石村達雄 (tatsuoishimura) Translations

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Over 12 years ago Male 70s
Japanese (Native) English French
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

We wish to inform you that we have made changes to the way we administer your sports betting account.

As you are aware, Boylesports.com provides extra value for its customers through regular promotional offers such as Cashback Specials, Best Price Guaranteed, Extra Place Terms and Free Bets.

After a review of your account we have decided that it will no longer benefit from these and other gestures classified as ‘special offers’. Additionally, it is no longer possible for you to place bets via our Fon-A-Bet service however you may continue to transact via our website or mobile website at www.boylesports.com.

Should you have any queries regarding this change in policy, please contact our customer service team.




あなたの口座をチェックいたしました結果、私どもでは、同口座はこれらおよびその他の『特価提供』に分類されるプロモーションの恩恵を受けないことと決定いたしました。また、もう私どものFon-A-Betサービスを通じて賭けることはおできになれません。しかし私どものウェブサイトまたは www.boylesports.com.のモバイル・ウェブサイトを通してのお取引は可能です。


tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

1.5 a)
As between JX and AMP, title, ownership rights, and intellectual property rights in and to the Licensed Materials and any improvements, modifications, fixes, or enhancements that arise as a result of or during the term of this Agreement, other than the JX Enhancements, are and shall remain with AMP. JX acknowledges such ownership and intellectual property rights and will not take any action to jeopardize, limit, or interfere in any manner with Amplicode’s or its licensors’ ownership of or rights with respect to the Licensed Materials or Other Enhancements.
The Licensed Materials and Other Enhancements are protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws and by international treaties.


1.5 a)
JXとAMPの関係では、本許諾材料に対する権原、所有権、および知的所有権、および本契約の結果、もしくはその期間中に起きるいかなる改善、修正、調整もしくはエンハンスメントも、本JX エンハンスメントを除き、AMPのものであり、かつあり続けるものとする。JXは、そのような所有と知的所有権を承認し、いかなる方法によっても、本許諾材料もしくは本その他エンハンスメントに関するAmplicodeの、もしくはその使用許諾者の所有や権利を危うくし、制限し、またはこれに干渉するいかなる訴訟も起こさない。

tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

JX specifically acknowledges that it has no rights to register, patent or otherwise seek intellectual property protection for the Licensed Materials or Other Enhancements. JX further acknowledges that AMP has no duty or obligation to notify JX of or provide JX with Other Enhancements.
As between JX and AMP, title, ownership rights, and intellectual property rights in and to the JX Enhancements that arise as a result of or during the term of this Agreement, shall remain with JX. AMP acknowledges such ownership and intellectual property rights and will not take any action to jeopardize, limit, or interfere in any manner with JX's ownership of or rights with respect to the JX Enhancements.



tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

JX Enhancements are protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws and by international treaties.
AMP specifically acknowledges that it has no rights to register, patent or otherwise seek intellectual property protection for the JX Enhancements.
With respect to the Materials and any derivative works of the Materials, and to the extent regulatory approval is required, JX shall use its best efforts to obtain the approval of each applicable regulatory authority prior to the first commercial sale in each country/jurisdiction in which JX intends to license the Products, and JX shall be solely responsible for any and all liabilities arising out of or resulting from JX's failure to obtain such approval.

