石村達雄 (tatsuoishimura) Translations

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Over 12 years ago Male 70s
Japanese (Native) English French
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

Escape – As short two-player scenario.

The Pilgrims, a small but righteous minority oppressed by the First Citizen and his infamous Thought Police, have secretly prepared a transport and two decoys for an escape to the stars! The transport is equipped with Long Sleep capsules and it is only necessary that the ship leave the Solar System with enough fuel remaining to allow maneuver and deceleration at journey’s end. But first, they must elude the Enforcers...

Ships: The Pilgrims receive three transports (blue) on Terra. The Enforcers receive one corvette in orbit around Terra and a corsair in orbit around Venus (black counters).


脱出 – ショート・2プレーヤー・シナリオとして。

「一級市民(First Citizen)」とその悪名高い「思想警察(Thought Police)に抑圧された数は少なくとも正義の少数派である「巡礼者たち(Pilgrims)」は、ひそかに星々への脱出のための移送船と2艘のおとり船を準備していた! その移送船には「永い眠り(Long Sleep)」のカプセルが装備され、船は機動飛行と旅の終わりに減速できるだけの燃料を残して「太陽系(Solar System)」を離れさえすればよいばかりだ。だがまず、彼らは「執行人たち(Enforcers)」から逃れなければならない...

船隊: 「巡礼者たち」は、「地球」で3艘の移送船(青の船団)を受け取る。「執行人たち」は、「地球」周回軌道でコルベット艦一隻とビーナス周回軌道で海賊船一艘(黒の対抗船団)を受け取る。

tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

Special Rules: The Pilgrims secretly designate one transport to contain the fugitives; the other two are decoys operated by aspiring martyrs. Beginning on day 1, the Pilgrims may launch their ships from Terra in any manner they wish. Ships still on Terra may not be attacked. Decoy ships are revealed only if the Enforcer matches course and inspects the ship in question. Otherwise, ship identities are revealed only at the end of the game. Mines and torpedoes are not available to either player. The Pilgrims may ram. Only Terra, Venus, and Io have bases. All bases on the map belong to the Enforcers. Planetary defences are not operating. There is no time limit to this scenario.


特別ルール: 「巡礼者たち」はひそかに、船の一艘に逃亡者を乗せることを決める。他の二艘は熱烈な殉教者たちが操るおとりだ。一日目から、 「巡礼者たち」は望みどおりのどんな方法ででも彼らの船隊を「地球」から出発させることができる。まだ「地球」上にいる船隊が攻撃を受けることはない。「執行人たち」が航路を合わせてきて問題の船を調べる場合にのみ、おとり船を登場させることになる。さもない限り、船の正体はゲーム終了後まで明かさない。機雷も魚雷も、双方とも使えない。 「巡礼者たち」には突撃も可能だ。「地球」、「金星」および「イオ」にのみ基地がある。地図上の基地は全て 「巡礼者たち」側のものだ。惑星防衛力は機能していない。このシナリオは制限時間なし。

tatsuoishimura English → Japanese ★★☆☆☆ 2.4
Original Text

The Enforcers have all bases on the map with the exception of Clandestine, but only the bases at Terra and Luna have planetary defences.
Victory: The Sons of Liberty win by destroying the Enforcer fleet, and, as a result, freeing Terra. If the Enforcers hide, keeping their ships grounded for twelve or more turns, then the Sons of Liberty win is automatic. The Enforcers win by staying alive. They receive promotions and extra leave in Paris if they put down the rebellion by destroying the rebels. If the rebels are indecisive and ground their fleet for at least twelve turns, the rebellion has failed and the Enforcers win.


勝利: 「自由の息子たち(Sons of Liberty)」は、「執行人」船団を打ち破り、その結果として「地球を」解放することによって勝利を得る。「執行人たち」が姿を隠し、船隊を12回以上待機させた場合は、自動的に 「自由の息子たち」の勝利となる。「執行人たち」は生存し続ければ勝利を得る。「執行人たち」が、反逆者たちを打ち破って反乱を鎮圧すれば、昇格してパリ特別休暇を受け取る。反乱者たちが優柔不断で、少なくとも12回の間船団を待機させると、反乱は失敗となり、「執行人たち」が勝利を収める。

tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

The Mercedes Benz 280 SL casting is one of the more rare castings with only three known pieces as of June 2008.
The wheels are attached in the style of the 1973 release where suspension cutouts in the base are not used.
The wheels on the three pieces to date lack a red stripe and have a raised hubcap area, unlike any Mattel wheels.
One fascinating characteristic of the CIPSA 280SL is that the interior is incorrect for the casting.
All three known pieces have white interiors from the Sandwitch casting!
The Mercedes was unconfirmed until May 2006 when this light blue piece appeared on eBay. It is a repaint or was recoated by CIPSA. Otherwise it features CIPSA style wheels and a white sandwitch interior.


