spdr Translations

ID Verified
About 10 years ago Male 60s
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
spdr English → Japanese
Original Text

Here's your summary of recommendations for listings that are missing important details. While many of these details aren't required, your listings might benefit from our recommendations and you could be more successful on eBay.
Listings missing item specifics:
Use the bulk editing tool on eBay.com to update: 72 listings (72 new)
Consider entering the recommended item specifics so that when buyers select these item specifics as search filters, your listing will appear in their search results.

Thank you in advance for improving your listings. We want to make sure you and your buyers have the best experience on eBay!


情報更新するのにeBayの一括エディット ツールを使ってください:72種類の出品商品(72種類の新規出品商品)


spdr English → Japanese
Original Text

I'm sorry to hear that the incorrect information has been listed in the detail page and you have to issue a refund to the customer orders.

The product information on a product detail page comes from a variety of sources. It appears that incorrect product information was submitted for the title field on the detail page for ASIN #B00GELJ8G6.

I verified the change you suggested, and updated the detail page information. If you do not see the change on the detail page within the next business day, try a "hard refresh" (Ctrl/F5) to clear your cache.

If you notice another detail page with incorrect product information, don't hesitate to open a new case, and let us know.



ASIN番号B00GELJ8G6商品詳細ページのタイトル フィールドに間違った情報が提供されたように思われます。

