people around us which are working in the advertising and social media space, and we recognised a demand for a easy to use one shop stop solution for a service like this which resulted into incorporating RealLifeConnect finally in May 2011 where we already started to do the first smaller projects as test pilots before going fully operation with our platform in autumn 2011 supporting social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare and Linkedin.



zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

I certainly agree with Lauria’s assertion that startups would have to be crazy to be creating a competitor for Facebook or Twitter and that leveraging platforms like that is a great idea. But why does that put startups in China at a disadvantage?

Sure, Facebook and Twitter are blocked in China. But Chinese startups can leverage platforms like Renren and Sina Weibo and WeChat to exactly the same end. They may not be as international as Facebook and Twitter, but with hundreds of millions of users, China’s major social networking sites offer some pretty impressive opportunities to startups willing to leverage them.



確かに、FacebookやTwitterは中国ではブロックされている。だが、中国のスタートアップはまさに同じ目的で、Renren、Sina Weibo、WeChatなどのプラットフォームを活用することができる。それらのサービスはFacebookやTwitterのように国際的なサービスではないかもしれないが、何億人というユーザーを抱えている。そんな中国の主要なソーシャルネットワークサイトは、これらのサービスを活用しようとするスタートアップに素晴らしいチャンスを提供している。

zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

In fact, for some startups, working with Chinese platforms may even bring an advantage: access to a huge number of users with minimal hassle. Sure, Facebook offers more users than Renren, but they’re spread out across dozens of countries with different laws, regulations and tax codes. China’s bureaucracy may be a labyrinthine nightmare, but at least there’s only one bureaucracy for Chinese startups to worry about. A startup can set up operations in China, leverage a platform like Sina Weibo, and have access to 300 million-plus users who (for the most part) share the same language and culture and live in the same regulatory environment.


実際、スタートアップのなかには、中国のプラットフォームと提携することでメリットを得ることもある。それは、厄介な作業が最小限で済み、膨大な数のユーザーにアクセスできることだ。確かに、FacebookのユーザーはRenrenよりも多い。だが、それらのユーザーは、法律、規制、税制の異なる数十か国に散らばっている。中国の官僚制は迷路のような悪夢かもしれないが、少なくとも中国のスタートアップが心配しなければならない制度はたったの1つだ。スタートアップは中国で事業を立ち上げ、Sina Weiboのようなプラットフォームを活用することができ、(ほとんどの地区で)同じ言語・文化を共有し、同じ規制環境に住む3億人を超えるユーザーにアクセスすることができる。

zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

This is not to say that being international is a bad thing, or that international appeal for startups is impossible. But let’s be honest here: leveraging Chinese social networking sites gives Chinese startups access to a massive number of users without requiring those startups to worry about things like localization and culture clashes, let alone regulatory enforcement or tax policy. In China, if you don’t get China, you’re totally screwed. But if you do understand the market, the possibilities are enormous. The country may not have Facebook and Twitter, but to startups that want to leverage social networking communities’s massive user bases, that’s probably an advantage.



zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

The team will document Day’s experience from the time she arrives for surgery to the recovery room — with magnified pictures of her inner ear during surgery. Typical operating time is 35-40 minutes, Dr. Backous said, but they might take a bit longer to take pics when she arrives and when she’s waking up, so you’ll be able to follow the entire process for about 60-90 minutes.

“It’ll be fun for people to see what the ear looks like, and it’s not very bloody,” he said. But first thing, he says, they’ll warn viewers on Twitter that they will be tweeting actual surgery pictures, just in case anyone’s eating breakfast.


同チームはDayの経験を彼女が手術を受けに病院に着く時から回復室に入るまでを記録する ー 手術中は彼女の耳の中に拡大鏡をつけて。一般的な手術時間は35〜40分とBackous医師は言ったが、彼女が病院に到着する時や目が覚める時などの写真もとるので、少し長くなるかもしれない。だから、60〜90分におよぶ全体のプロセスをフォローすることができる。
