Mars16 (mars16) Translations

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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
mars16 English → Japanese
Original Text

Wowo claims to be the first Chinese O2O service to have gone public. It shifted to a local lifestyle e-commerce platform ahead of its NASDAQ debut, as the O2O concept is not popular in the U.S. Regardless of the positioning, Wowo’s poor performance failed to grab investor attention. Stock analysts watching Snowball, the popular financial social media platform for Chinese investors, suggested that Wowo’s listing has attracted little attention.

Recent data show that the Chinese group-buying market is dominated by Meituan, with 50% of gross merchandise volume, followed by Dianping (20%) and Nuomi. Lashou and Wowo, previously market pioneers, have a single digit market share percentage between them.




mars16 English → Japanese
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State by State: California Lags Again

If we focus in just on the U.S., we get another interesting insight. California surprisingly doesn’t take the top spot in per capita numbers of top-notch Stack Overflow participants. In fact, California comes in fifth on this basis, behind Washington, D.C., Washington State, Massachusetts, and Oregon.

How about the quality of California’s top Stack Overflow talent? According to their peers’ votes, California coders perform well but lag far behind other states such as New Hampshire, Iowa, and New Jersey. In fact, over a dozen states have higher average user rankings than California’s top Stack Overflow crew.


州別の動向: カリフォルニアはまたしても後塵を拝す

米国に注目して見ると、また別のインサイトが得られる。トップクラスのStack Overflow参加者数を州人口あたりでみると、驚くべきことにカリフォルニア州はトップではないのだ。この基準でいくと同州は第5位で、ワシントンD.C.、ワシントン州、マサチューセッツ州、オレゴン州を下回る。

カリフォルニアのトップレベルのStack Overflowの人材の質はどうだろうか?同業者による投票によると、カリフォルニアコーダーの評価は悪くはないが、ニューハンプシャー州、アイオワ州、ニュージャージー州に及ばない。実際、カリフォルニアでトップのStack Overflowメンバーより平均ユーザランキングの高い州はいくつもある。

mars16 English → Japanese
Original Text

Augmented and virtual reality to grow to $150B by 2020, forecaster says

The augmented reality and virtual reality markets have yet to get off the ground. But market advisor Digi-Capital estimates that the combined markets will reach $150 billion by 2020.

Digi-Capital managing director Tim Merel believes that augmented reality — where you can add a virtual overlay to glasses that enable you to see the real world in a new way — will be four times bigger at $120 billion than virtual reality, which immerses you in a virtual world via goggles. Merel estimates that virtual reality will be more of a niche market at $30 billion by 2020. In 2016, Merel believes the market will be “single-digit billions.”


拡張現実とバーチャルリアリティの市場規模は2020年までに1500億米ドルへ成長: 予測結果


Digi-CapitalのマネージングディレクターであるTim Merel氏は、拡張現実(バーチャルなオーバーレイを、現実世界とは違うように見える眼鏡に写し出すもの)は、バーチャルリアリティ(ゴーグルを通してバーチャル世界に入り込むもの)より4倍多く1200億米ドルになるという。Merel 氏の予測によるとバーチャルリアリティの市場規模は2020までに300億米ドルとニッチにすぎない。Merelは、2016年にこの市場が「100億米ドルを下回る」ほどになるという。

mars16 English → Japanese
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Merel acknowledges that a “pure quantitative analysis of the VR/AR market today is challenging, because there’s not much of a track record to analyze yet.” But he believes VR/AR are compelling enough to grow new markets and cannibalize existing ones after the technology really starts taking off next year.

“VR and AR headsets both provide stereo 3D high-definition video and audio, but there’s a big difference,” Merel said. “VR is closed and fully immersive, while AR is open and partly immersive – you can see through and around it. Where VR puts users inside virtual worlds, immersing them, AR puts virtual things into users’ real worlds, augmenting them.


Merel氏は、「VR/AR市場の純粋な定量分析は難しいこと、それは分析すべき実績が十分ないのが理由であること」を理解している。 しかし彼は、新たな市場を成長させ、来年テクノロジーが離陸した後は既存市場を共食いしてしまうほどVR/ARは人を惹きつけるものであると信じている。


mars16 English → Japanese
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“You might think this distinction is splitting hairs, but that difference could give AR the edge over not just VR, but the entire smartphone and tablet market. There are major implications for Apple, Google, Microsoft, Facebook and others.”

Merel said that VR is great for games and 3D films. However, he sees it primarily as a living room, office, or seated experience, as you might bump into things if you walked down the street wearing a closed headset.

He expects that it could snare tens of millions of fans among console, PC, and online gamers as well as those who prefer 3D to 2D films. VR will also have niche markets in enterprises, medical, military, and education markets.





mars16 English → Japanese
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He said that AR could play a similar role to mobile across sectors as well as a host of uses nobody has thought of yet. He foresees uses in e-commerce, voice calls, web browsing, film and TV streaming, enterprise apps, advertising, consumer apps, games, and theme park rides.

“There could be meaningful enterprise VR revenues, but we think that AR could take more of that market,” Merel said. “We think AR’s addressable market is similar to the smartphone/tablet market. So AR could have hundreds of millions of users, with hardware price points similar to smartphones and tablets. This could drive large hardware revenues for device makers.”




mars16 English → Japanese
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Pitching is about being selective

Neither funders nor founders should consider pitching a statistical exercise based on the concept of: more pitches = higher statistical probability of finding the right match.

