nobeldrsd Translations

4.8 4 reviews
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About 13 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

Does Path Have a Future in Indonesia?

Path, a social network that is only accessible through iPhone and Android devices, has been growing in popularity in Indonesia for its more-private circle of friends (unlike Facebook it limits its users to 150 friends).

But what about Facebook? Indonesia is famous for its Facebook frenzy; as the statistics above show, almost all internet users in Indonesia are Facebook users too. Some people say that Indonesians like to have as many connections as possible, which explains Facebook’s popularity, but Indonesian today are increasingly getting overwhelmed by the unknown brands and ubiquitous ads and promotions on their Facebook walls.





nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

So when Path introduced its more private social network to Indonesian consumers, it is not surprising that Indonesians responded to it. When I asked friends what features they like most on Path, most of them said they liked to post photos and add what they are listening to, as the app’s “smart journal” concept easily lets users choose one of the following moments (photo/video, people, place, music, thought, sleep/awake) to share. That really is something new and different from Facebook.

But really, what makes posting a photo on Path so different from posting a photo on Instagram? Will they stop using Instagram, Foursquare,Twitter, Line, and Facebook once they start using Path?




nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

So when an app becomes trendy, everyone installs it to see what their friends are saying there. But by the same token, if it becomes passe, that’s when it’s going to get uninstalled.

With the great number of social media users in Indonesia and the ingrained culture of Indonesian consumers installing new apps as their friends do, there is no doubt that Path can continue to grow here in the short term. The challenge for Path, and other emerging social apps, is to retain all these Indonesian users once it has got them and to prevent itself from being discarded when the next trendy social media site comes along and people’s friends start to move there.




nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

XiaoQuWuYou: A Ratings & Reviews App for Neighborhoods

It’s really annoying when the drain in your house is blocked, right? What would you do? Where do you find the service? Aiming at using mobile Internet to solve that kind of needs in everyday life, XiaoQuWuYou (literally meaning “never worry about residential life service”) may offer you a way out.

It is an app now available on iOS and Android aggregating life services such as pipe repair service, water delivery service, domestic service, locksmith, moving service, gym, laundry and the like based on the location of your home.




nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

In the last month since I shut everyone down, I had MANY emails from Japanese wholesellers. Some use different emails and ask me again and again if I can sell to them. Some say they want to buy for their own office (Kaisha)... all kind of stories! :))

3. Authorized Herman Miller Dealers are not yours to deal to. We have a Global Dealer program with direct marketing to dealers. They would be able to order directly for their showroom/ corporate orders + sell on their (own) company site. (NOT online markets of any kind! - that is your kingdom).



3.認定されたHerman Millerのディーラーとは、残念ながらあなたは取引できません。弊社は、グローバルディーラープログラムに従って直接ディーラーに販売しています。認定ディーラーは、自分のショールーム用/自社での販売用、そして自社のサイトでの販売用に直接注文ができる様になっています。(あなたが得意とする不特定のオンラインマーケットではありません)

nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

I have viewed the photos and watched PETA's investigative video of these procedures, and I was appalled to see young calves who struggled and writhed in pain as searing hot irons burned their heads.The industry has noted that the burns are so severe that they may damage the underlying bone.Other practices, which include using caustic chemicals to eat away at the horn-bud flesh via a chemical burn, are no better.… I strongly urge you to take immediate action to stop this unspeakable barbarism by requiring your suppliers to phase out dehorning."California Pizza Kitchen has not put out a statement addressing the alleged issue or Corgan's letter, which is shown below.Check out PETA's website for updates.


これらの行為に関する写真やPETAの調査ビデオは見たが、仔牛の頭に熱い焼印が押し付けられて痛みでもがき苦しむ姿は見るに堪えないものだった。火傷が深刻化するとその部分の下にある骨にダメージを与えると業界は指摘している。別の行為として、生え始めた角の表皮に腐食性の化学薬品を使って徐々にやけどさせていく方法もあるが、これも受け入れがたい。そちらの供給元が行っている、口にするのもいやな、角を取ると言う野蛮な行為を、直ちにやめるよう求めてほしい。」California Pizza Kitchenは、指摘された問題やCorganが送ったコチラのレター対して、現時点ではコメントを出していない。最新情報は、PETAのウェブサイトで確認して欲しい。

nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

Simply presenting an item for sale with a false trademark logo is a criminal offense, even if it is well known that the item is a fake.I am now aware of the financial harm that the distribution of counterfeit property can cause to others, and that this activity is a very serious matter with serious consequences.As a result I will no longer participate in, nor support anyone that engages in this type of activity no matter what the counterfeit item is.As a member of our band, Forever The Sickest kids, it has been my desire to be a positive role model to our friends and fans.As a result of this experience I would like this statement to be considered both informative and serve as a warning to other young people.


たとえ商品が偽物である事が周知の事実でも、偽の商標ロゴを実際に提示して商品を販売する事は犯罪行為です。偽物を流通させることで他者に金銭的な損害を与え、大変な結果に繋がるとても罪の重い行為である事は、今は理解しています。ですので、どんな偽商品であろうと、今後私はこのような行為に関わったり、このような行為を行っている人達には協力しません。Forever The Sickest kidsのバンドのメンバーとして、友人達やファンの模範となりたいと願ってきました。今回の経験を活かす意味で、この声明が情報として役に立ち、また若い人達への戒めになればと願っています。

nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

Henry Rollins (former frontman of Black Flag) has posted on the L.A. Weekly blog about why he isn't playing music anymore.Since the first break-up of Black Flag in 1986, Rollins has done everything from performing, writing, activism, publishing and acting to his current job of being a radio host at the KCRW station.With the reunion of former members of Black Flag under the new name FLAG (Keith Morris, Chuck Dukowksi, Dez Cadena and Bill Stevenson) and also under the original name Black Flag (Greg Ginn, Ron Reyes and Roberto “Robo” Valverde), people have been curious about the former members' absence.Rollins explains: "music has moved on."Read an excerpt from the blog, below:"


Henry Rollins(Black Flagの前のリーダー)は、なぜ自分が音楽活動を全く行ってないのか、LA Weekly にブログを投稿した。Rollinsは、1986年にBlack Flagを脱退して以降、音楽活動、執筆活動、社会活動、出版や俳優活動等、色々な事を行っており、現在はKCRW局でラジオホストを務めている。Black Flagの以前のメンバー(Keith Morris、Chuck Dukowksi、Dez CadenaそしてBill Stevenson)が再び集まりFLAGという新しいバンドを結成したり、以前のメンバー (Greg Ginn、Ron ReyesそしてRoberto “Robo” Valverde)が、元のバンド名でBlack Flagを再結成させる中、人々は、前のリーダーの動向が気になっている。これについてRollinsは、次の様に説明した。「音楽は時代とともに進んでいる」
