nobeldrsd Translations

4.8 4 reviews
ID Verified
About 13 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
nobeldrsd English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

“It’s timeless,” the 50-year-old tells The Japan Times. “Each era has its own ‘Gatsby.’ Every ‘Gatsby’ movie tells you as much about when it was made, and who and what was popular then, as it retells (F. Scott) Fitzgerald’s story.

“Look at the ’70s version: It was so much more ’70s than 1920s (the time period the book is set in).” Indeed, the Redford/Mia Farrow flick was a soft-focus, pastel-hued attempt to recapture the romance and box office of Arthur Hiller’s 1970 film “Love Story.”

By contrast, Luhrmann’s “The Great Gatsby” was shot in 3-D and flaunts his usual bright, brassy look and sound.

“You also imagine that, as a creative movie-maker, you can imprint the project with your own personal stamp,” he says.


「この小説はもう時代を超えていますね。どの時代にもそれぞれのGatsbyがあり、どのギャツビー映画を見ても、その制作された時代の事、また、その時誰が、そして何が人気だったかがよく分かります。」と50歳になるラーマン氏は、Japan Timesのインタビューで(F. Scott) Fitzgeraldの書いた小説について再び語った。

「70年代版を見て見て下さい。1920年代(小説の時代設定)というより、むしろ70年代になってます。実際、Redford/Mia Farrowにはソフトフォーカスがかかっており、パステル調の色使いが使用され、大ヒットしたArthur Hillerの1970年の映画“Love Story”の恋愛的な要素を意識した作りになっていました。」

それに比べ、Luhrmannの“The Great Gatsby”は、3Dで撮影され、映像や音声は彼らしく、派手で鮮やかだ。


nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

ank you for contacting eBay customer service. My name is Andy, and I would be happy to help you today. From your email, I understand that you requested higher selling limits the other day, but your DSR for Shipping and handling charges did not go up. I am glad that you are contacting us about this. We appreciate your business very much, and I would be glad to explain this to you.

Raising your selling limits will not have any affect on your DSR's. I am not sure what you are referring to when you mean when you say "confirm what timing should be the best to carry out the limit up". Please write back to us and clarify what you meant by this.




nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text


A hidden Drum-and-Bells musical box, playing eight airs, Serial no 257.

With single-spring motor, single section comb with dot stamped screw heads, lever select for snare drum eight tooth comb.

Set six-tooth(each bell with paired hammers) treble comb on reeded cast gilt bedplate, in red stained interior under 2/3rd depth dustlid with pierced soundboard behind.

Part grained case with the lid inlaid in stained fruitwoods, floral groups with bird and grasshopper, geometric bar to front, on rosewood veneered ground.

Measurements are :- Drum Width 75cm, overall width 49cm, Depth 24cm, Height 21cm

Any questions please call 01306 883071 during business hours




寸法:ドラム幅75cm  全体の寸法:幅49cm、奥行24cm、高さ24cm
営業時間中のお問合せは、01306 883071 までどうぞ。

nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

Thank you for your interest in our company. We do quite a bit of business with Japanese buyers that re-sell on Japan Amazon. With some buyers we ship to freight forwarders in Sarasota, Fl, and with others we ship direct to Japan. If you can let us know the items you are interested in, and the quantity you would like, we would be happy to give you an estimated with discounted pricing. Thanks again for your email.


Colgard Outdoor Sports

I am so sorry but that item is "Fulfilled by Amazon" which means we shipped them to an Amazon warehouse, and then they ship the orders from there. Because we no longer have the inventory here, we can't offer any special pricing on it.

Best regards,



Colgard Outdoor Sports

nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

The iPhone 5 and 5S display assemblies each contain a pair of connectors on flex cables at the top of the part, supporting the display itself and the digitizer for registering touch input. On the iPhone 5 display assembly, both flex cable connectors are oriented horizontally and correspond to horizontal connectors on the device's logic board.