Founders and funders should do significant upfront work before committing time to each other. Let’s engage in a process of deep reciprocal learning of each other only when it’s understood that it’s worth our time to do so. Today there are tons of public data available for both founder and funders that should be reviewed and analyzed in advance of deciding on any meeting (e.g. LinkedIn references, Twitter profiles, App store rankings, etc).



資金提供者であれ、会社設立者であれ、ピッチを「たくさんピッチをする = よい巡り合わせの確率が上がる」という考えに基づく統計上のエクササイズと見なしてはいけない。

資金提供者と会社設立者は、お互い会う約束をする前に、事前の作業をしておかなくてはならない。そのようにすることが価値があると判断する時にのみ、互いを学習する機会を持つようにしよう。ミーティングをすると決める前に両者が事前にレビューし、分析しておく情報で、一般に利用できるデータは今では山ほどある (例えばLinkedInのレファレンス情報、Twitterのプロフィール、Appストアのランキングなど)。

mars16 English → Japanese
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3. Pretty slides are useless. Create tools to stimulate engagement: simple slides, whiteboard session, demo, etc.

4. If the founder/funder chemistry during the first pitch session is not right, run away. Follow your gut.

5. Pitching is not about following the script. Go off script when you can and push the other person to do so too. Ask unexpected questions and watch the reaction.

6. Ask direct questions to deeply understand the why founders and funders are involved/want to be involved with the business. Be skeptical if there is no good “why.”

7. Do your homework in advance of a pitch meeting.


3. 可愛らしいスライドなど意味はない。関わりの意識を刺激するためのツールを作ろう。それはシンプルなスライド、ホワイトボードセッション、デモなどである。

4. 最初のピッチセッションでの設立者と資金提供者の相性が良くなかったら退散しよう。直感にしたがえ。

5. ピッチとは台本に従うことではない。可能なら台本など抜きにして、他の人にもそう仕向けよう。不意打ちの質問をして、反応を見よう。

6. 設立者と資金提供者がなぜそのビジネスに関わっているか、関わりたいかを深く理解するために、ダイレクトな質問をぶつけてみよう。意味のある「どうして」がない場合は懐疑的になろう。

7. ピッチミーティングの前に事前作業をしておこう。

mars16 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
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Image recognition remains in its infancy, with tiny startups competing against tech giants for mastery of all-things-visual. In Asia, one of Viscovery’s competitors is ViSenze, a Singapore-based firm that received US$3.5 million from Rakuten Ventures last year. Baidu has also trumpeted its efforts in image recognition and artificial intelligence. The company introduced an “image to text” search feature in its translation app last year. In the west, companies like Amazon have developed in-house image recognition tech. They’ve also acquired startups – as Google did with Jetpac, Pinterest did with VisualGraph, and Qualcomm with Euvision Technologies.


画像認識はまだ揺籃期にあり、小規模スタートアップがあらゆるものをビジュアルにする世界の支配をかけてテックの巨人に挑んでいる。アジアにおいて、Viscoveryの競合の1社はViSenzeというシンガポールを拠点とする企業で、昨年、Rakuten Venturesから350万米ドルを調達した。Baiduもまた、画像認識と人工インテリジェンスでの取り組みで高らかな宣伝をしている。同社は昨年、翻訳アプリで「画像から文字を」検索する機能を導入した。西洋では、Amazonなどの企業が社内で画像認識技術を開発した。スタートアップも買収しているが、それはGoogleがJetpacを、PinterestがVisualGraphを、QualcommがEuvision Technologiesを買収したのと同じである。

mars16 English → Japanese
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・Programmability and portability: Infrastructure should be treated like any other bit of software. No longer tied to a physical location, Docker containers can easily be moved anywhere, from a laptop in a coffee shop to a cloud. Even more importantly, DDI like Docker can be programmed through its own API.

・Consolidation: This is the attribute of Docker that wins over most of the IT and system admins. Just like virtualization replaced physical infrastructure by turning 10 physical servers into 10 virtualized servers on a single machine, Docker can further increase the consolidation ratio of server workloads while improving speed and performance.


・プログラマビリティとポータビリティ: インフラストラクチャーはちょっとした別のソフトウェアのように扱わなくてはならない。物理的な場所にもはや縛られることのないDockerコンテナは、コーヒーショップ内でのノートパソコンからクラウドへと簡単に移動させることができる。さらに重要なこととして、DockerのようなDDIはそのAPIでプログラム可能である。

・コンソリデーション: これはDockerの特徴で、 多くのITやシステムのアドミニストレーターを惹きつけている。仮想化が1台の機械で実体性のある10のサーバを10の仮想化サーバに変えることで物理的なインフラを置き換えたように、Dockerは速度と性能を向上させつつもサーバ負荷のコンソリデーション率をさらに高めることができる。

mars16 English → Japanese
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The geek shall inherit the earth

What are the implications for vendors, developers, and IT professionals in the DDI era? Software vendors that don’t understand or embrace developers will fail to be relevant. Incumbents that sell to IT administrators like virtualization, storage, network, or security admins will need to understand how to sell to developers. IT professionals need to think about how to enable developer choice and not restrict it. Finally, developers need to expand what the definition of an application is. Code isn’t just a program, or an app on a smart phone, code becomes everything from metal to management, to the final pixel.


