aaaa (kenny2030) Translations

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About 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

3. Vertical chat apps

Today, we have general social networks like Facebook and Twitter. If you want something more private with your family and friends, then go for Path. There are also general e-commerce sites like Amazon and Tmall and vertical commerce sites like Mbaobao and Lamiu. The point is, I believe the trend is the same for mobile messaging apps. In fact, it has already happened in a way. There are specialized chat apps for couples (Between, Lovebyte), ladies (Cubie), and for hook ups (Momo). There will probably be more specialized mobile chat apps in 2013. I also believe there will also be chat apps serving local markets in their own local languages too.




kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

Among China’s Airbnb Clones, It’s a Battle Between Ants and Little Piggies

Our first two bits of Chinese startup funding news of 2013 could not have gone to companies with weirder names. Beijing-based (meaning “little piggy” in Chinese) is actually a short-term rentals site in the mold of Airbnb. Today Xiaozhu revealed that it brought home the bacon recently with “nearly US$10 million” in series A funding.

Likewise, the similar (meaning “ants”) disclosed that it had been spun off as an independent entity from its parent company, Ganji, and also secured about $10 million in backing. Mayi’s round is led by VantagePoint, with participation from BlueRun Ventures and Sequoia Capital.




一方、似たようなサービスを手がける蚂蚁网、こちらの意味は「アリ」)は、同社が親会社Ganji(赶集)から独立し、約1000万ドルの支援を受けたことを明らかにした。MayiのラウンドはVantagePointがリードし、BlueRun VenturesとSequoia Capitalが参加した。

kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

The growth and progress of Xiaozhu is pretty impressive for a travel site that only launched in August of last year. The investors in its initial major round haven’t been revealed yet. Xiaozhu has properties in 13 Chinese cities thus far. But it’s not just focused on China’s middle-classes and fancy homes (like the one pictured above), and even has listings in places like student dorms for a few bucks per night.

As for Mayi (pictured right), it claims to have surpassed 300,000 rented room nights in its first year of operations. But if its commission is 10 percent, then it’s difficult to see how short-term rentals can actually be profitable for startups once they’ve splashed out on prohibitive marketing campaigns




kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

Chinese Social Network Douban Rolls Out Paid Music Streaming Subscriptions

We recently wrote about how 2013 was likely to be the year that China faced up to paid music subscriptions. And, lo and behold, yesterday, China’s top interests-based social network, rolled out premium services for paid music streaming.

A representative of Beijing-based Douban explained to TechinAsia today that the paid service brings 192Kbps ad-free music streaming to subscribers, but the social network will keep music free for those who’ll put up with the normal adverts. The premium offering costs just 10 RMB (US$1.60) to try out for a month, or 50 RMB ($8) to get it for six months a whole year.





kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text first launched in November 2009, and can be streamed from the website or within its apps for iPad (pictured), iPhone, Android, WP, and Symbian. In a Chinese-language blog post, Douban explains that a higher quality music stream with no ads is the perfect experience for music fans, but prohibitive bandwidth and licensing costs mean that a paid music sub is the best solution for now. It seems that Douban, which first came to life in 2005 and now has over 50 million registered users, is being very cautious with its pricing, putting a full year six months at not much more than it costs for one massive frappucino at a certain coffee chain beloved of Chinese consumers.


Douban.fmは2009年11月、初めて公開された。ウェブやiPad(画像)、iPhone、Android、Windows PhoneやSymbian用の各アプリから音楽を聴くことができる。Doubanは中国語のブログ投稿で、広告に邪魔されることなく、より高音質の音楽を聴けるというのが音楽ファンにとっては最高のサービスだが、帯域幅制限とライセンス費用を考えると有料の音楽配信サービスの提供こそ今のところはベストソリューションだ、と説明している。2005年に生まれ、今では登録ユーザー数が5000万以上に上るというDoubanは価格設定について非常に用心深く、1年6ヶ月の配信契約額は中国の人々が愛するコーヒーチェーンが提供するビッグサイズのフラペチーノの値段とさしてかわらない。

kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

Ford Makes a Play for Chinese Drivers with In-Car Weibo App

While we’re not attending the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, we are paying close attention to news coming out of the annual tech event. Among all the headlines, American car-maker Ford (NYSE:F) made a play to bring more mobile applications to its Sync voice-activated system, and surprisingly China’s most popular microblog, Sina Weibo, is one of nine new apps to be added.