On this iPhone 5S part, one connector is oriented vertically and the other horizontally. This corresponds to the logic board seen in the photos earlier today, with a vertical connector near the top inside edge of the board and a horizontal one along the top edge.


iPhone 5と5Sのディスプレイ組立部分の上部には、それぞれディスプレイとタッチ入力を記録するためのデジタイザー用にフレックスケーブルの付いたコネクターがペアで付いています。iPhone 5のディスプレイ組立部分フレックスケーブル付きのコネクターは両方とも横方向に付けられており、デバイスのロジックボードの横方向に付けられたコネクターに対応しています。

iPhone 5Sでは、コネクターの1つは縦方向に付いており、もう1つは横方向に付けられています。本日午前掲載のロジックボードの写真からも分かるように、コネクターが上部の内側の端に縦方向に、そして上部の縁に沿って横方向にに取り付けられたロジックボードに対応しています。

nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

luigi101811 let us know that "Power Rangers DX Muteki Shogun (KAKURANGER) 1994 Rare!" didn't match the description and has requested a refund. A case is open and you can view the case and the buyer's message in the eBay Resolution Center.

Note that a case will only affect your seller performance rating if the case is not decided in your favor.

Here's what you need to do next:

You should respond to the buyer and try to resolve the problem by Jun 20, 2013. Most buyers and sellers are able to work things out by communicating with each other directly.

What you should know:

If you don't reply, or if the buyer isn't satisfied with the outcome by Jun 20, 2013, the buyer can escalate the case to eBay Customer Support.


luigi101811様から、"パワーレンジャーDX 無敵将軍(カクレンジャー)1994年 レア品!“に関し、商品の説明内容と違っているとの事で、返金を求める連絡が入っております。この案件は、公開されており、その内容と購入者のメッセージをeBay Resolution Centerから確認する事ができます。



もし、あなたが返信しなかったり、また、あなたが6月20日までに購入者が納得する対応を取らなかった場合、購入者は、eBay Customer Supportまで、この案件を上げることができる事になっています。

nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

It would be best if your tech got in touch with the team at Aguilar and got the ball rolling on a repair with Aguilar's blessing. They would be happy to provide schematics and advice, and help you with getting proper parts. Please have your repair person contact them at **@**. On to further business. A great deal of time has passed since you purchased and received the amplifier. Our return policy is a 14 day policy, and it has been well over a month, as you purchased the amp on May 7th. Our normal policy is not to offer refunds on items that have passed beyond the 14 days. Against this policy, we will contribute $300 to the repair bill. I very much encourage you and your tech to contact Aguilar directly.


あなたの技術者が、Aguilar側と連絡をとり、先方からアドバイスをもらい修理を進めていく事が一番です。先方は、喜んで回路図の提供に応じ、アドバイスをくれ、適切な部品が入手できる様、協力してくれるはずです。修理する方に、**@**まで連絡させて下さい。今後の取引のために; あなたが、アンプを購入し、受取ってからかなりの時間が経過しています。当社の返品規約は、購入してから14日間になっており、あなたは、5月7日にアンプを購入してますので、一ヶ月を優に超えております。当社としましては、購入後14日間を経過した商品に関しましては返金を行わない決まりになっておりますが、修理代としまして、今回は300ドルをお支払致しますので、どうか、あなたと修理の方がAguilarに直接連絡を取って頂くことをお勧めします。

nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

The new Save22 launched today in Singapore and the Philippines (pictured above). I gave it a couple of searches and it works pretty well. Thanks to Save22, I know there’s a Colgate toothpaste promotion at Guardian and also a Tiger beer promotion in Sheng Siong in Singapore.

The closest similar price search service would be the numerous price comparison sites like Kakaku’s PricePrice, Rocket Internet’s PricePanda, Priceza, Telunjuk, and PriceArea. Though these are specifically product price search sites and are not promotion based, so people could use a number of such sites.

Prior to this pivot, Save22 recently raised $400,000 from Crystal Horse Investments, Nuffnang, Strategia Ventures, and Little Lights Capital.


今日新たにSave22が、シンガポールとフィリピンでローンチした(上の写真)。何回か検索してみたが、かなり使い勝手は良い。Save22,のお陰で、GuardianでColgate歯磨き粉、そして、シンガポールのSheng SiongでTigerビールのプロモーションを行っていることが分かった。

似た様な価格比較サービスでは、KakakuのPricePrice、Rocket InternetのPricePanda、Priceza、TelunjukやPriceArea等、数多くの価格を比較するサイトがある。しかし、これらのサイトは製品価格に特化した検索サイトで、宣伝広告ベースのものではない。そのため、色々なサイトが利用できる。

今回の方針転換に先立って、先日Save22は、Crystal Horse Investments、Nuffnang、Strategia VenturesそしてLittle Lights Capitalから400,000ドル調達した。