CIPSA 280SLの魅力的な特徴の一つは、内装が一体成型のために正しくなくなっていることです。

tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

The British inventor now works with the UK government on open data, and previously on the data.gov.uk project to share public data. He was also at one time lined up to be a director at a new Institute for Web Science at Southampton University, but this plan was shelved by the coalition government when it got into power.

“The values and achievements of the Olympics will be amplified by the World Wide Web. It will be like millions of digital torches carrying the spirit of the Games to every corner of the world," Berners-Lee said, according to a report in Pocket-Lint.


この英国の発明家は、現在英政府とともに公開データの研究をしていますが、それまでにもdata.gov.ukプロジェクトの研究も行ってきました。氏はかつて、サウサンプトン大学の新しいウェブ・サイエンス研究所 (Institute for Web Science)のディレクター就任を要請されたこともありましたが、この計画は政権についた時の連立政権によって棚上げされました。

「オリンピックの価値と業績は、このワールドワイドウェブ (World Wide Web)によって増幅されます。それは、何百万ものデジタル・トーチが世界の至る所へオリンピックの精神を伝えるようなものです」 Pocket-Lintのレポートによれば、バーナーズ・リー(Berners-Lee)はそう語っています。

tatsuoishimura English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Albert K. Cohen (June 15, 1918, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.) is a prominent American criminologist. He is known for his Subcultural Theory of delinquent urban gangs, including his influential book Delinquent Boys: Culture of the Gang. He has served as Vice President of the American Society of Criminology, and in 1993 he received the society's Edwin H. Sutherland award.[1]

Albert Cohen was a student of Talcott Parsons and wrote a Ph.D. under his inspiration. Parsons and Cohen continued to correspond also after Cohen left Harvard. Cohen wrote about delinquent gangs and suggested in his theoretical discussion how such gangs attempted to "replace" society’s common norms and values with their own sub-cultures.


アルバート K. コーエン(1918年6月15日生まれ、米国マサチューセッツ州ボストン出身)は、著名なアメリカの犯罪学者である。都市部の非行集団についての「サブカルチャー理論(Subcultural Theory)」で知られ、影響力を持った著作「非行少年たち:文化と非行集団(Delinquent Boys:Culture of the Gang)」などがある。アメリカ犯罪学協会副会長を勤め、1993年には協会から社会のエドウィンH.サザーランド賞(注1)を受けた。

アルバート・コーエンはタルコット・パーソンズ(Talcott Parsons)に学び、その鼓舞の下に博士論文を書いた。コーエンがハーヴァードを後にしてからも、パーソンズとコーエンは文通を続けた。コーエンは非行集団について論述し、その理論的検討を行って、そうした非行集団がどのように社会の一般基準と価値観を彼ら自身のサブカルチャーと「置き替え」ようとするものであるかを示唆した。

tatsuoishimura English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

He proposed two basic ideologies, the first of which is called status frustration.
Status frustration is directed mainly to the young people of lower classes. There is no parallel between their own social realities and the rest of society's promoted goals. They become frustrated at the disadvantages and inequalities that they face, and this leads to Cohen’s second principle;
Reaction formation is the reaction from status frustration, and the young men of the lower classes find themselves replacing societies norms and values with alternative ones. I.e. instead of working hard being the common goal for respect, it may become a delinquent act like who commits the most vandalism to gain the respect.



tatsuoishimura English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

This provides the group with a sense of values and status which they cannot receive from the larger society. It is a process which allows the members of the groups to adapt to their own exclusion from society. Unlike Merton's strain theory, Cohen holds the view that the reaction to status frustration is a collective response rather than an individual one.
This theory accounts for the increasing rates of non-utilitarian crime (vandalism, loitering and joyriding) in western societies. but actions such as these do not provide monetary gain to the perpetrator, they come to hold value to members of the sub-culture. As such, becoming accessible means of achieving status and prestige among the individual's peer group.


これが、より大きい社会から受け取ることのできない価値観と地位の感覚をもたらす。このプロセスが、集団のメンバーたちに、社会から彼ら自身を排除することにも適応させるのである。マートン(Merton)の緊張理論論(strain theory)と異なり、コーエンは地位の欲求不満に対する反発は個々人のものであるよりむしろ集団的な反応であるという意見である。

tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

Ok i will put $395 per head on the invoice. Ok? At the moment I dont have any R11 3 wood but do have a RBZ tour issue 3 wood double stamp Tour 14.5 degrees with the Txxx tour stamp. Shaft is a Matrix Ozik 8M2 x flex. This is the rarest TM 3 wood as I only have seen only 1 so far. Let me know.

I received the payment in good order. What value did you want me to put on the invoice? $50 per head or $100 per head for tax purposes. Also, did you want the TaylorMade RBZ Tour 8 degrees? Let me know. Thanks

Yeah sorry man. I will try to get another one for you. Are you interested in picking up a couple more R11s V2?


