nobeldrsd Translations

4.8 4 reviews
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About 13 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

Photos of 'Plastic Low-Cost iPhone' Likely an iPhone 5 in a Case

Yesterday, shared a pair of photos that had appeared on Chinese microblogging site Sina Weibo, purportedly showing the rear of Apple's rumored plastic low-cost iPhone with a Lightning cable plugged into the bottom. The two pictures show a glossy curved shell and have been picked up by numerous sites today.

Our first thought upon seeing the photos was that it is likely simply an iPhone 5 in a plastic case. A lack of an Apple logo or discernible text on the back of the device is unlike many Apple prototypes, and the Lightning cable looked to us to be plugging into a recessed case rather than a flush port on a device.


「プラスチック製の廉価版iPhone」の写真は、恐らくケースに入ったiPhone 5
Apple.proは昨日、中国のミニブログサイトSina Weiboに投稿されたアップルの噂のプラスチック製の廉価版iPhoneの裏面の写真と、ライトニングケーブルを底に接続した写真2枚を掲載しました。この2枚の写真から、ケースに光沢があり曲線的なデザインになっていることが判断でき、本日、既に多くのサイトでも取り上げられています。

iPhone 5が単にケースに入ったみたいだ、というのが写真を見た最初の感想でした。アップルの多くの試作品と違い、背面にアップル製品だと認識できる絵やロゴが付いておらず、またライトニングケーブルは、デバイス本体のポートに接続されているというよりは、内側のケースに接続されているように見えました。

nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

As I Lay Dying frontman Tim Lambesis is no longer listed as an inmate of the Vista Detention Facility where he has been held this month, as of today. AltPress received an alert earlier today, May 30, that he had been released from custody.

Lambesis was was arrested on May 7, accused of having attempted to hire a hitman to murder his estranged wife. The singer, whose friends and family had noted he changed drastically in personality when he started getting heavily into body-building, has blamed steroid use for his irrational behavior.

Lambesis' bail had recently been lowered to $2 million.

We are following up and will continue to update this developing story as more details become available.


現時点では、As I Lay DyingのフロントマンTim Lambesisは、今月収容されたVistaの拘留所の収容者リストには載っていない。AltPressは、本日5月30日の早くに、収容所から釈放されたという情報を掴んだ。




nobeldrsd English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

There was some uncertainty surrounding "Roam The Room," the track that kicks off CITIZEN's new album Youth, according to guitarist Nick Hamm.

"['Roam The Room'] was a song that I had scrapped a while back, but after showing it to Will [Yip, producer], he assured me it should be on the record and it ended up being one of our favorites," Hamm said.

"It was one of the last songs we wrote for Youth. Ironically, it's the first song on the record."

AP and Citizen have paired up today to stream the song and to give you a free download! Listen and grab your download, below, then head to the Run For Cover Records online store to preorder the album!


CITIZENのギタリストNick Hammによると、ニューアルバム、Youthの一曲目に収録された「Roam The Room」は、訳ありだったそうだ。

「Roam The Room」は、しばらく前に封印しスクラップにした曲なんだ。でも、Will(Yipのプロデューサー)に聴いてもらったら、絶対収録するべきだと言ってくれ、結局今では、お気に入りの曲になったんだ。Youthの収録用に作った曲の中でも、最後の方に作った曲だったけど、皮肉にもアルバムの一曲目なんだ。」とHammは語った。

本日、APとCitizenがペアを組んで、無料で曲がダウンロードできる様にしたので、是非聴いて、アルバムの先行予約をするために、オンラインストアのRun For Cover Recordsにアクセスしてみて。

nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

Issues have released an official statement regarding the departure of drummer Case Snedecor. The band attributes the split to an overall "style and musical direction" disconnect, but they assure fans that they are not going anywhere. Check out a snippet of the statement below, and read the full thing here.

"This may be hard for some of you to hear, especially considering the lineup changes we have already experienced in our short history, but we promise we are in this for the long haul and remain committed to making music and meeting as many of you as we can."

Snedecor also released a series of tweets earlier this week in junction with his parting, which you can view below:


Issuesは、ドラマーのCase Snedecorが脱退する事を正式に発表。バンドは、分裂の理由を「スタイルや音楽の方向性」の違いからだとしているが、ファンには、解散はないと告げている。発表内容の一部は、下からチェック願います。尚、詳細はコチラから。

