aaaa (kenny2030) Translations

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About 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

After off-the-charts reception on Hacker News, wireframing tool POP intrigues US, Singapore investors

Hangovers are usually unpleasant affairs. But for Ben Lin, Leo Lin, and Shao-Kang Lee, the three Taiwanese co-founders of POP, their post-revelry hang-ups came with a dose of good news: People started downloading their app like crazy.

To call this a pleasant surprise is an understatement: It’s like they’ve struck the lottery. Startups can slog for months without hitting any traction, while POP found theirs in the midst of a launch party two months ago.


Hacker Newsで大評判となったワイヤーフレーム作成ツールPOP、米国やシンガポールの投資家の興味をそそる

二日酔いというのは通常、不快な問題である。しかし、POPの共同創業者である台湾のBen Lin、Leo Lin、Shao-Kang Leeの3氏にとって、お祭り騒ぎの後にやってくるこの悩みに薬となる良いニュースがやってきたのである。人々はすごい勢いで彼らのアプリをダウンロードし始めたのだ。


kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

Put simply, the app allows users to capture and upload pen-and-paper sketches of their mobile app designs and link them together to create interactive prototypes. It makes designers’ lives much easier, liberating them from the need to learn the UI of a standard wireframing software.

The app attacks another common problem: Miscommunication between designers and developers. By making sketches interactive, UX designers can better illustrate how the user interface should flow, instead of asking developers to imagine how the app works.




kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

I met Shao and Leo at a cafe in Orchard Road, Singapore, on a Saturday morning. Shao looked visibly tired while Leo seemed slightly aloof — which is perfectly understandable since the duo had just concluded a number of meetings with investors and startup accelerators in Singapore. My confab with them was the last item on their fundraising agenda before they fly out of the country. Their next destination was San Francisco.

‘Overworked’ is a word Shao used again and again in our conversation. He doesn’t just mean it in the sense that all startup founders work like dogs. He meant it in the how-do-we-deal-with-this-crazy-growth sense.


私は土曜日(12日)の朝、シンガポールはオーチャードロードのカフェでShao-Kang Lee、Leo Linの両氏に会った。Shao-Kang Lee氏は明らかに疲れているようで、Leo Lin氏は少しよそよそしく思われた。それも当然のことだろう、両氏はちょうど投資家やアクセラレーターとのいくつものミーティングを終えたところだったのだから。我々とのミーティングは両氏のシンガポールにおける資金調達活動の最後の予定で、それが終われば飛行機でシンガポールを離れる予定だった。そして、次はサンフランシスコへと向かうのである。


kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

A problem they faced with the deluge of downloads was that they couldn’t properly mull over and implement a revenue model. It’s something they’re working hard to fix right now. The app will still be available for free, although power users will eventually have to pay.

While having tons of downloads is pretty cool, the team is focused on other metrics. Shao told me that 40,000 projects have been created so far, with an average of 7 sheets per project. That’s encouraging: It means that people are actually using the app to create complete and interactive wireframes.




kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

With Japan in sight, Dropmyemail gets funding in multi-faceted partnership with GMO Cloud

Dropmyemail announced on 15th January a partnership with cloud and hosting solutions company GMO Cloud that will see the latter invest capital into the Singapore-based startup to help it scale up in Japan. GMO Cloud is part of a leading Internet conglomerate in the country.

The exact sum of the convertible note funding, a type of loan where debt can be exchanged for equity in the borrower, is not known. However, the company has said that it is in the six-figure range. For every business partnership investment GMO Cloud makes, it typically gets an equity of no more than 15 percent.


日本市場を視野に入れるDropmyemail、GMO Cloudとの多角的な提携により資金を獲得

Dropmyemailは1月15日、クラウド・ホスティングサービスを手がけるGMO Cloudとの提携を発表した。GMO Cloudがシンガポールを拠点とする同スタートアップに出資、日本市場における事業拡大を支援する。GMO Cloudは日本の大手インターネット企業のグループ子会社である。

貸付金を株式に転換することが可能となるコンバーチブルノートによるファンディングの正確な金額は非公開となっている。しかし、同社によるとその額は6桁(米ドル)とのことだ。GMO Cloudが行う業務資本提携においては、概して15%以上の株式が取得されることはない。