According to the announcement, Ford’s collaboration with Sina (NASDAQ:SINA) makes the Weibo mobile app available in the vehicle via the AppLink API, allowing drivers to access news, weather, microblogging, and location-based services using voice control.



我々はラスベガスで開催された「コンシューマー・エレクトロニクス・ショー(CES)」に参加してはいないが、年一回開催されるこのイベントから届けられるニュースにしっかりと注意を払っている。たくさんの見出しが並ぶ中、目を引いたニュースはこれだ。米国の自動車メーカーFord(NYSE:F)は音声応答システムSyncの中にさらにたくさんのモバイルアプリを取り込もうと宣伝に励んでいるが、驚くべきことに中国で最も人気のマイクロブログSina Weibo(新浪微博)が9つ目の新たなアプリとしてそのラインナップに加わったのである。

発表によると、FordとSina(新浪、NASDAQ:SINA)の提携により、AppLink APIを通してWeiboモバイルアプリが車内で利用可能となる。ドライバーは音声制御を利用し、ニュース、天気情報、マイクロブログ、位置情報サービスにアクセスできる。

kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

Duke University Takes to Sina Weibo to Connect with Potential Students

We’ve written much in the past about how individuals and organizations outside of China are making use of Sina’s (NASDAQ:SINA) Weibo microblogging platform in order to reach Chinese speaking netizens. Whether it’s famous celebrities (see Tom Cruise, Emma Watson, Brad Pitt) or politicians (from Australia, England, Japan) or brands — Weibo appears to be the medium of choice.

College recruiting appears to be the latest use for Weibo, as Duke University’s Pratt School of Engineering recently held a group chat on its Sina Weibo page in order to answer questions from prospective students for its graduate program.


デューク大学、入学希望の学生とコンタクトを取るためにSina Weibo(新浪微博)を利用する


大学の新入生リクルート活動でもWeiboが利用されている。最近、Duke UniversityのPratt School of Engineeringは、大学院課程への入学を考える生徒たちからの質問に答えるため、Sina Weibo(新浪微博)のページ上でグループチャットを行った。

kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

In total, there were 150 participants, with 80 questions posted in the short span of an hour. Graduates and current students in the program were also available to answer questions. You can get an idea of the type of inquiries that were asked here.

Duke is also active on Renren as well, giving it a pretty progressive Chinese social media strategy.

While it’s no surprise that more and more schools are enlisting the help of social media tools in recruiting these days, it’s interesting to see U.S. schools go so far as to join Chinese platforms to recruit Chinese students. I wonder how active most Chinese universities are in comparison, assuming they are active at all?





kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

Collaborative consumption for motor vehicles is not new in the world or even Asia. This year, we’ve seen ridesharing apps enter the market, offering users the ability to split costs on a cab fare or find a carpooler to share a ride to work. Governments are particularly supportive of this concept due to its public benefits: Reducing air pollution and traffic congestion.

In Singapore, carsharing companies like CarClub and Whizzcar own a fleet of vehicles and offer membership plans that gives access to a variety of vehicular types. Customers can make a booking, head to anyone of the stations belonging to the companies, and begin driving.




kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

But as I stated earlier, cost of car ownership and traffic congestion, which afflict Beijing and Shanghai — cities that iCarsclub want to expand into eventually — could provide an impetus for commuters to adopt carsharing and governments to support such initiatives.

Mainstream market demand will be another factor to watch out for: As more Asians rise to Middle Class status, car ownership could be seen as a status symbol, as is the case in China right now. Whether or not Asians in developing markets can be convinced to share instead of possess, either for the sake of the environment or its pragmatic cost benefits, remains to be seen.


