aaaa (kenny2030) Translations

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About 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

It enables car owners to make money by renting out their car when it’s not in use, and also allows commuters to zip around town in a vehicle without the hefty ownership costs. iCarsclub simply provides the platform and infrastructure to bring these people together to transact in a convenient fashion.

So, iCarsClub does not actually own a fleet of vehicles. It does not have to pay for maintenance either, since that is the responsibility of car owners. The only hardware it has to keep in tiptop shape are the keyless entry systems that customers can unlock with a mobile phone prior to getting into the car.




kenny2030 English → Japanese
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In theory, iCarsclub can lower usage costs since it saves on operating expenses. Indeed, Jamie Wang, founder and CEO of the company, claims that on some makes, its fees are 30%-50% lower than its competitors.

However, it isn’t easy to make a straightforward comparison, because the fee structures are radically different. Weighing a three-hour rental of a manual Suzuki Swift on a Monday morning of both services, I find the costs to be roughly similar. iCarsclub’s fees came up to SGD39, inclusive of prepaid fuel charges, while CarClub’s fees are either SGD26.60 or SGD35.90, depending on which membership plan you have.


理論上では、これにより営業経費が節約されることから、iCarsclubはその利用料金を下げることができる。事実、同社の創業者兼最高経営責任者であるJamie Wang氏によると、料金を競合他社と比較すると、サービスのタイプによって3割から5割安くなるという。

しかし、料金体系が根本的に異なっているため、わかりやすい比較をするのは難しい。月曜日の朝、マニュアルのSuzuki Swiftを3時間レンタルする際にかかる料金を両サービスで比べてみると、だいたい同じだった。iCarsclubの料金は前払いの燃料費込みで39シンガポールドル、CarClubの場合はメンバーシッププランによって料金が異なるが、26.60もしくは35.90シンガポールドルだ。

kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

What may give iCarsclub a long-term advantage, however, is its business model, which is far more scalable and potentially more profitable than CarClub’s. While the incumbent is limited by the number of cars it owns in its fleet, iCarsclub can expand more easily simply by getting more car owners on board. They certainly wouldn’t mind earning extra cash for their vehicle’s idle time.

The startup’s challenge would be to earn the trust of customers and mitigate concerns that other users might damage their vehicles. iCarsclub offers motor insurance in case of an accident, but what happens when a renter steals an item or damages, say, the rear view mirror or scratches the car paint accidentally?




kenny2030 English → Japanese
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Regardless, there’s a decent chance iCarclub can gain early traction in Singapore next year, provided that they execute well. It is introducing a potentially better product into an existing market, so I expect hundreds of users to sign up in months. It might even expand the market due to its ability to entice car owners to come on board and its potentially lower rental costs.

iCarsclub is founded by Jamie Wang, and Eddy Zhang, who were both colleagues at Mozat, a Singapore-based provide of mobile social networking services. Jamie was a systems developer in the company while Eddy was a software research engineer and head of middle-east business. Both left Mozat last year to work on their startup.



iCarsclubは、シンガポールを拠点とするモバイル向けSNSのMozatにおいて同僚であったJamie WangとEddy Zhangの両氏によって創業される。Mozatにおいて、Wang氏はシステム開発者、Zhang氏はソフトウェア研究エンジニアおよび中東事業担当責任者を務めた。両氏はともに昨年、自分たちのスタートアップに取り組むため、Mozatを去った。

kenny2030 English → Japanese
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While both are quite new to the startup game — Jamie started a business while in NUS selling pillows that addresses his schoolmates’ back pains, while Eddy graduated recently from Founder Institute, having developed his peer-to-peer car rental idea there — the co-founders possess technical expertise that is crucial to the startup’s early phase.

It’ll be interesting to watch if iCarsclub can reach expand successfully beyond Singapore and reach the Growth Stage. The carsharing market in Asia is undeveloped — there are only an estimated 15k members in Asia’s carsharing clubs, less than 20% of Europe and America respectively.


両氏ともスタートアップの取り組みについては不慣れだった。Wang氏はシンガポール大学の在学中、同級生の背中の痛みをやわらげるために枕を販売するビジネスを始めた。一方、Zhang氏は最近、Founder Instituteを卒業した。そこでピアツーピアレンタカーのアイデアを練り上げた同氏は、スタートアップの初期段階に極めて重要な技術的専門知識を持っている。


kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

It’s more fun in the Philippines with Airbnb

Airbnb is focusing its efforts in Southeast Asia, with expansion into the Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia.

