aaaa (kenny2030) Translations

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About 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
kenny2030 English → Japanese
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In demand in India, Malaysia

The WeChat heatmap reveals that Tencent’s Asia strategy is paying off, with strong popularity for the app in places like Malaysia. Indeed, Tencent’s country manager for that area revealed a while back that WeChat has one million users in Malaysia, so that’s a useful, solid reference point. The Value2020 team says that India is actually the second-most popular area for WeChat outside of its native China. So long as the app’s censorship slip-up last week doesn’t put off overseas users, it looks like WeChat is building up a strong bulwark against Line and Whatsapp in some crucial, mobile-oriented markets.




kenny2030 English → Japanese
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Sumitomo group launches online grocer Sukamart in Indonesia

The next generation of grocery shopping is finally here in Indonesia.

Recently, a joint venture between Japan-based Sumitomo Corporation and Sumitomo Indonesia known as Sumisho E-Commerce Indonesia has officially launched its Indonesian grocery e-commerce website This spells revolution, as it cuts down hours of being stuck in traffic and utilizing those hours to do something more useful. This e-commerce site not only gives you the flexibility to shop online but delivering your groceries to your doorstep as well.




最近、日本を拠点とするSumitomo Corporation(住友商事)とSumisho E-Commerce Indonesiaとして知られるSumitomo Indonesia(インドネシア住友商事)のジョイントベンチャーがインドネシアの食料雑貨ECサイトSukamart.comをローンチした。これは革命が起きたことを意味する。交通渋滞で数時間を費やす必要がなくなり、その時間をもっと別のことに利用できるようになったからだ。このECサイトでは単にオンラインで買い物ができるというだけではなく、購入した食料雑貨をあなたの家のドアまで配達してくれるのである。

kenny2030 English → Japanese
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Many Indonesians can now experience the comfort of buying groceries online as beating the traffic jam will not be a part of their shopping problem now. Major grocers such as Giant and Carrefour in Indonesia have yet to launch this full online shopping service for their customers. However, Carrefour lets customers buy online and pick up their groceries at selected stores. Online shopping is fast, discreet and easy. It is no wonder shoppers are filling up virtual carts instead of visiting brick-and-mortar shops. Perhaps it is about time to encourage all major grocers to launch online shopping for the ease and comfort of shoppers.



kenny2030 English → Japanese
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This has given rise to collective consumption as an emerging lifestyle (what Sara Horowitz called in The Atlantic a “quiet revolution”). With unemployment, personal debt and the cost of living on the rise, not to mention increased economic migration, it is becoming more appealing than ever.

These collaborative-consumption businesses will be the next billion-dollar companies, The Economist predicted in 2011, mostly because of the growth of a sharing economy in the U.S. and Europe. In this climate, the recent $2.5 billion valuation of Airbnb was no great surprise, but it did start a discussion about its sustainability and the driving forces behind its success.


これにより、共同消費が新たなライフスタイルに取り入れられるようになった(Sara Horowitz氏はThe Atlanticにおいて、これを「静かな革命」と呼んだ)。失業、個人負債、生活費の上昇、そして言うまでもなく経済移民。こうした問題は今、これまで以上に目立つようになっている。

The Economistの2011年の予測によると、これらコラボレーション型消費ビジネスは次世代の大企業を生み出すという。その理由の大部分は米国と欧州におけるシェアリング・エコノミーの成長によるものだ。このようなトレンドの中、Airbnbが最近、25億ドルの評価を得たことは大きな驚きではない。しかし、この成功が同社の持続可能性、そして成功の背後にある原動力について議論を呼び起こしたことは確かだ。

kenny2030 English → Japanese
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Another driving factor is what Horowitz calls "360° people." They are consumers who are aware of the ecological, societal and financial impact of their consumer actions and may prefer collaborative consumption even in the absence of cost-related concerns.

“There are people who change their lifestyles to do Airbnb,” says Kayhan Molaci, an entrepreneur and frequent traveler who attempted to start a peer-to-peer accommodation site called “For example, one of my friends in Barcelona rented a bigger apartment to have a spare room to do Airbnb. He wants to meet new people, make more money and also live in a better conditions.”