オーケーです、請求書はヘッド一点395ドルとします。オーケーですね? 現在R11の3ウッドは切らしていますが、RBZツアー支給品の3ウッド、ダブルスタンプTour 14.5°、Txxxツアースタンプはあります。シャフトはMatrix Ozik 8M2、x フレックスです。これは私も今までに一点しか見たことがないとてもレアもののTM 3ウッドです。連絡されたし。

支払いは順番に受け取っています。請求書にはいくらの価格を書けばよかったのですか? 税金的にはヘッド一点50ドルでしょうか100ドルでしょうか? それから、TaylorMade RBZ Tour 8°は要りますか? 連絡されたく。早々。

ああごめんなさい。もう1点手に入れるようにします。もう2点、R11s V2を買う気がありますか?

tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

This is a unique, real, large Alaskan Coyote taken on trapline in March. Skull is big and is in perfect condition w/ very solid skull and all teeth w/ great canines... What makes this skull really cool is at some point in this coyotes life he/she appears to have been "bitten" by another animal in top of skull. You can see 3 distinct puncture wounds in top of skull that had healed back (they weren't fresh punctures). I'm guessing it was a fight with another coyote or possibly a wolf. Many of you love skulls with this type of character. Measures 7.625" long and 3.875" wide... Very cool skull for the collection.


これは、三月にわなで捕獲された珍しい、本物の、大型アラスカ・コヨーテです。大きな頭部は完全な状態を保ち、非常に頑丈な頭蓋骨と大犬歯を含むすべての歯を備えています... この頭部を実にすばらしいものにしているのは、生きていた時のいつかの時点で、このオスまたはメスが頭頂部を別の動物に「噛まれて」いるらしいことです。頭頂部三カ所にはっきりとわかる穿刺創の治癒痕が残っている(新たな穿刺創ではない)のがわかります。別のコヨーテかあるいはオオカミと戦ったものと推測されます。この種の特徴を持った頭蓋骨を好む人は多いでしょう。長さ7.625インチ、幅3.875インチ処置... コレクション向きの非常にすばらしい頭蓋骨です。

tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

I'm COMPLETELY sorry for this as I should have gotten them shipped out before my job sent me out of town on business.

I made the mistake of leaving them for someone else to mail them for me and they didnt get them shipped out. It worried me that you hadn't gotten them yet but now I know why.

I will ship them out monday morning and I will update with all of the shipping info as well. I will send them priority so u get them very fast. I will update each package delivery confirmation number as well.

I can't apologize enough for this delay because I'm normally super fast with my shipping. My job just sometimes makes it difficult on me when im selling stuff on ebay.






tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

The new word puzzle where three's not a crowd!

Get stars playing and redeem them to unlock the full game for FREE!

Tap three letters to make words. If it's a match, you score up and watch them vanish. Brag about your score on "Game Center". Compete with your friends for the ultimate "TriWord" champion.

★ Exciting fast-paced action in a thrilling puzzle.
★ Discover the meaning of the matched words with the integrated thesaurus.
★ Ten achievements along the game for you to unlock
★ Two completely new game modes after completing the challenge
★ Brag about your score with your "Game Center" friends.

(*) Available using In App Purchases. IAP is completely optional and is not necessary to enjoy the full game experience


三つでも愉しくやれる(three's not a crowd)新しいワードパズル!


★ スリルに富んだパズルを刺激的なペースの速いアクションで行います。
★ 統合シソーラスでマッチした語の意味を見つけ出しましょう。
★ あなたが錠を開けるそのゲームで10語達成すれば鍵が開きます。
★ 挑戦完了で、二つのまったく新しいゲーム・モードに入ります。
★ 「ゲーム・センター」友人とあなたの得点を自慢し合ってください。

(*) In App Purchasesを使って入手できます。IAPは完全にオプションです。それなしでも完全なゲーム経験が楽しめます

tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
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I am a little confused with the amazon email regarding discontinuation of PAAPI use for sellers and was wondering if Amazon Associates are still able to use this service after Aug 31?

It will be the sellers only. Associates are fine..I've confirmed it through MWS Tech Support

For me I'm not totally sure and have to email in to find out for sure. Granted I am a seller, a developer and have had an Associate account for a long time but not sure where I will fall.

Once I found out my account was Legacy/Seamless and couldn't have a related Webstore unless I basically opened a new account and lost all feedback I put it off. I was told account were getting converted to the new format but I'm still not sure that'll help..



使用は販売業者だけに限られることになります。準社員は大丈夫です...... それは今、MWS Tech Supportに確認しました。


tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

The image you project of what is perfect or ideal from your point of view may find
little support at home. Others could oppose or block you in these matters, and
maintaining your dreams may be at the price of your friends and surroundings. You
may find your background, environment, and all that is traditional less than ideal, even
flat and uninspiring.

You are a natural architect and builder, able to use your mind to make decisions in
matters of form and function. For you, the goal and the way to get to it are the same
thing. You like to build each step and have each decision be an end in itself. Things
must be done correctly. You also have great skill with the law, whether man-made or
those of nature.