It’s more fun in the Philippines, as the country’s latest tourism campaign goes. Whether you’re visiting remote tropical islands, checking out the party scene at clubs, or going to historical places, it’s a great place to visit, especially with warm locals and reasonable prices. But sometimes the prices of accommodation might not be that friendly, especially if you’re going for high-end hotels and resorts.





kenny2030 English → Japanese
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In fact, Airbnb says the country saw a 345% increase in year-on-year growth as of end 2012. A few statistics:

・Guests have come from 67 different countries around the world to travel in the Philippines on Airbnb.

・The number of guest nights booked on Airbnb in the Philippines has increased 345% in 2012 alone.

・The number of Airbnb guest nights booked by people from the Philippines traveling elsewhere has increased 263% in 2012, with the most popular destinations being Hong Kong, New York, Paris, Singapore, Manila, Rome, Seoul, Barcelona, Florence, and London.

・Airbnb has over 975 listings in the Philippines, including 530 in Manila.







kenny2030 English → Japanese
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The Leap could change the way we use our mobile devices

San Francisco-based startup Leap Motion has partnered with Asus to embed its motion-sensing technology into notebooks and desktop computers. How soon until this becomes a reality in mobile devices?

I’ve always been fascinated with mobile user interfaces. After having used mobile phones for almost 17 years, I can say we’ve gone leaps and bounds in how we interact with our devices. While we used to have to memorize menu-key combinations and navigate through clunky file-folder representations, touch-based interfaces and apps are now the rage.



サンフランシスコを拠点とするスタートアップLeap Motionは同社のモーションセンサー技術をノートブック、デスクトップコンピュータ内に搭載するため、Asusと提携した。果たして、モバイル端末でもこの技術が利用されるようになるにはどれくらいかかるだろうか?


kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

In mid 2012, a San Francisco startup called Leap Motion introduced a small device called The Leap. The gadget is as big as a USB thumb drive, but could do so much more. The Leap uses several cameras and sensors to create a three-dimensional map of up to 0.22 cubic meters. The main differentiator between The Leap and other similar devices is its accuracy of up to a hundredths of a millimeter, or about half the diameter of human hair. Another differentiator that The Leap has is its ability to distinguish between different parts of the body. The device knows if you’re moving your pinkie or your thumb, for instance.

Think Minority Report, but without the three-fingered gloves, and without you looking like Tom Cruise


2012年半ば、サンフランシスコを拠点とするスタートアップLeap Motionが『Leap』という名前の小さなデバイスを公開した。これはUSBメモリと同じぐらいの大きさだが、非常にたくさんのことを実現することができる。『Leap』はカメラとセンサーを複数台使用して、最高0.22立方メートルの3次元地図を作製する。『Leap』が似たような他のデバイスと異なるのはその精密度である。『Leap』は1ミリの100分の1、あるいは人間の髪の直径の約半分という精度で操作できる。もう一つの差別化の要因は、体の異なった部分を識別する能力だ。『Leap』はあなたが動かしているのが小指か、それとも親指かを認識する。

まるでMinority Reportのような感じだ。しかし3本指のグローブは必要ないし、トム・クルーズのように見えなくても大丈夫だ。

kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

Embedded into devices

In August last year, Leap Motion offered developers the ability to play with the device so that they can develop applications based on gesture controls. Qualified developers were given a free device, which was then planned to retail for US$70 apiece once it was ready-to-market.

In recent news, Leap Motion has reportedly partnered with Taiwanese manufacturer Asus to embed its motion-sensing technologies into high-end notebook computers and top-of-line all-in-one personal computers. Leap Motion is also planning to launch an app store within the year, noting that such hardware will not be relevant without practical applications.



昨年8月、Leap Motionはデベロッパーがこのデバイスを利用してジェスチャーコントロールに基づくアプリケーションを開発できるように技術提供を始めた。認定されたデベロッパーは無料でデバイスを手に入れた。これは市販予定のもので、1台70ドルでの販売が計画されていた。

最近のニュースによると、Leap Motionは台湾のメーカーAsusと提携し、モーションセンサー技術をハイエンドのノートPC、そして最高クラスのオールインワンPCに埋め込むことを計画しているという。Leap Motionは、実用的なアプリケーションがなくてはデバイスの意味がないとして、年内にアプリストアのローンチをも計画している。

kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

Roomorama: We focus on B2C type of listings as opposed to Airbnb’s peer-to-peer offerings, and further, most of our properties are in the mid-range to higher end. Wherever there are opportunities and potential for growth, there will be competition, and we think this is healthy for the market and the industry.

travelmob: For us, we’ve always maintained a regional dedication to building Asia Pacific as a destination for global travellers from Day 1. We continue to be committed to the region and to building solutions and services that cater to both travellers visiting APAC destinations as well as for property owners based here. Our mission remains: to lead the social stay market in Asia Pacific.