そして、原動力のもう一つの要因は「360度の人々(360° people)」とHorowitz氏が呼ぶ存在である。彼らは、自分たちの消費者としての行動がエコロジー、社会、そして金融に対して与える影響を認識する人々である。そして、コストに関する懸念がない場合でもコラボレーション型消費を好む可能性がある。

「Airbnbのためにライフスタイルを変えた人たちがいます」、と起業家のKayhan Molaci氏は述べる。頻繁に旅行する同氏は、7dayhouse.comというピアツーピアの宿泊施設レンタルサイトを立ち上げた。「例えば、バルセロナにいる私の友人は部屋をシェアするため、予備の部屋がある大きなアパートを貸し出しました。新しい人々に出会い、もっとたくさんお金を稼ぎ、それからより良い生活を送ることを望んでいるのです。」

kenny2030 English → Japanese
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The Dynamics of the Sharing Economy in Emerging Markets

What sets the Middle East and Turkey apart from the U.S. and Europe is that people rarely share their apartments in order to meet new people or for ecological reasons. The main driver is purely cost saving (or profit-making), rather than a “quiet revolution.”

While there are approximations of peer-to-peer accommodation platforms in the emerging world – companies like,, and in Turkey, and and in the Arab World, they largely focus on traditional apartment rental or car hire.





kenny2030 English → Japanese
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Istanbul-based entrepreneur and second-generation tourism businessman Hakan Guzelgoz says, “The sharing culture in the U.S. and Europe as opposed to MENA and Turkey are quite different, but still there is a huge potential for peer-to-peer accommodation in our region. However, only apartments specifically reserved for this purpose can be an option for growth. People won’t want to share apartments they live in just for green living purposes.”

Molaci agrees. “In Turkey or the MENA region, people want to rent out their apartments only if they don’t live in [them], for cost-saving purposes. Nothing else.”


イスタンブールを拠点として、第2世代ツーリズムを手がける起業家Hakan Guzelgoz氏はこのように話した。「米国や欧州におけるシェアの文化はMENAやトルコの文化とはまったく異なる物です。しかし、ピアツーピア宿泊施設レンタル事業には私たちの地域においても大きな可能性があります。ですが、成長を目指すにはピアツーピアレンタル専用のアパートを用意することが必要です。人々は自分たちの生活する場所をシェアしたいとは思わないでしょう。」


kenny2030 English → Japanese
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The Role of Economic Development

A difference in ecological understanding may indicate why sharing-economy businesses need to be positioned differently in emerging markets. “Green living, which [mirrors] the rise of collaborative consumption, barely exists in our region," says Ergem Senyuva Tohumcu, a London-based eco-entrepreneur and ambassador to Turkey for Al Gore’s Climate Reality Project. "I attribute this to our culture, which focuses too much on the self as opposed to being part of an ecosystem or a community. People are empowered by how much they own instead of how much they share.”



シェアリング・エコノミーに関するビジネスのポジショニングが新興市場では異ならざるを得ないのは、エコロジーについての理解が異なることが理由なのかもしれない。「コラボレーション型消費の台頭を反映する、環境に優しい生活というものは私たちの地域内にはわずかしか存在しません」、とロンドンを拠点とするエコ起業家で、アル・ゴア氏が率いるClimate Reality Projectのトルコ大使を務めるErgem Senyuva Tohumcu氏はこのように述べる。「これは私たちの文化によるものだと考えます。私たちの文化では自分をエコシステムあるいはコミュニティの一部であるとは考えず、自分を中心として考える傾向が強いのです。人々はどれほどたくさんシェアしたかではなく、どれほど彼ら自身が所有するかによって、社会的な力を持つようになります。」

kenny2030 English → Japanese
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A lack of ecological policy at the governmental level also allows society to be careless about the environment, yet a lack of proactive approach may be rooted in a deep sense of collective destiny, says Tohumcu. “A ‘destiny’ approach offers an explanation without any responsibility, and, to some extent, explains the insufficient ecological understanding in our region.”

In the near term, it remains to be seen whether this is an obstacle to Airbnb or Zip Car-style clones or whether attitudes will gradually shift. Either way, to reach US $2 billion- 3 billion valuations, we need to start companies based on our own realities in emerging markets.



近いうちに、これがAirbnbやZip Carとよく似た事業にとっての障害となるのか、それともこのような態度は次第に変化するのかがはっきりするだろう。いずれにしても、20億から30億ドルの評価を得る大企業を生み出すため、我々は新興市場において現実に根ざした企業を立ち上げる必要がある。