na (natsukio) Translations

ID Verified
Over 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) English French
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
natsukio English → Japanese
Original Text

This email is being sent to you by Amazon to notify and confirm that a return authorization has been requested for the item(s) listed below.

mediapearlcom, please take action on this return request in the Manage Returns section of your seller account. You can also respond to the buyer by replying to this e-mail.

Nobuyuki Nakayama, the information below is confirmation of the items that you have requested to return to mediapearlcom. No additional action is required from you at this time.

Order ID: 102-3848275-2396205
Item: Sleeping Fractures
Qty: 1
Return reason: Different from what was ordered
Buyer comments: Hello. I received the product today, but it was different from what I ordered, again. I



mediapearlcom様、この返品リクエストに対し行動を起こすには、あなたのアカウントのManage Returnsの画面から行なってください。このメールに返信することでバイヤーに連絡することも出s来ます。


注文ID 102-3848275-2396205
商品:Sleeping Fractures